NICE Hang On Back AQUARIUM FILTER! Tetra Whisper 30 FISH TANK Filter

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John and Lisa, love your channel. Been a fish hobbiest off and on since mid 70s, and I'll be 70 this year. wish I had your videos then! Keep up the good work!


Love, love, love this filter! It’s self priming which is a must for where I live. The adjustable flow is perfect for my betta. AND has plenty of room to get creative with filtration media. Better than every expensive hob I’ve tried so far.


I'm running twin IQ 60 on my 55 gal goldfish tank...they are trusty great filters!! I've tossed the carbon, and converted them to bio media...I rate these right up there w past Fluval filters I've used....these are quieter, AND self prime! A+++ ❤


The sloped lid makes it look less bulky, so that's nice! And pump inside the water is always best, I totally agree. Love this series of videos; you're doing a great job!


I've always liked the Tetra Whisper filters. I have a huge double filter extra large cartridge one that is over 20 years old and still going another one with the regular large cartridge that is over 20 year old. Only issue has been where the motor "O" ring seats becomes distorted over the years and I had to seal it with silicone so they won't drip. I always reuse the old cartridge frame to aid in maintaining the the idea of the new bacteria grid, and the motor in the water. Next outside filter I buy will be the Whisper.


"Who ever puts their filters upside down, I don't even know why I'm doing this? "
LOL. Too funny. And it comes as an added bonus to another comprehensive, mucho excellent review! Gracias!


Hi Jason. Could you do a review for the Penn plax 300 hang on back filter


I have the biggest model and I use some sponge cut outs and lava rock instead those cartridges and it works terrific, and the plus, it is quiet.


Thank you for telling me about the housing on this filter I thought it was broken also and was worried about electrocution I was going to take it back and then I watched your video and decided it was ok. I appreciate you


I have been using a Whisper Power 60 on my 55 for over 30 years. Works great. Nice video, keep them coming.


Love the pump being inside the tank - my AquaClear will not restart when power goes off and I end up having to twist the motor back and forth to ‘snap’ it into position a few times to get it to start again - even after pouring water into the box to help it before plugging it in. I also don’t like how, when the power stops, my AquaClear deliberately empties all of the water out of the box part where the pump is. There may be a good reason for that (nitrifying bacteria might die if stuck in stagnant water with no continual flow to give it oxygen, maybe??) but it’s a lot to remember to put water back in it to try not to burn the pump motor out.. several times I thought it had died completely, and it’s only a couple of months old. That said, I DO LOVE that there is so much room in this one for diy tweaks on the media.. Pump inside the tank is a must for my next filter choice - along with the wiggle room for media hacks. 😊 Thanks for sharing all of these things!


I have the IQ 60, I got a good size coarse prefilter on the intake, and put some medium density sponges inside with some quilt batting some matrix and a little bag of purigen. it makes a pretty good job.


Great review. I agree about the placement of the motor. Perfer it in the water for quiet filter. Thought it was awesome about how it moved ( motor) with the rubber to deal with vibrations. Thank you for showing this filter.


Thanks for the reviews on these filters, It is nice to get other people's opinion on them.


Yep, first thing I noticed about it was the way the bag did not fit in tightly. But it is one of the quieter filters I've ever had


Like the Whispers. Still run a 60 I got back in early 2001 on my 40 breeder along with a sponge filter. Never had any issues and it's very quiet..and has always restaterd with no priming ever. No complaints here. I do hot rod it with sponge. and some filter floss for polishing.


Because of your video on Aqueon hang on back filter I bought one for a super red bushy nose Pleco grow out tank.After the cartridge that came with gunked it up.I did add an intake sponge and filled filter with floss .Did have a sponge filter in tank but feeding young Pleco’s just couldn’t keep water clear with out hang on.It was fun meeting you and talking with you at Aquatic Experience, you still haven’t got me to get a cichlid .But love your videos


Hi John…with over 35 years of fish keeping, I’ve had a number of HOB filters, but my favorite has been the AquaClear110. I have two of them on my 75 gallon African cichlid aquarium and the water quality is excellent. I’d love to have the one you’re giving away to put on a new 40 gallon that I’m presently setting up. Many thanks for doing your videos.
John Bravo
Audubon PA


Thank you. I was worried about that gap on the motor. Thinking water would get into somewhere it shouldn’t be. I even brought one back to pet store and the lady at register said she would get the senior expert that worked there to come look at it. He was baffled too. So he was no expert. I took several boxes off the shelf and they all had the gap. So the expert said they must have got a bad batch. So they sold me a different type filter. But the motor died after 3 weeks. So I have the Tetra whisper filter now. Will not worry any longer. I would stress that those pre filter foam tubed should be placed on the long stem that sucks up the water because when I went from gravel to sand, some sand made its way into that tube and no matter what I did in an effort to clean it out, it still makes a loud grinding noise from time to time. So if you have the pre filter foam over the suction tube the motor will be protected and remain quiet for a lot longer. Thanks again for the great informative video


I have been eagerly awaiting the next in this series 😃😃👍👈
