Discover Lands Unknown - Trailer

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Discover: Lands Unknown is a Unique Game of surviving in the wilds for one to four players. During every game players must survive against a hostile environment, working together when they choose or striking out on their own as they must. Players must search out food, water, and shelter, all while unraveling their game’s overarching story, slowly uncovering the mystery of how they came to be trapped in the wilderness.

As a Unique Game, a copy of Discover: Lands Unknown is different from every other copy of the game in existence. Every game uses one of six different environments (ranging from a tropical island to snow-blown mountains) and draws from a massive wealth of items, enemies, characters, and encounters to create a distinct mix for your copy of the game. The stories that players can tell with Discover: Lands Unknown are as unique as the games.

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Fantasy Flight Games

Рекомендации по теме

8th Continent: Adventures on the Cursed Island


Beautiful trailer, awesome music, voice work was lovely, and it got me interested in learning more. Will be checking this title out soon. Nice work FFG!


So this is what happens when you apply the Keyforge idea to a board game?


Question: do feature tokens keep getting reset on the board after being gathered? Or does any marked space only have one feature token, and after that it's empty of resources?

Beautiful trailer, btw, very well-done!


I'm just gonna wait it out until the industry comes out with WH40K Legacy: Into the Eye of Terror.


Looks good but ...why the spanish copy of TI4 is taking soooo long? One year since the american copy is on sale.
I was hopping to play it this summer.


Another FFG solo game?


still dont get it if is a unique/legacy game or only unique? can be replayed with a different group?


Have a feeling these gimmicky games won’t be around very long. What’s plan anyway, try get people to buy 2+ copies?
Brings something gamers want instead, like fix to the Fallout board game or even another app based game.


I'm not super into the idea of a "unique game", where what you get in the box is randomised and different from what other people will get. It honestly seems like a cash grab to make people gamble and buy more copies of the same game in the hopes of potentially getting new stuff... Or maybe just more of the same. It's like a loot box game. The concept of surviving is cool though, but I like my games designed well enough to get all the components in the box I buy, not just some random ones that might be more fun or balanced than others.


The game seems very interesting and may worth spending some time (and money) on it. BUT, the concept of the "unique game with every copy" is just shouting "I WANT PEOPLE'S MONEY!!!!".
In that case make every game copy cost 10$ (or Euros) and let player groups spend their money on multiple copies for each other.
Any other case is just rip off.


Please properly caption your videoes. Thanks


I don't like the idea this industry is headed to, please no loot box board games. The gaming industry is enough already, please don't make gambling games just for the sake of making money 💵!


Looks like a take on 7th continent or Near and Far possibly.

So two games now with this "unique" idea. I'm not sold on this. With Keyforge I get that, different decks sure, but not a board game.
Are we looking at another L5R scenario here where your probably going to be buying multiple copies? Will there be anything on the box to indicate the location, whether it's an island, mountainous etc? If I bought two copies how do I know I'm not getting the same two locations?
Why is this a good idea, having a different game to someone else? Big deal, does it really matter? Too many questions.
What does make sense here is another cash grab opportunity which is the only logical explanation for doing this for a board game.
I seem to pass on nearly everything this designer comes up with except MOM 2nd ed. and even that is a redesign by somebody else. Sorry but it's pass again. I'm not going to invest in a game when I don't know what I'm getting. Stick to expansions, that's what you guys have always been good at.

Android 2.0 please with real investigating not a frame job.


looks semi-coop. that's a shame. had me otherwise


Nice trailer BUT one unique box for 60$. How many different boxes will be published? 500 or more? So 30000 $ or more in case I want them all - No way. As interesting as it sounds this is looks like a cash cow. Nothing for me but I'm sure there will be people who will like it.
