The Best Mission From Each Assassins Creed

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The Assassins Creed series is 15 years old and in that time, there have been many title releases, each with mixed reviews but today we're not focusing on the negatives. We're looking for the best missions within each Assassin's Creed.

The Best Mission From Each Assassins Creed

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Just incase you want to miss spoilers from the titles you haven't played.

1:06 Assassin's Creed
2:08 AC II
3:01 AC Brotherhood
3:51 AC Revelations
4:56 AC III
5:44 AC IV: Black Flag
6:40 AC Rouge
8:04 AC Unity
9:09 AC Syndicate
10:19 AC Origins
10:57 AC Odyssey
12:13 AC Valhalla


Gods I played the OG Assassin's Creed 3 and Chasing Lee was by far the most challenging mission I've done there, took me tons of retries and had to learn and memorize every move I had to make to keep up and catch up with the guy, honestly was one of the best games and missions from my childhood


That Lisben earthquake in Rogue is one of my favorite sequences in any video game ever. Having to run through a city crumbling around you felt so epic.


For me the best mission in AC1 is where you have to kill a slaver, sneaking into a dungeon full of slaves begging for help, unknowingly being directed to a room where a lot of guards await Altaïr. You have to kill them all and then chase the slaver, all in a perfect mix of stealth, dark atmosphere and action. I like everything about this mission and at the time it made an impact on me. It's also one of the missions featured in the gameplay trailer.


For me the best missions in AC Origins were the ones revolving around Shadiya : the little girl who’s drowned alive. Bayek really comes into his own as an avenging father when he sees yet another innocent child dying. A child he could’ve saved.


As an Odyssey lover (only game that I couldn't stop playing besides FC3), every mission was amazing. They all were around story which actually meant something, but that mission when you first time met Brasidas was just cherry on top. Also Medusa fight was nice.. almost broke my monitor while doing it 😅


Rogue's best mission was not the one here but the massive navel battle one, that was so epic.


My favorite missions always were the tombs from Ezio Trilogy and III.
The puzzles were fun to do and it always had some big action scene at the end, either a persuit or escaping with everything colapsing.
People are missing out so much by only playing the main missions, especially ACIII with the Homestead, Pegleg and Assassin recruitment missions. Some people don't even know about the crafting system because they didn't do Homestead missions and end up the hole game using only one gun.


The best Assassin's Creed: Black Flag mission for me was the one when you have to infiltrate Príncipe and kill Bartholomew Roberts.
The way you can either go stealthy through a whole village of enemies or go straight on and fight all of them before reaching the boss Roberts was surely an exciting challenge.


AC Unity didn't had the best story and was missing a lot but for me it was my favorite due to the fact that they focused more on stealth and parkour


For me the Ledechestershire arc was my all time favourite of Valhalla. It was the only one of the crownmaker style missions that actually felt like it made some impact, and the one which i felt had the most character.


The best mission in AC 3 is the battle of Bunker Hill


For me my favorite Origins mission was Aya’s second one. It had so many bases covered, from the naval combat to sneaking Cleopatra into the palace to breaking into Alexander the Great’s tomb to climbing to the top of the Lighthouse to the battle of the Nile and Ptolemy dying to killing the elephant with Julius Caesar, and then having it all get torn apart with Cleopatra betraying you, the target getting out alive, and the true formation of the Brotherhood. It just felt like the ultimate mission for me, with so many plot points covered and loose ends wrapped up.


The hot air balloon chase in AC unity was hands down the best mission in the game


You should do one for the best/worst thing about each assassin. Not the game but the actual protagonist.


For me, the mission that sticks with the most was one of the pre order missions for Origins. The mission plays out like your hunt for a treasure cache. Turns out the cache is full of writing from Old Kingdom Egypt.
After completing the mission, I ending up just listening to the NPC’s dialogue for a few minutes while trying to do something else.
The NPC’s says something along the lines of he was going to transfer all the material to the great library in Alexandria…….

The Great Library of Alexandria burn to the ground shortly after Cleopatra’s reign……..

+1000’s of years of ancient knowledge lost.

I remember sitting there, completely stunned thinking through this simple dialogue for several minutes.
That one line of dialogue has still haunted me for years…….


Honorable mention for that miaaion in ac3 where you disable 3 ships than cross the battlefield of bunker hill stealth behind enemy camp and air assassinate the enemy commander from the flag pole


This franchise makes me feel so old I remember being 9 years old when ac2 came out and sneaking it when I saw it was my Christmas gift and got caught like right after ezio got hit with the rock


As Portuguese, I really enjoyed that mission in Rogue, because it ties in a real historical event, with the lore of AC


Nice analysis, I can't remember a mission in Black Flag or Unity that I didn't have fun with! That one in Black Flag, well chosen, tugged at the heartstrings. And I loved the Bartholomew Roberts arch and also the special assassinations in Unity, which really added to the "assassin experience". The Lisbon Earthquake in Rogue was an incredible sequence, plus we see things happening in our peripheral vision that make us want to explore but we can't stop... such a tease. Syndicate didn't use all of its potential but it had an amazing atmosphere especially in missions like the one in Lambeth asylum or the assassination at Victoria Station. And wow, I didn't play that far into Origins, but that mission you showed really reminded me of Shadow of the Colossus!
