MiniPRO TL866CS USB Universal Flash EEPROM Programmer

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How to use EEPROM Flash Programmer

AVR series, single-chip, high speed programming

PIC series 8-bit micro controller programming

High-performance BIOS programme

Serial 24 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 93 series programming

Supports WIN2000 / WINXP / WIN2003 / WIN2008 / VISTA / Windows7

This video is designed to be a guide. Please note that other complications may exist that aren't addressed in this guide. While we always strive to provide accurate and detailed information, we can't guarantee that it will fix your TVs issues.
ShopJimmy is not responsible for any harm that you may cause to yourself or damage to your TV, during the repair process.
Try all repairs and troubleshooting at your own risk. Be sure to take all of the proper safety precautions.
In this video we will show how to use the minipro TL866CS eeprom programmer.
Here we have the box for the eeprom programmer and all of its contents along with two adapters.
In the box, you will receive a mini cd, with programming software, a USB cable to connect the programmer to your computer, nine blank eeproms, the programmer, and two adapters.
This is how to connect the USB cable to the programmer.
The other end here, connect to the USB port on your computer.
Start by flipping up the lever, then place your adapter into the slots, on the top of the programmer.
Be sure to align pin 1 as shown in the diagram on the programmer.
Once the adapter is in place push the lever down to securely lock it.
Push down on the top of the adapter to open the pin terminals.
Correctly align pin one on the eeprom according to the diagram on the programmer. Once the eeprom is aligned, use the tweezers to push down on the top of the eeprom to hold it in place, and then release the top of the adapter to create the best connection.
Open the programming software.
Choose the device to program to.
Load the file to be programmed.
Click on the programming button.
Click Program.
Programming should begin immediately.
If you receive this error, go back and reseat the eeprom in the adapter and then try again. If you receive the error 5 times, it means there could be something wrong with the actual eeprom, and you should try a different eeprom.
The yellow light on the programmer, will light up when programming.
Programming time can vary depending on the file size.
You may also receive an error halfway through the programming. At that point, that means there is something wrong with the chip and you should try a different eeprom.
Next, we will show how to read data from the eeprom, and save it to burn to a new chip.
If the chip is damaged or corrupt, you will not be able to read the original data.
Select the device you are reading from.
Click the Read from Chip button.
Click Read.
After the read is successful, click Cancel.
Click Save.
Choose a location to save the data.
Click OK, after a successful save.

TV Repair Made Easy™
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Cool, thanks for sharing. I'm just starting to get into this kind of thing for small DIY projects like LED blink and fade controll. Gotta start some where. You use these to fix televisions 'eh? Would that be mainly new LCD and the like versions, or were there a use for them on CRT type models? Are they flashed to allow a few types of main boards controll a lot of screen types -> save on production cost? Or what is the function of the chip in your line of work? Always fun to pick up some new insight from or admiration for, a tradesman doing his job. Whole lot you would never guess burried in the details of a guys day to day. Anyhow thanks


I have this programmer. I love it.
I have a question. How to read/write EEPROM from a chip that DOES NOT have an adapter ?
What pins do i need to connect to this programmer and in which order ?


Hi.Jimmy. Can dis tool be used other Eprom chips and other ics that need resets with the software that comes in your kit.Thanks


this model prog can copy the good EPROM? I need reply thanks.


I will want to write to a 42 pin chip a 27c322, ive seen an adapter put on a mini pro to do this i just cant find the link anymore!


can I program Motorola S-record files with this device? And how do I combine two S-record files into one so I can program 1 file?


When I change the SN in the BIN file, it works no more. Can you help me how change the SN?


Would it be at all possible to program chips still on the board?


thank you very much sir. very nice explain thanks 😚


Is it compatible with Winbond 25Q32BVSIG? (Laptop model is ASUS K43E, mainboard K43SD REV. 2.2)


what does "EEPROM" do where it taken from PC .


Could i use this to program my GB homebrew a game to a cart


Can it program super flash ie. 25Q21BT. (its a vga card bios). thx


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Is there a compatibility list somewhere?


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Hi, Do you have bin file for this model: Asus VivoBook Max X541SC?


may i ask u are this TL866ii plus need another adapter when flash 1.8v bios chip?


Hola, , tengo un chip de BIOS ASUS M2V con esta información:
W39VO4OCPZ ...y mi pregunta es si el minpro TL866II plus lee este chip, gracias de antemano por la información que me podáis facilitar...veo que el minipro tiene en su base de datos el W39VO4OC... sería lo mismo?


Hi sir i have 2016 model mahindra thar m2dicr it's odometer is eeprom less model how to change its mileage
