DIY ESPHome Multisensor - Temp, Humidity, RGB LED, Motion and LUX

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I built another multisensor for the bedroom and I decided to change up a few components. Dive in and take a step by step approach to build it with Otto Winter's ESPHome software this time around as it's been a year since I built the initial Bruh Automation version. ESPHome is easy to use and configure; No Arduino IDE, no coding, just a config file and the sensors wired up!

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Sample ESPHome YAML (replace the IP address and WiFi information)

name: sensor_node1
platform: ESP8266
board: nodemcuv2

ssid: 'yourWIFIhere'
password: 'yourPASShere'
static_ip: change this IP and remove this message

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


- platform: dht
pin: D7
model: dht22
name: "SenseNode Temp"
name: "SenseNode Humidity"
update_interval: 30s
- platform: tsl2561
name: "SenseNode LUX"
address: 0x39
update_interval: 5s

- platform: gpio
pin: D6
name: "SenseNode Motion"
device_class: motion

- platform: neopixelbus
type: RGB
variant: WS2811
pin: D3
num_leds: 1
name: "SenseNode LED"
- platform: binary
name: "SenseNode D4Led"
output: D4led
id: ESPD4led

sda: D2
scl: D1
scan: False

- platform: gpio
pin: D4
id: D4led
inverted: True

⚡3D Cases Used⚡

Huge shout out to Bruh Automation for starting me on this ESP8266 journey on the first version of this multisensor a year ago. Please note, the product links above could be affiliate links, using them could earn digiblurDIY a small commission of purchases potentially helping with future video projects. Thank you! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please note, the product links above could be affiliate links, using them could earn digiblurDIY a small commission of most purchases and helps with future video projects. Thank you! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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Really in depth and more importantly you are explaining WHY you are doing things.
So many people forget about us Electronics Newbies. It's all well and good being told "put this here, then click here", but we don't learn anything that way. I'm going to be following this tutorial for sure!
Not checked if you have yet, but if you could put a parts list in the description, this video would be perfect (even if they are affiliate links!).


In 2023 this may be thought of as an "Oldie, but a Goody, " but it's an outstanding tutorial on ESPHome multi-sensor integration. Many thanks for your effort.


Spent last 10+ days trying to get head around HA and Tasmota...after many many attempts and hours of videos I finally have a handful of switches and plugs 'flashed' over. Great hard bit done I thought and just drop them into HA and have done with it. Nope. Couldn't get it. MQTT problems, syntax errors, authorisation issues, rebuilds etc. etc was at my whits end and the W.A.F at an all time low...

Then I stumbled! I've picked up more just watching 10mins of your videos (not even meant to be configuration 'tutorials'!) than any of the half dozen I've struggled through these last few days.

Thank you sir from a decidedly damp UK - subscribed :-)


I just successfully programmed my first NodeMCU with ESPHome. Cannot that you enough for the lesson, really appreciate it. Now, time to buy a 3d printer.


You sir, are one of Youtube's best teachers. I love your calm voice and accent too (the opposite of my Aussie accent!).
Thanks for helping me understand all this.


Thank you Travis for another, well explained DIY video. I was going to go into more explaining of why I like your clips but I see that I am not alone as Peter Ebenezer has posted everything I was about to write. I have been into all types of electronics, and many other things as a hobby and as work. I have been watching the top 5 video makers on Home Assistant, OpenHab, ESP****. Out of the top 5, you are the only one that will go back in time to repeat and explain all the basics and the "why's". I do understand that all of this information has already been explained by all of the other video's at some point in time. My problem is that I do not want to go through a 2 hour Live video, or scn through 2 years of earlier videos to find out the very basics of how to get a sensor going. By explaining and repeating each step there are some people that will complain about that fact that the topic has already been explained 2 years ago. I do not mind hearing topics that are "old news" to me, to help the new people getting into this hobby. It takes only a few extra minutes in the entire video, and it will attract a much larger following after time. If you are not up to speed with the other groups you need to spend hours going back in time before being able to complete the project. Bottom Line, , , PLEASE continue with explaining in DETAIL each step and the "WHY's" as you have been doing. I watch just about every flick of yours and will continue. Thanks again.


I never would have been able to do this by myself. The explanation as to the why, and not just “do this, do that” really helped.

I was able to set up my outdoor thermometer with temp and humidity, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, and until I saw your video, I didn’t think it could be done. This is now the second time I follow your instructions on a project, since I really started getting into the tinkering in July.

By the way, in case this happens to someone else, when I was about to flash for the first time, the USB wasn’t being recognized. In the ESPHome instructions, it shows they you may have to restart the add on, for it to recognize the USB connection. After the second restart, it saw my usb connection and the flash was flawless. I also didn’t have to add the IP address when configuring the add on.

Thanks for another great video!


Greatest video I have seen for exposing in and outs of HA. Good form. Great teaching skills. More awesome the product you have built. I’m amazed. I can’t wait to try one myself.


What an excellent tutorial. You make the process really clear and have gone just to the right level of complexity for me to understand each step. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!


Finally got the last components, the Adafruit led's took a LOOOONG time to arrive. I've gotten three built, darned it's tight space in the box, I've had to cut the wires, and solder them instead of the cableconnectors, and also cut the pins from the DHT22 to get it at least a bit flush, but now they look really nice, and works perfectly. I do have an issue with the lux sensor, it's a bit recessed, so I'll have to experiment with the placement of the sensor. Thankyou very much for this excellent kit!


Well and clear video, well done! I've been using ESPhome on my DIY dimmer boards using the ESP32 and it's really great to work with once you get the hang of it. It also provides the best integration with Home Assistant you could wish for.


Thank you for this. I spent ages fighting MQTT to integrate some simple DHT22 sensors on a ESP8266 board into Home Assistant. After watching this, I managed it in 5 minutes ;) Now to go an splurge on some more sensors and monitor all the things...


Very good tutorial! I managed to get it working by following it. One problem with the design, though. The LED might influence the light sensing sensor.

Thank you!!


Thanks for this, I tried to build almost this exact sensor yesterday, but had trouble with the DHT22 reading 1 or NaN for both temperature and humidity. Using the model keyword sorted my problem.


A quick note for anyone using this tutorial. You may need to restart the esphomeyaml after connecting a board to upload to if doing so over USB.


Thats really cool, and much easier then dealing with Arduino


Thanks a lot! This is exactly what I needed. I was going to rewrite BRUHs whole C code to get things working properly. Thanks to you I could just flash ESPHome and configure the sensors. This keeps things simple and I don't have to mess around with C code.


Nice intro to ESP Home. I never really used it before and your video had me up and going in no time.


THANKS Travis!
Excellent work.

I had to set SSL to 'true' and open port 6052 on my WiFi 'router', but this got me to the Compile and Upload stage so far....


Thank you very much for this video. I have been researching and procrastinating and you have now shown me that I too can do this. So grateful
