Azure Master Class v2 - Module 6 - Networking

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All things networking that relate to Azure!

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▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R S ⏰ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:33 - Virtual Network Basics
00:10:12 - VM NIC
00:21:04 - Types of Traffic
00:25:11 - IPv6
00:33:34 - External Access
00:50:56 - Azure Bastion
00:52:47 - Bring Your Own IP
00:55:29 - Connecting Virtual Networks
01:06:57 - On-Premises Connectivity
01:34:13 - Controlling Traffic Flows
01:45:07 - Azure Virtual WAN
01:48:55 - Service Endpoints
01:55:11 - Private Link
02:02:58 - Azure DNS
02:15:12 - Close

▬▬▬▬▬▬ K E Y L I N K S 🔗 ▬▬▬▬▬▬
► Playlist for the Master Class:
► GitHub Repo for handouts and other artifacts including the whiteboard:
► Azure network limits:
► VPN gateways:
► ExpressRoute peering locations:
► Azure Virtual WAN:

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Hey everyone, all things NETWORK in this part of the Master Class! Please make sure to read the description for the chapters and key information about this video and others.

⚠ P L E A S E N O T E ⚠

🤔 Due to the channel growth and number of people wanting help I no longer can answer or even read questions and they will just stay in the moderation queue never to be seen so please post questions to other sites like Reddit, Microsoft Community Hub etc.
🔎 If you are looking for content on a particular topic search the channel. If I have something it will be there!
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Thanks for watching!


As a Network Engineer who has spent 20+ years working on conventional networking, this (and your previous) class on Azure networking is in my opinion a compulsory watch for any Network Enginer who wants to start to understand networking with Azure.


The craziest Part is, how come 61k people watched it and 1K likes. its soo frustrating to see such low engagagement for such an awesome content. your content is way better than Paid courses. thanks for posting it on youtube so anyone can watch for free, you're making alot of difference🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


This is exactly how my brain can learn, explaning why you need what, why you want to choose this instead of that and wrap it up with diagram examples!! this conentent should be on a paid service like Linkeding Learning or something like that, however is here and Im so thank full for that, thanks Sir!


Can't believe how good this is, especially for free content, love your style, thanks so much!


I have only watched this for 26 mins and I already wanted to leave a comment to express my appreciation to you. Thank You so much John. This helps me a


Why the hell is this free?? John I stepped upon your channel by accident learning intune stuff and I'm hooked.
Your videos are a charm for a guy like me in the Security Operations area of expertise dealing with many skilled 10+ years linux admins and cloud engineers 😁

Keep going at it!!


John, thanks for helping all of us elevate our game!


Its a raining Bank Holiday in the UK so decided to watch this; thankfully it did rain as this was brilliant.


Hey this is another one of the best master classes again, highly recommend for those who want to understand networking with Azure. MUST WATCH.


Wow I caught it in time! Just started to watch the old one


Great stuff, man! Probably the best organized and thorough 0 to 100 tutorial I've seen online. Cheers!


As a network guy who’s done a bit with azure I loved this video and will be recommending it to my fellow network nerds. But that last few minutes on the private dns resolver answered so many questions I had about private endpoints and dns forwarding! Epic.


Your content is invaluable, John. Planning on writing my AZ-104 in the next two weeks. This helps so much.


I really appreciate these videos! You make it really easy to understand the concepts and lay it out very well! thank you so much! Just passed the az-700 and I'm not sure I would have without these videos. Thanks again! cheers


Thank John! As always very comprehensive, concise and easy to understand way of delivering quite a complex topic. Networking rocks ;)


Truly master class content!
I put ear buds and listen to this for a quick reference.
2 plus hours non stop effort.
Azure Iron Man John Savill


Wow. Great video, I learned a lot from the master class v2. Thank you so much for your time and detailed insights on the networking.


Phenomenal content with great explanation! All of your videos are very easy to understand for person with less experience in Azure and keen to get more knowledge.
A Big thank you for your efforts in creating the videos, it certainly helps people like me who wants to grow career in IT. 🤙


Good Easter holiday watching, thankyou - onto module 7 🙂
