Did The Future Already Happen by Kurzgesagt | Physicist Reacts

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This Kurzgesagt video really got me going on an explaining row , hope it was informative.

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I have a Nuclear and Particle Physics exam coming up on Monday. Does this count as studying for it?


Never had I thought that the Galaxy Express 999 would be used to explain relatively.


I saw a video once about 2d life. It said if we shoved our heads into a 2d world we would appear as horrifying shape shifters since only one layer of our bodies would be visible at a time, kind of like the results from an MRI machine.


The duality of loving physics and science but not knowing shit about it


I recommend the Licanius Trilogy by James Islington.
It's a fantasy series where people have deterministic visions of the future and there is literal time-travel. It tackles the idea of determinism in a cool way.

It also has some religious themes.


Never heard it called block universe but that's the theory I heard the most about. The growing block theory frankly broke my old line thinking. It's such fascinating theory to think about and honestly a lot less depressing than the static block one lol.


Maybe the block is the friends we made along the way

i had to do it lol


So your telling me that as I’m experiencing my now someone else is experiencing their now in like 2001? That’s trippy


Surely, the fact that quantum effects aren't predictable with certainty doesn't mean they aren't predetermined. I can record a series of decays and you will be unable to quess the results, though they are already determined.


To me, the block universe is very misleading especially as it relates to relativity. For instance, the idea that there are multiple “nows” that exist for every observer relative to every other observer. It implies that if you were to have a magical instantaneous connection, you could talk with people on earth in the past or in the present depending on your relative velocity. But that really isn’t the case. It is the case that by the time you interact with the people on earth, they will be in the future or you’ll only have access to information about them from the past, but if you could interact instantaneously, both of your “nows” would be the same. This is because instantaneous interaction means that c no longer exists and there is no longer a maximum speed limit of causality so relativity would be invalid.

A simpler version of this is the idea that when we look at distant stars, we’re looking into the past. That is the case because it takes millions of years for light “and indeed anything” to travel to and interact with us. The example of world lines in the video makes it seem like if we had a magical instantaneous connection to the star right now where it is in space, that star would be as it appears to us now (in the past). But that’s not true. The star now could be burned out for all we know. It’ll just take a few million years for the light to get to us. So it’s not that our “nows” are different or that the star we are looking at is experiencing the past right now, it’s just that information takes time to travel across space because there is a fundamental limit on how fast it can travel. That’s why the instantaneous magical connection is just that, magical.

To me, this doesn’t erase the possibility of a block universe, but it does erase relativity’s dependence on it being true.


hey can you please pleaassee react to the life beyond series by melodysheep and all his other stuff its really good


Time is fourth dimensionz this can understand.
BUT! If it is dimension, a fourth axis, why do movement along this axis happen?

What follows is an unfiltered(almost) stream of consciousness, proceed with caution.

Now, here is my thought(we are aware that it hardly has anything to do with science), we separating time into three(2, 5) aspects:
1) Dimensional time,
2) Event or Causality time,
3) Entropic time, more like a part of event time than independent aspect.
Why divide it like that? Time as a dimension is straight forward and simple. Time as event chains on the other hand, we can perceive passage of time because something happening and we can see the changes, so if absolutely NOTHING happening, isn't it functionally same as if time stopped? If it is just another dimension, what moving us along it?
There is a hypothesis about 'discret space' that we know of, can time be the same if it just a dimension? Maybe that's why for time to pass something, anything must happen...


I can't keep up with you both. This is a chill zone for a diff type of people. I like your other content but this ain't it chief. I like Kurzegesagt btw.


Everything stretched 13:37 you could call it the yawn of time.


I am a determinist. I think Free Will is both philosophically and logically impossible. I also think Libertarian Compatiblism is also illogical.


The issue in the video is that they're using "magic instant internet" to define what the present is. It's not possible to transmit information beyond your light cone. Honestly, i think your light cone IS the present.

What kurzgesagt is doing is forcing "magic" into the example situation, that being violating the speed of causality. It's literally time travel. No wonder one of their conclusions is that the future and past exist at the same time; if you have a phone that can call both the past and the future, of course they would both be as real as the present.


Just use the Steins Gate anime as an example 🎉


So in the case ot the block universe, how would quantum randomness also be an indicator of free will?

The way I understand it (probably wrong), is that its not possible to really 100% predict quantum behavior and it can only be stated in probilities.

But if I were the 5th dimensional being, would I not see that a electron decayed at a specific point in the block universe (as in it would have occured at x, y, z, t on the block anyway? a fixed event that would always occur).

idk if I'm really clear...

A>B>C>D (events in block that occur at set coordinates in spacetime)

I'm at B, but I can't predict when C might happen (decay event) with certainty with my math. But C would have still occurred, just the same, regardless of whether I try to predict it.

In short, wouldn't the movie film of the universe remain the same (I guess predestined future), even if there is no means to accurately determine the pattern of quantum events.


I'm not stoned enough for this XD


WHAT? 1st year at 2019? are you saying you are same age as me? I dk why I thought you are older, because of maturity not looks. I m still so immature so yeah
