Man Dies; Brings Back Messages From The Other Side & Shown The Secret To Get Health by Meditation

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Man Dies; Brings Back Messages From The Other Side & Shown The Secret To Get Health by Meditation
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Thank you for the video! I enjoyed when he said he tried to learn from a Sufi Islamic teacher when Laurence was Jewish. I wish one day we will stop having religions and beliefs that divide us into antagonistic power-driven groups and rely on each other to create a better world.


One way to look at these, so called evil events is to consider if we believe that God is all pervasive. And if we believe that God is all loving. If we believe these two things are true then evil events simply become experiences. We are deeply entrenched in God's love. The bad experiences are like bubbles in the middle of the ocean, a very small vacuum of space when compared to the ocean in which it happens.

These events are the only opportunities we have to experience anything besides the immense love, that we are.

I've said too much. Peace


I’ve watched well over a hundred of these. Meditation is a common suggestion with NDEers. This is what I need help with. Can anyone suggest how I should start? Is there a must-read on the subject or something? I’m just so lost on this. If anyone can help a yearning soul, I would most appreciate it. Thank you and God bless you all. 🙏❤️


AMAZING... Thank you Dr. and GOD BLESS EVERYONE 🙏💖


Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and the spirit of God dwelleth in you


Mercury Bobcat, sister car of the Ford Pinto.


Seems to me that NDErs are biased against certain aspects of Spanish derived culture such as the siesta which is basically taking a mid day nap instead of taking time to stretch one body to meditate to feel the energies of the planet or cosmos to restore one's own for health or well being. Sleep does wonders for the body and I don't understand why God and/or Jesus or any spiritual encounter approves of meditation in many NDErs instead of midday siesta. Meditation itself in the Western sense derives from Far East cultures by the way. Just trying to find the 'right' way vs the 'wrong' way!!! Peace!!!
