Why Only Frigates and NO Destroyers in Royal Canadian Navy?

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Frigates vs Destroyers. Why Does the Canadian Navy Have No Destroyer Ships, Only Frigates? It was a time when Canada's mighty destroyers reigned supreme over its waters. But times changed, and now sleek, versatile frigates patrol where these giants once dominated. What drove this transformation in the Canadian Navy? And why does the Canadian Navy have no destroyer ships, only frigates?

Ah, the Iroquois-class destroyers. Just their name conjures images of steel giants slicing through icy waves, Canadian flags snapping proudly in the wind. They were the apex predators of the north, the guardians of a vast coastline, and symbols of national pride.

Imagine four of these majestic ships, named after fearsome Mohawk warriors – Iroquois, Huron, Algonquin, and Athabascan. Each weighed over 4,000 tons (3628 tonne), bristled with guns and missiles, and carried helicopters like loyal hawks perched on their shoulders. They patrolled the frigid Atlantic, the treacherous Arctic, and even ventured far south, showing the maple leaf wherever the seas may lead. #destroyers #frigates #canadiannavy
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I served on the Athabaskan. No complaints we were a family of sailors who were proud of the lady we served on. Not like the navy of today.


The distinction between calling a warship a Destroyer or a Frigate is whatever a government decides to call it.


Note that the new type 26 "frigates" are larger than the retired Iroquois destroyers.


The RCN Type 26 “frigates" will be over 8, 000 tons loaded. Larger than a lot of “destroyers”. Almost double the displacement of the Halifax class.


"Lumbering Giant" Destroyers? Are you talking about the U.S. DDG-1000 class? That's the only Giant Destroyer class in North American waters. "Giant 4, 000 ton Canadian Destroyers?" The new U.S. class of Frigates is going to be about 7, 000 tons. "Canadian Frigates move with the grace of a catamaran." Good grief! Who writes this stuff?


The Halifax class frigates are longer, have greater beam and have better weapons and sensors than the old 280 class destroyers and the type 26 frigate will be larger than a world war two cruiser and about the same size as an Arleigh Burke destroyer. Edit the type 26 now known as the River Class have been reclassified as DDHG's, short for Destroyer Destroyer Helicopter Guided.


The RCN no matter what ships it has in commission is ineffective as a whole for one single reason, not enough sailors to man the fleet. You can have the newest most advanced ships yet can only put so many to sea if you can't recruit enough people to join up. It's been Canada's achilles heel for decades and only getting worse thanks to policies of the current government. Recruiting is no longer aimed at the 18yr old who seeks adventure and to go into harms way, it's the opposite and dismal recruiting figures reflect that fact.


Visited Vancouver in 1985 while stationed on USS Cape Cod AD 43. The Canadian Navy hosted a party on their base. Great time.


Who writes this bull? a destroyer is better than a frigate any time and can do everything a frigate can but better, a frigate is the poor man's destroyer.


Never mind whether warships are called destroyers or frigates, as long as they have anti-air, anti-submarine, and surface warfare capabilities. Of larger concern is why the RCN does not have the capability to provide sea lift for a Canadian battalion of troops and its equipment. Canada has numerous islands, two large islands have a significant population. Both islands can block access to both oceans major sea ports, ports whose commerce affects Canada's economy.


In 688s, surface ships were viewed simply as "targets."


Mohawk is a tribe within the Iroquoian nation, and Huron is an Iroquoian-speaking tribe not part of the Six Nations Confederacy. Algonquin are a stand-alone nation to the north and east. The Athabascan people are a nation in the Canadian west. Iroquios, Huron, Algonquin, and Athabasca are not the names of "fearsome" Mohawk warriors.


There are more recent French frigates that sport two 76mm Oto Melara forward. Plus three 30mm auto cannon midships & rear. Recently in the Red Sea while coming to the aid of a stricken commercial freighter, its 30mm CIWS downed a Houtti attack drone. We should pay attention.


Canadian destroyers were poorly equipped to fight a war like say an Arleigh Burke class one is. Few ships are. The ships originally took a few minutes to fire the first rounds of Sea Sparrows, then 10 minutes to reload/relaunch. I can go on and on but the modern type 26 will weigh almost twice what the Iroquois weighed. Many frigates now are in the 8K to 10K ton class. A destroyer is designed to fight a war by attacking multiple land, sea, and air targets. The Arleigh Burke carries 96 VLS cells. The Type 26 will only carry 30 or 32 VLS cells?
The destroyer starts a war, a frigate fights in it. That is primarily Canada's philosophy. Be able to fight, but not to be the one starting a war. The Type 26 will also have to evolve thru time just as the Iroquois destroyers did.
A better question is when will Canada be able to defend the arctic with submarines? Hasnt done that ever!


The Canadian Surface Combatant will be a hammer, and a scalpel all in one.🇨🇦🤝🇬🇧


Cost and politics. Cost is self explanatory .
Naming something a destroyer sounds aggressive to Justin.And lord knows, we can't have any aggression in the CAF .


All 3 of the "OBERON" submarines are beached. Respect my middle finger Sir!


Some of the pictures didn't match the narrative but interest to reminisce. Sailed on Iroquois, Athabascan, Saguenay(DDH) and Toronto as an Aircraft Technician during the Sea King Era between 1978 and 2002.. Great life.


Problem Solved! Note that the new Type 26 "River Class" Frigates are being called "Destroyers" by the Turdeau Government.
