Easy Millions of Ergo 180k per Hour - Best Ergo Farm Guide for Lies of P

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Maximum Level in no Time or just some Ergo To Buy MORE THROWABLES? Lets go - Best Ergo Farm Late and Early for Lies of P! Let me present 3 different methods to you!

00:00 3 Different Methods
00:16 Weapons & Amulets
1:50 Legion Arm & Bonus Ergo
2:47 Nr 1: Ergo Farm Spot
5:30 Nr 2: Ergo Farm Spot
8:57 Nr 3: Ergo Farm Spot
12:44 S-Tier Builds

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One good thing about the lvling system is the fact that once you get to lvl 90+, each time you buy a point it only costs 1 ergo more than the previous point, not thousands more.


For anyone on their first playthrough with the hunter's amulet and the 2 ergo increases, if you bait the female carcass in the red lobster, you get 1, 015 total ergo a run. It's 2, 000 something a run from the Krat city hall stargazer to the headless hulk guy but not as quick a run as red lobster


For me personally, best mid game ergo grind is Barren Swamp Entrance. That puppet with a shovel gives 1000 ergo each kill aswell as dropping ergo fragments that give 500-2000 ergo. Highly recommend trying it👍


i found my favorite farm. at the barren swamp stargazer, you just turn around and fight the shock puppet. you get 1066 in about 30 seconds and if you die, you just grab your ergo as he moves away. with the explosive shots, you hit him with two then he staggers a bit, then do a charged heavy for the groggy stagger, another charged heavy into the finisher, then another explosive shot into a normal strike. so far the easiest farm for me


a good very early game grind is actually the room where you get the salamander dagger in chapter 3. puppet string the first enemy through the door and it dies in 2 hits and then the 2nd dies in 3. they're each worth 119 ergo with the p-organ upgrade and they drop 5 kinds of throwables, ergo crystals, and star fragments. a run takes about 10 seconds and gets you about 1428 a minute


The puppet string in the late game farm makes things take longer. A running heavy attack in the back will stagger them instantly.


Another one which I dunno if people are aware of is a one that nets around 2-2.5k ergo per run and the run is super super short. Once you’ve got the Krat central station plaza (revisited) stargazer the square outside has 4 currupted puppets a dog and a monster. Monster gets about 1.5k and the others combined about 1k. Using the same methods here I estimate that’s a 30 second run or 200, 000 - 250000 ergo per hour based on my experience which was definetly not optimised


There is another area that is much easier and can be accessed much earlier and does not require as much of a set up. At the Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert there are 4 women putters and 3 exploding puppets. They each drop around 100 ergo which equates to 700 ergo, then at the bottom of the ladder near the short bridge right in the same area there is a headless puppet, you can easily kill it from atop of the ladder, the headless puppet drops around 700 ergo and also has good drops like vivid ergo or similar drops. It takes around 30 seconds to do and can be accessed early. You get 1500-2000 ergo every 30 seconds.. more if you have items that buff your ergo.


One end game method I personally found amazing that no one seems to know about, with very little running and on NG nets you 1400 in about 30 seconds + additional from high level ergo item drops is one of the last Stargazers.. There is one of those dagger wielding, screaming female mobs a few steps behind the gazer.. once you get the timings down on how the mob attacks, I was able to farm upwards of 130k+ an hour with an additional 40k+ from the ergo drops she was giving me and each run only takes about 20-30 seconds if you know what you’re doing and the stargazer is like 25 steps away so it takes a couple seconds to run back.. And on NG+ she gives a metric buttload more but you don’t really need it by then! Give it a shot! Extremely effortless, fast farming!


If you Farm the tentacled Carcass/Puppet that jumps down at you at the Arche Abbey Broken Rift you get 1, 569 ergo every 40+ seconds (with Ergo Kill 1/2 & Hunters amulet) which works out to ~ 2100/minute.


So 2 BETTER places to farm, are the Barren Swamp Entrance, if you have the 1st ergo buff + amulet, kill the shovel puppet immediately to your right, he'll give you 1066 ergo with high chances of dropping ergo caches. Another is the stage with the Puppet King. If you kill the 3 spider puppet ladies, they give you about 600+ per spider lady and the little girl puppets give you about 98+. I haven't tested this one out with the ergo buffs yet tho.


my fav is Barren Swamp Entrance, use your best combo to fast kill the fire shovel mob, run back to stargazer, and repeat, its a 5secs distance, 1k per kill if passive is max out, 3k+ for NG+ per run. around 20secs per run. for NG+ just wear the immune attribute ailments (this is the best amulet and the best decision I made for the 1st playthrough, op till the roof).


Thanks for these. I've been using the Barren Swamp Entrance. The fire puppet drops all kinds of goodies and a little over 1, 000 ergo (with ergo amulet), and its right next to the respawn. He also drops upgrade mats and fire throwables.


Found another spot in the last level that gives out good ergo as well, although it is easy it can be risky as well. Basically it's in the last area where the carcass puppets are. You want to go to the top level and gain the attention of the two builder puppets (The big guys) and have them fight the jester puppet with the two clubs. The person I saw do this used the pandemonium arm to help do more dmg to them as the top area is pretty enclosed.


Is that advance build? Or motivity build? How the stats allocation for this build?


Honestly it's simple, but I like just going to town on the big guy at the start of the "dungeon maze" in the last area. Takes a bit of punishment but he's right next to the stargazer and is a good sorta DPS check to me. Other methods might be objectively better, but I like the one and done nature of it.


For a shorter endgame grind, part 11's arch abbey entrance can be completed in 45 seconds for 2100 xp with the bearmoose enemy and two other guys. Let the moose ram the abundant cover to do it quick. (Abt 46xp/second compared to 34xp/sec)


I have been using the Estella Opera House entrance. I was going to use the arcade method but I haven’t levelled the puppet string so it’s much slower.

From the entrance just run in and kill the doll on the steps. Head up to the left and kill the 2 dolls which spawn then continue up to the top level and kill the spider lady. Then jump down and head over to the opposite side and do the same, kill the 2 dolls then the big spider lady.

No pre-requisites needed. A run takes me about 1 minute and 20 seconds and nets my just over 2200 ergo. It’s easy and no real danger at all. (I will be using the arcade one once I get the final upgrade for the puppets string)


For me the fastest and easiest way to farm ergo is at the stargazer of lorenzini arcade and the middle part area where a monster falls from the ceiling plus the two monsters on the left room with a maxed out ergo farm build I get 4400+ ergo (doing this on ng+1) with a time of 40 seconds and then run back to the stargazer. the elite monster with noblesse oblige can be puppet string + strong charge attack + puppet string and strong attack for a 4 hit combo then the other two monsters in the room can be 1 hit puppet string. very fast way to clear and farm with no complications of monsters attacking back.


I may be a bit late to the party, but could you explain how to jump over the enemy with the puppet string? I only seems to land right in front of the emeny instead of behind. Thanks for the guide!
