Jim Mattis, Bing West Discuss The Lessons In 'Call Sign Chaos' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

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Fmr. Defense Secy. Jim Mattis and former assistant secretary of defense Bing West joins Morning Joe to discuss their new book 'Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead.'

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Jim Mattis, Bing West Discuss The Lessons In 'Call Sign Chaos' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
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Joe talks WAY too much in an interview. Ask brief incisive questions, let the guest answer. End the pre-question speeches. Dude has his own show to talk all he wants. He has Mattis in once. Jesus, he stops Bing West in the middle of his answer to give another speech. Terrible interviewing.


Thank you for posting this. I feel like I gained some new insight about foreign policy. Also, I was glad to see Mattis giving our allies the credit they deserve, especially since the grabber-in-chief doesn't.


Why doesn't Joe let people finish what they are saying? I would really of loved to hear what Mattis and Bing had to say.


Look at the ridiculous scapegoating by this American General. He states that the issues that caused ISIS was America's withdraw from Iraq. When in fact it was America's illegal war against Iraq and its other foreign 'policies' prior to that withdraw that created ISIS. America should not have been there in the first place -- period!


Who is afraid of the Truth coming out ?


Good line. People don't know what you care for until they know that you care.


i was so pleased when mattis was confirmed so sad that he isn't being outspoken now like he used to be. once a marine now selling a book


His silence is dishonorable. He has returned to the board of General Dynamics and doesn't want to put military contracts at risk. Money before country.


Mattis is brilliant... rarely do we see someone who has mastered his own humanity so well... we need more like him in leadership positions.


Say what you mean, General. WE know what you mean. Go ahead and let it out. Your book is basically “Thoughts and Prayers”


Defining the problem, General Mattis, requires brains, and there are very few functional (if any) in or around the White House.


Call Sign CHAOS -o ideie grozavă! Chiar era imperios necesară, această carte! Nici un lider al lumii, " nu știe să să conducă". Mă refer la un mod exemplar! De regulă candidează politic, liderii care au curaj, tupeu, bani, norocoși, care pot minți! Așadar se pierd valori materiale și morale, pentru că noi cei conduși și guvernați, nu mai avem forța legală, prerogative, cu care să i corectâm. Așadar această carte, un fel de manual, venită din partea celor doi generali, este luată în seamă. Sperăm să o citească și "cei care conduc" în prezent, peste tot! Grandiosul Genreal James N.Mattis, care are 50 de ani, în munci de conducere, ale SUA, fiind dedicat doar națiunii și interesului național, îndeplininduși cu responsabilitate atribuțiile muncii sale, avînd o cultură enciclopedică, o pregătire militară de excepție, un caracter impecabil, sincer, modest, onest, loial, expert în toate, a putut expune intr un mod exemplar, tehnic și nu populist, ARTA DE A CONDUCE OAMENI - cu respect și afecțiune, cu gînduri corecte. A respectat cuvîntul dat! Astfel a realizat "acest manual" care este cel mai vîndu
t dintre cărțile nonficțiune, apreciat la superlativ din 82% din utilizatorii google! Doar respect, apreciere și admirație pentru astfel de valori!


"If you can't read, you can't lead." But you can be POTUS.


Criticises trump in book but won't do it in real life on shows like this. "Call Sign Chaos" says it all about Trump.


They teach history in school fellas. There are also tons of Political Science majors these days... I don't usually feel this way, but this piece felt like a bunch of old timers sitting around a table complaining about whats happening to their 'Merica...


Yeah, awesome - truely great leaders also need to know when not to follow. Don’t think Mattis knows that. He’s more concerned about his reputation than bucking the system when it’s wrong. That’s how he made general.


Why are centrists so impresses by people who (meekly) speak out after they’ve left the Whitehouse?
Instead of blaming the system and specific people that allowed someone like a trump to get elected he’s still blaming ‘tribalism’.


"When you take that grave decision, it's gotta be for a sound reason." Yes sir, and that "sound reason" sure has changed since WWII. And yes, "define the problem" could sure use some improvement, before the "grave decision" is undertaken. I'd be interested to have heard Tulsi Gabbard's input here.


....so now he talks? After he published his book?....


Breaking news: Mika and Joe get awards for the greatest investigative journalist in history of journalism... congratulations kids..
