I watched 151 celebrity house tours and they’re full of lies

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Did I say lies, I meant limes (also lies). I watched every Architectural Digest Open Door celebrity house tour, all 151 of them.

0:00 Intro
1:20 Opening the door on Open Door
2:38 AD Stone Age
3:44 AD Iron (man) Age
5:17 Interior Trends
7:24 The Data
13:00 AD Achieves Consciousness
15:11 Celeb Flippers
17:56 Conclusion

All data from Architectural Digest Open Doors was collected between Aug 16, 2023 - Sept. 6, 2023.

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The "we bought three barns made by the amish and then shipped over those barns for the wood" is a new level of unhinged


The most bizarre AD Open Door video I've watched is the one where Naomi Campbell pretended to be giving a tour of her house in Kenya, when it was in fact a hotel she had no shares in and where she had only been staying in as a guest for a couple of weeks. Peak disingenuous AD feature haha.


I used to live with a model sharehousing who was a minor TV personality for new music. A young women's magazine was doing a photo shoot of various women like this with a "whats in my room" single page spread. The thing was, she was actually super frugal and a long term thinker with her money so her room was small just with some second hand stuff. The photo shoot location ended up being borrowed from another house mate who had the loft which looked cooler and the magazine brought things like surfboards even though she could barely swim. Apart from the BS of it all, there was something sad about the fact that she was a successful young women in control of her life who could be a great role model for others, but the magazine just reduced her to mere artifice.


The mashup of people saying "Hi, AD" is brilliant. Each one comes off as more psychotic than the last and all of them seem high on their own farts.


Remember the episode of MTV Cribs where they went to Redman's house and his blinds were broken, he had wall-to-wall carpet, a regular TV, piles of DVDs on the floor and his cousin passed out on the couch? How things have changed lol


The best part of not having TikTok is that I get to hear YouTuber talk about things I had no idea existed for 20+ minutes. Great video, btw!


My boyfriend works for an independent bookstore in nyc. One of their clients is an interior designer who buys books by the foot for staging, and has said that many celebrities he stages for don’t have any books in their houses at all…


Also Ashley Tisdale says in her AD tour that their library was all empty shelves and she sent her husband to the bookstore to buy lots and lots of books. so random.


“When housing only becomes an asset it removes it from the living” great quote ❤❤❤


The one lemon on a stack of plates killed me. I love the connections you made between all of them and their weird attempts to seem unique and down to earth. It's so interesting when they pretend they "collaborate" with the designers, "we" like they didn't just throw money at someone to design them a personality. The "special wood" was absolute comedy.


how many barns in wisconsin had to die for celebrity homes?


"I'll give them a pass for not featuring Antarctica yet"
You are more forgiving than me.


😂 My mom's Sims houses always took up the entire lot - the poor sims were always peeing their pants and passing out on their way to the kitchen. They all lost their jobs because they could never make it to the door in time before the carpool took off. They were literally dying for a bag of chips. I'm always reminded of this on AD house tours of obnoxiously large houses.


Too bad you didn't count the number of times they say that they're ''obsessed'' with something and that they love these ''amazing'' ''french doors'' lol


8:56 "I'm going to have some friends over later, and we're gonna sit here and just... all share this one lemon" the way I CACKLED😆😆


Great video! One thing you didn't cover is that AD videos tend to precede divorces. The celebs use the AD video as a literal open house to advertise their home ahead of a divorce. Would have been interesting to see what % of couples split up after their AD open house video.


Just a fun fact about marble countertops:
Marble is very porous and when it gets wet it will warp and discolor it will just soak up water oil and wine really quickly which not only stains but causes bacteria to get into the stone. It’s also a soft stone so it’s easily scratched and much less durable then granite.The reason people use it for countertops isn’t because it’s a good stone for counters but because it’s expensive. For it to be any way usable the marble needs to be treated with a sealer frequently so not only is installation and the stone expensive you also gotta have professionals treat the stone for it to last. Anyway don’t waste your time with a marble countertop just get a faux one if you really want that look


I’m showroom manager for a very high end antiques shop in NYC. whenever an interior designer has a shoot (especially for Architectural Digest) they will borrow or rent pieces from us for that shoot. There was one lower on the rung designer that borrowed so many pieces from us that when the magazine came out we were able to easily deduce that he lives in an empty apartment on 5th Av.


This is the investigative journalism my life has been missing. Thank you.


Knowing that Ashley tisdale is a house flipper adds an extra layer of info on her house tour where she said that she heard ad was coming and told her husband to go buy literally 400 books to fill their bookshelves because she didn’t want them to be empty for the video
