FFXIV Gil Making Master Class - The Strategy That Got Me To Max Gil

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As was requested by some of you, I made a guide showing how i utilized FFXIV's marketboard in order to obtain a good portion of my fortune. There are so many ways to make gil, but this is the way that worked best for me and can be used anytime. Take a look and if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing.

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This is pretty much it in a nutshell. No silly gimmicks. No nonsense. Simple economics, and it works. Approaching my first 100, 000, 000 gil. Been building capital for months now, and there is no "get rich quick" scheme that doesn't come with a heavy potential downside. I dipped my hand into the resell market, and anything worth more than a few million gil will sit on the MB for weeks, even months at a time. It's much better to keep items up that have a high turnover rate. I will also point out that gathering in and of itself is very lucrative if you know what to gather. I've made tens of millions of gil just by gathering. It's a good money-making supplement to crafting, especially if your server's MB is overrun by botters who dominate all the easy-to-craft items.


I've seen so many trash guides out there about Gil making... This is the first and only guide I've ever seen that finally mentions the value of your own time! Good job! ♥


Been playing since ARR and I never once bothered clicking on that upper right button. Good stuff man!!


another trillionaire roegadyn bro. i think, im starting to see a pattern here. thanks for the video mate, really well done


probably not as quick a guide for gil as this video but eureka is a potential gil maker
the bunny fate in pyros runs every 10 mins (if someone isnt holding a bunny hostage) and you get minimum 10k gil for a bronze coffer, 25k for silver and 100k for gold. That might not sound like much at first but spend a few weeks doing that and it will add up quickly. Not to mention gold coffers have a chance to drop a mount that usually sells for 3-5mil on marketboard. Also, doing fates that have a chance to drop magicite items is good and in pagos, 2 fates (crab and cassie) have a chance to drop a ring/earring that sells for heaps on marketboard. I just had the blitzring drop from crab and sold it for 10mil on marketboard. Dont sleep on eureka!!


Very helpful guide, i have hoarded mats and wasn't sure how to figure out what to craft, now I do. Thank you


For those of you not wanting to level all crafters, a good one or two to focus on is Weaver or Carpenter. Furniture sells quick, and usually in bulk (2-4 items at a time.) Weaver has the added benefit of diversifying into glam items too.


Great vid! I play on dynamis and market is all over the place, but ive cornered the market on a nice piece of furniture that gets me 1-2 mil daily. It fits all the requirements you mentioned so definitely works!


One small thing thats always worked for me, housing items sell more the day or two after a housing round has ended, and all those people have new houses they want to decorate, and fast.


Thank you so much for your insight on checking supply first instead of other criteria!


this dude is the only guy ive ever seen with a max gilcap besides ashe10 with all renaiters capped also, congrats man, i love this game but im on and off to much to consider grinding money, not much time with a wifey and 2 kids anyways but im hyped for the new expansion, i started to play when endwalker launched so this will be my first real expansion that i get to enjoy day one without catching up


This is actually the first time someone actually applies real economic principles to the game rather than opportunistic tips. Most videos are about items that have price surges and slowly taper off. This is so much better


Thanks for the vid, it was fast and easy to understand as someone with negative knowledge of business or economics :) I can't keep more than 4 retainers comfortably, but I'd really be happy earning slowly as long as I have something to use my maxed classes on 😂


Something I would suggest that's pretty easy is to check in with vendors, things like the housing vendor or various beast tribes. There are a lot of items that people just don't realize they can go up to a vendor and buy, so you can easily flip them for a profit yourself. It likely won't be as much per shot as a crafted armor piece, but it's very easy to just buy iron ore from a limsa vendor, or buy various partitions from the housing vendor.


Fashion Week also has heavy competition, so getting those treasure maps and hoarding the treasure-only materials that are used in fashion crafting can sell nicely as well.


as a new player, would really appreciate on the DoH and DoL guides <3 this is so useful! got my attention


Great video! I just wanted to add that market arbitrage can be really important in FFXIV. For example on my server Aether/Adamantoise, even high volume items like raid food can go for double the crossworld market rate. (Even in this raiding lull between patches, Baked Eggplant is up 20 percent over market) This creates an interesting condition where often the mats to make a crafted item are more expensive than the crafted item. You could definitely still make a lot of money doing what is described in the video, but just be careful that you don't end up losing on mats. Also if you're server is similarly inflated, a very easy way to make money is to buy on cheap servers and sell on your server. Very low time and effort investment and you can often make criminal amounts of gil on items that are dirt cheap elsewhere.


To keep to the essential...This helped me. Thanks ❤


I've just come across this video and while i don't have crafters leveled up, the tips on how to navigate the marketboard are useful. I've just added 1 extra retainer to help me gather and will be slowly collecting materials when i eventually work on crafters.


This is wonderful and to the point, thank you!! :D
