Using Product Variations with Simple Shopping Cart

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You can use product variations to sell different variations of your products.

The WordPress Simple Shopping Cart is an easy to use WordPress plugin that allows you to sell products or services from your WordPress powered site.

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Hi Korin, I apologize the previous comment is deleted. Thanks for the reply. I asked if a variable could be inserted in place of "name" and "price". Actually I managed to solve it, I write it here in case it could be useful to someone. I used the_field wordpress function. Below I write the example of my code:

do_shortcode('[wp_cart_button name="' . get_field("nome") . '" price="' . get_field("prezzo") . '"]');
Obviously "name" and "price" are custom fields.


I cant read that code to copy it. Where do I find that code for the "box" enclosing your product?


sweet! can we use the plugin to show two different products maybe for the same price? we want to make a pie day friday page where someone can select one of two pies (no variations on either pie) same price for either selection. ex. a sweet pie or a savory pie - with pics for each one. All on the same page? 

thanks for the hard work!


Use the shortcode explained in our usage guide. Please check the section labelled "Using Variation Control Option" in the above documentation page and you should be good.

Here is an example shortcode with product variation:

[wp_cart_button name="My Test Product" price="25.95"


Hi there, what is the shortcode to have 1 product with 3 prices to choose from?


I see the short code for the product, however, I'm incorporating this into a post.  I do not see the short code on the post.  How do I enter in variables, if I am not using short code?


Can I use Simple Paypal as an equipment rental page and control the inventory avaialability by calendar date?


Thanks for the really helpful videos in setting up the online store! I was wondering if there is a way to limit the quantity of the product you're selling. If I only have 10 t-shirts, I don't want 12 people to be able to add the item to their cart and have to worry about refunding and disappointing customers. Thanks for the help!


Great product I wanted to have a text area box where the client can put his own description is it possible????and also attach images (bt this isnt that important) doing my own site as a graphic designer where someone can order flyers and other things...the description text area box would really help.


The Simple Shopping Cart does not have a price variation option. You would need to use something like the eStore for this. 

You can read about the eStore and the option you are looking for here: 


Your shortcode is different here than in the video preceding this.  Very confusing.  I add the shortcoade to my page from the previous and only get a picture and a button, no price or description.  Where can I copy the shortcoade you have here instead of pausing the video and trying to switch screen and copy it?  Is there a step I'm missing where you added on to the shortcode?


I need viewcart in the same page where add cart is present like induv product
