6 Most Awkward Presidential Debate Moments- Hillary Clinton VS Donald Trump
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It finally went down! The Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump face off at the first Presidential Debate of 2016!
We’ve got all the most awkward moments that made us cringe and take a shot of tequila while watching at home.
That alone is pretty awkward huh? Seeing these two shake hands like they’re old buddies running into each other at Whole Foods? Anyway, as the country watched, prayed, played drinking games, at yelled at the TV- no matter who you want to vote for you probably had your eyes glued to last night’s debate. And if you didn’t, or if you were too drunk to remember it- here are all the best moments.
Moment number 1- That moment when Donald Trump said he wanted to make Hillary Clinton very happy. And that was after he checked in seemingly to make sure he was getting her name right.
Awkward AF.
Number 2- That moment when Trump said that Hillary Clinton had been fighting ISIS her entire adult life. Hillary is 68 years old…
Can’t miss moment #3-That moment when Donald speculated on who could have been behind the DNC hack and he suggested maybe it was a fat person. Wha?
What does a person’s weight have to do with it? Speaking of people he’s called fat- awkward moment number 4- That moment when Rosie O’Donnel for the first time in history made a cameo in a presidential election debate.
Or how about that moment when Trump patted himself on the back because he almost said something douche but then censored himself.
Slow clap. Not only did he hold himself from saying something awful but at number 6 he also denied that he ever claimed that Hillary lacked a presidential look. Classic 2016 sexism.
Awkwaaaaard. So which parts weirded you out the most? By all means, share below. Hillary could’ve been much more on her game, too, but I just thought these Trump zingers were THE BEST. Thanks for hanging out with me. Click here for a rundown of all the celebs who support HRC- Hillary Rodham Clinton. I’m Miriam Isa and may our country work through these crazy times. God bless America.
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