25 Rarest American Old Cars of All Time! You've Never Seen!

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Prepare to be amazed as we dive into the world of automotive history with our latest video, featuring the 25 rarest American old cars you’ve probably never laid eyes on!

From vintage classics that turn heads at every car show to obscure models that collectors dream of, this list is a true treasure trove for car enthusiasts.

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The 62 Grand Prix looks like a piece of art. Beautiful


I owned a 64 Red Corvette Coupe, with the knock off wheels, almost the same as the first picture shown. My heart skipped a beat. I sold it in 1970, and bought an Olds Toronado. The Toronado, was a fantastic car that I believe belongs on this list.


love the Chrysler 300F. My Dad had a 4 door Chrysler Saratoga 1960 with the flight sweep deck. That car took off with such majesty speeding off so fast. We kids just loved it, for us it was a push button v8 jet plane.


"Never laid eyes on." What a crock! We used to drive those cars.


My favorite will always be the '63 Imperial LeBaron that I used to have.


Half of these cars were mass produced by the thousands


These are the cream of the crop. The 62 Grand Prix has got to be my favorite.


Seen many of these (in this upload) in Australia, at US car shows. Love 'em.


In 1963 my dad came home with our FIRST new car, a 1963 Chrysler New Yorker station wagon. It had the 413 CID engine, 3-speed pushbutton Torqueflite automatic transmission, the Desoto torsion bar suspension and the ability to seat 9 passengers. We took that car on 2 vacations and racked up some real mileage on it. I found out long after we ran that car onto the ground that Chrysler only produced only 500 of the 1963, (with the round instead of pentagonal rear tailights), station wagon with the 413 Chrysler midblock wedge engine. DAMN! That wagon would be worth alot now but we made some serious mistakes with this car. My dad and I worked on it and indeed it DID need alot of maintenance! First mistake was learning that you adjust the torsion bar height BEFORE taking the wagon in for alignment! Frequently, adjusting the torsion bar height brought the wagon back into alignment. It ate up idler arms for linch wuth 7 during our wagon's lifetime! The second was letting go of the 413 after it seized the center main bearing after a change if oil. That engine had very small oil ports in the main bearings. We got talked out of that engine and installed the 383 CID V8 instead...it was just not the same car after that engine swap! Yeah, the steering was sloppy, (at least 1/2-inch of play), but boy could that wagon skidaddle with that 413 up front! This was our first car we converted to electronic ignition, (Mallory opto CD), because a 50-cent capacitor would blow and the car would stop in her tracks! Also. it loved to drop rear U-joints and it always picked the time when traffic would be blocked. Still, we loved that car so much in our family that we ran it until it hit the junkyard some 25-years later. We should of restored it, kept the original 413CID engine, it would be worth some serious money now!


I have a 1960 Desoto 2 door hard. Top, that was my father's just wondering, if you knew much about them.? Thank you


The 1959 DeSoto Adventurer is gorgeous.


There are many errors and missing important vehicles in this video. But it's still interesting.


Cobbled up mess with many completely ordinary and common cars. Plus many incorrect photos.


My Dad had a Chrysler 300E back in the late 60's one of my favourite cars that he ever ownedd


My dad ran restaurant supply companies, and always had a company car, many of these looked very familiar


You don't know much about these cars but you want to tell us all about them?


I think what this world needs is more COUPEEES with Vy8s!


I owned several of these. I had a 1950 Packard a 1953 Packard 1952 Ford 55 Chevy 1959 Chrysler 300E 64 Corvette Roadster and still have a 1989 Corvette that has won a lot of awards at car shows. The 300E was called the bankers hotrod. That car could pas everything but a gas station.


Is the 1991 buick reatta convertable, 305 built, considered rare?


The Rambler / AMC Marlin was unique and rare.
