What if Anakin Skywalker Left THE JEDI ORDER For Padme Amidala?

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What if Anakin Skywalker Left The Jedi Order For Padme Amidala? Fantasy Folklore

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I liked that the two of them pressed for peace and found happiness


What if Tony stark was captured by galatic empire instead of ten ring in ironman 2008


What if Anakin left the Jedi order to become a galaxy renowned chef?


What if Mother Talzin and Maul killed Sidious, Dooku and Grievous ?
What if Han Solo and Chewbacca never met ?
What if Commander Cody refused to execute order 66 on Utapau ?
What if the Clone Troopers had a place inside the Senate ?
What if The Trade Federation won the Battle of Naboo ?
What if Maul joined the CIS ?
What if Asajj Ventress turned back to the light during the Clone Wars ?


What if Qui-Gon's ghost appeared to Count Dooku when he was already on the side of the separatists?


Palpatine isn't just going to let himself go to prison. That CANT be the end of it.


Just watching this video makes me wish Anakin did leave the Jedi order.

If he did not, only would, he have not fallen into the dark side as Darth Vader.

But his beautiful wife Padme would have lived, he would’ve been able to help her raise their twin son and daughter and he would’ve had the life he really always wanted.

I know he wanted to be a Jedi, but due to the fact that a lot of the council especially and mainly Mace Windu (who was one of the main reasons why Anakin fell to the dark side and the Jedi purge happened) did not like him one bit.

During the clone wars, I think he thought himself maybe being a Jedi was never a good idea or if Qui-Gon Jinn was also still alive. He would’ve understood Anakin and let him go on his own path and be the person he wanted him.

Qui-Gon practically acted like a father towards Anakin and he would’ve been able to prevent his Padawan from turning to the dark side unlike his now former Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi.


What if Anakin looked after Bobba Fett after genosis


If Anakin left, then many younglings would've had their first...


What if Gideon and Thrawn swapped places? (Gideon is sent to Lothal. Thrawn is sent to Mandalore)

What if Darth Plagueis returned in Episode 9 instead of Palpatine?

What if the Blue Shadow Virus was released?

What if Thrawn joined the CIS?

What if the Empire Built Star Killer Base Instead of the Death Star?

What if Alderaan wasn’t destroyed?

What if Thrawn lead the First Order?


What if Quinlan Vos left the order completely mostly for Asajj but also because he was tired of working for the order too?


*What if Anakin was born in the unknown region*


WHAT IF Anakin join Dooku in Geonoses, achive balance in force, together kill Palpatine take control over republic and start new force order
WHAT IF Venrtess and Qui-lan Vos kill dooku settled down start family, achive balance in force and start new force order and train Luke, Leia, Mara Jade Galen Marek, Cal Cestis and Merrin ( Luke start family with Mara, Leia with Galen and Cal with Merrin)
WHAT IF Yoda and Dooku go to Naboo with Obi-wan and Qui-gon and all died from hands of Maul and Plagueis( he kill dooku from hiding and after attakin yoda kill him and Maul kill Qui-gon and Obi-wan), Plaugueis kill Maul to convicen jedi about he was last sith.


Epic vid. New subscriber amazed at content. Can't wait for more. Keep it coming!


17:12 "UNLESS", caught me of guard there😄.


Also, when can we see what if Anak and Skywalker was reborn with all his memories, powers and abilities? In episode one what if shmi Skywalker was a Jedi What if anakin and padme were a force dyad and lastly, what if tarre reincarnated in Anakin Skywalker the chosen one, please man we want to see those ones por favor 👍👌🤙


Let’s hope they get a happier ending Anyways:

Here are my what if day 25 of asking one of these:

1) What if the Sith Empire Returned during the High Republic era?

2) What if Din Djaran and Bo-Katan fell in love during Mando season 3 and chose to become joint rulers of Mandalor

3) What if Han Solo was rescued from Jabba but Leia was unable to kill Jabba and was left behind whilst the others escaped meaning she remained a slave?

4) What if Padme was Enslaved during the Clone wars?

5) What if Cal and Merrin had a Daughter (for the fact it's a Jedi Nightsister hybrid)?

6) What if Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann had a child?

7) What if Padme was forced to marry for the Republic during the clone wars?

8) What if Jyn Erso survived Rogue one and went on to meet and fall in love with Luke Skywalker?

9) What if Luke and Leia found out they were siblings earlier and both became Jedi?

10) What if Leia finished her Jedi training?

11) what if Luke and Leia weren’t separated at birth?

12) what if Ahsoka found Shin Hati before Baylon Skoll?

13) what if the Ones survived?

14) what if the Daughter survived but lost her powers and became a Jedi?

15) what if Luke had a daughter during the sequels or what if Rey was Luke's daughter? (tie this in to suggestion 8 if you want)

16) what if Kylo Ren didn’t destroy Luke’s Jedi order and so the Resistance had the Jedi during their war with the First Order?

my personal favorites are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11


What if all domino squad survived the clone wars and started rebellion with Rex


Day 2:

What If Jaina Solo was the true Chosen One?


Good to see all Anakin’s purpose is the poster cash cow
