The Entire Story of Kingdom Hearts in Under 20 Minutes

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What happens when you try and explain the overarching plot of seven games as fast as possible?

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So people are saying this video is 'outdated' now because of *_Kingdom Hearts 2.8_*. That's hilarious. Here's a summary of all the important things that happen in 2.8. Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers, and what-not.

We find out that time does not flow normally in the Realm of Darkness, something that we could have surmised from the 'Blank Points' movie at the ending of BBS. Anyway, Aqua hasn't aged despite the passage of time in the real world. Aqua is sad about being trapped in the Realm of Darkness, then she helps Mickey for a little bit, they get separated, and she's still trapped in the Realm of Darkness, but she's not as sad about it anymore. So basically nothing has changed, and Aqua is right back where she was at the end of BBS, trapped, without friends, and satisfied that she's made the right choice. Mickey is proven to be an incompetent idiot.

Back in the present, Riku asks Mickey why he's an incompetent idiot. He explains that he didn't tell Riku or the others about Aqua because he "Wanted to respect Aqua's wishes." Um, dude? What freaking 'wishes'? The last time you saw her, she was picked up by a monster and carried away, screaming. What on God's green earth are you talking about?

Then Yen Sid says that they didn't tell Sora and Riku because it would've been really, really hard to go save Aqua, so he didn't want them to do anything reckless. But now, he says, it is time to go save her. Because the script says so. So Riku and Mickey leave to go and rescue Aqua, something we've known they would do since Coded, and could have surmised since BBS. Also, Kairi is going to be trained alongside Lea, something we also could've surmised from DDD.

Then Sora comes in too late for all the important exposition. Yen Sid tells him he's Level 1 again, shocking no one and angering everyone. Then Sora leaves to go to the first level of KH3, Olympus Coliseum, something that, again, we already knew he would do.

Meanwhile, an unspecified amount of time in the past (or possibly in a simulation of the past inside a magic book, idk, it's not clear as of right now), five willful idiots try to stop a prophecy about the Keyblade War from coming true. They argue a lot about which one of them is a traitor, but fail to actually accomplish anything. Then a probably evil guy hands another probably evil guy a secret box labeled 'Do Not Open Until KH3'.

Then the movie ends, and a message pops up that says, "To find out the identity of the traitor and literally any plot, be sure to play the microtransaction laden cell phone game. We know that the story already concluded in the Japanese browser version, and we didn't tell you who the traitor was in that version either... But hey! The cell phone game is an _expanded_ version of that game! So maybe we'll give you plot info this time! If not, all will be revealed in Kingdom Hearts 3!"


when a gurl ask me what i think about her... imma qoute this "I have Feelings Maybe, Its unClear".


The Entire Story of Kingdom Hearts in Under 2 seconds:
Its unclear.


Xehanort be like "the only person I want on my team is me"


Lol how are 10 year olds supposed to grasp any of this


Kingdom Hearts- The one that started it all
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories- The one nobody (no pun intended) played but contained vital parts of the story
Kingdom Hearts II- The one that made the franchise so popular
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days- The one that made you cry
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep- The one that answered all of our questions but then proceeds to create 200 new ones
Kingdom Hearts Recoded: The one that has absolutely nothing to do with anything
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance: The one that isn't Kingdom Hearts 3


So...basically, clown feet and lots of amnesia everywhere?


pretty simple story, just gotta rewatch it for the tenth time




''Ha ha. Idiot. Killed by the power of peace and love...''


He should have mentioned that Aqua sacrificed herself for Terra and was sent to the realm of darkness. All he said was "oh Aqua is in another realm now" which is probably pretty confusing for people who are learning the story for the first time.


The fact that calling him Billy Zane cleared up literally all confusion, is incredible.


I now imagine Aqua finding Eraqus's key blade lying on the floor at the Land of Departure, looking around to see if anyone is there, then taking it and running away while yelling MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE at the top of her lungs.


Kingdom Hearts series summarized by my friend: Ahem

Birth by sleep:
Terra, Aqua, Ventus are good guys. Xehanort is the bad guy. Xehanort is very old and wants ultimate weapon. Ventus becomes ultimate weapon, dies, then soul fuses with baby Sora. Aqua trapped in alternate dimension. Terras body stolen by Xehanort Orochimaru style.

Kingdom Hearts:
Riku is given keyblade. Rihu is too evil. Keyblade chills with Sora instead. Riku accidentally destroys world. Sora fixes everything, but loses Riku and Micky

Chain of Memories:
New bad guys Organization 13 want Sora because they dont have hearts and they want them for some reason. Sora and Riku kill half of them. One member destroyed soras brain. Sora sleeps for like 2 years while she fixes it. Riku decides dakness is kinda cool and learns how to control it.

Cause Sora became a heartless in KH1, he became a heartless. If you become a heartless, your body reanimates as a Nobody. Like a snake shedding its skin and the skin turning evil and walking away. Soras Nobody is actually Ventus from forever ago, they split now cause mumbo jumbo. Organization thinks hes cute, invite him to the club. He befriends a robot, then kills the robot. He is best friendsies with Axel, who likes him despite not supposedly having emotions.

Kingdom Hearts 2:
Sora wakes up and looks for Riku and Mickey. He eventually does and kills the last half of Organization 13. Main bad guy officially dead. Everything is fixed for realsies this time.

Re: Coded
The game sucked, and Sora gets a note saying just cause he knows how to drive the keyblade doesnt mean he actually has his keyblade license yet. Him and Riku have to go get notes saying they are good with keyblades

Dream Drop Distance:
Sora and Riku go to a new dimension to test themselves. They are helped by new monsters that are made out of dreams. Riku passes and becomes a master. Sora doesnt pass and goes back into the dimension to thank the people that helped him in the test. Somehow select members from Org. 13 are alive again. Axel can use a keyblade now cause why not.

Story right now:
Aqua wants ventus to live again
Sora is in dreamland playing with animals
Riku is going to keyblade school, which exists
Axel now has feelings and is much less cool
Mickey and every other character is just chilling
Xehanort still wants the best weapon


One thing you forget to mention is that Xehanort believes that too much light and no awareness over the darkness is extremely dangerous as well - for one thing, it's the reason why his plan succeeds. Because Eraqus was so focused on keeping light's superiority over darkness that he distrusted Terra and was willing to kill Ventus (whom he considered like his children) in order to keep darkness out. It's also the reason Sora doesn't realize that he's being corrupted in KH3D: because he is never exposed to darkness beforehand.

Think of it like Artorias from Dark Souls, if you would. One of the NPCs mentions that the reason Artorias succumbed to the Abyss is because he didn't feel fear because he was never exposed to the Dark.

In fact, the ideal person is someone who has learned to balance darkness with light, like Riku, who struggled with the darkness before taming it by the end of KH2 and throughout KH3D.


Can we talk about the fact that Riku and Sora give literally no shits about their families after Destiny Islands was destroyed? We know at least Sora has a mom (heard in KH2) and a dad (mentioned by Riku in Birth By Sleep). So... why is he not at all concerned about finding them?

It's just a little concerning.


Didn't Axel prove that nobodies have hearts when he cried over the loss of roxas? Or in an event similar to that?


Cid, Squall, Cloud, Yuffie, Aerith, Tifa...and Merlin. One of these things is not like the other. lol


What I got out of the Kingdom Hearts story line is that.... well.... "It's unclear". XD Especially with feelings.


I'm just gonna get kh3 and hope that Xehnort or Xemnas or Billy Zane finally dies
