How vegan burgers can help save the planet

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Film supported by @Infosys

00:00 - What you put on your plate impacts the planet
01:03 - Britain’s meat-eating habits
03:06 - The environmental impact of meat and dairy
05:43 - Plant-based food is better for the environment
07:03 - The rise of lab-grown meat
09:27 - Transitioning to a plant-based food economy

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Just make it cheaper than meat. It costs like 4 times as meat at the moment.


I am from India where 30% of the population is vegetarian, even though I eat meat I have never believed that vegetarian food is boring. People mainly in the west who think this really need to try real vegetarian cuisines and should not limit it with Brockley and salad.


friendly reminder that there's an extenction on the chrome plugin shop that lets you see the dislikes


Im a vegan, and im very proud of it, go vegan, be a hero, save the world.


I live in Chicago I'm willing to try plant base meat. The price of meat in the stores are outrageous


No matter how delicious that vegan meat, it will never ever replace the essential amino acids that we get from real meat. Look at those people in Africa who are 90% vegans, they all have protruding bellies because of hormonal imbalance and their average life years is 50. Humans have no special intestinal bacteria that could convert plants into protein and essential amino acids. We will start to see 20 years old that looks 50 because of Confusion and irritability, Diarrhea or constipation, Fatigue, Headaches, Irregular or fast heart rate (arrhythmia), Muscle cramps, muscle spasms or weakness, Nausea and vomiting, Numbness or tingling in limbs, fingers and toes.


Hi. Do prawns feel pain? is it ok to eat prawns?


Telling same lie over and over doesn’t make it true


Measuring carbon footprint is a very complex process, for example most land in the west of ireland isnt sustainable to produce crops. It would take a lot more of pesticides, fertilizer and more draining of wet land to produce crops in adequate yields, and their is a high chance of harvest loss because of the damp climate. Beef farming in a lot of cases supports Biodiversity, by cattle low grazing grass allowing light for a lot of plants to grow and its dung to nourish the soil. Also a lot of beef farmers lead very simple lives they dont travel long commutes to work, less likely to travel on foreign holidays, and are great for repurposing things that be other wise be thrown in landfill, like tyres, for preserving pit silage ie winter feed. I think a lot of urban eco warriors are very ignorent of beef farming.


Go vegan. And give a chance to the voiceless! They feel pain and fear just like you ! 💯


Enthusiastic vegan since June 20th 2016 (Yes I marked the date and celebrate annually) Also if it helps anyone, Impossible, Beyond, Gardein and Lightlife imitation meats taste GREAT.


If it's cheaper than the traditional way then I'll change and most people will since if your working class you will always change for the cheaper price, generally.


I will consider meat alternatives when bill gates and his ilk start flying commercial


this really is a huge improvement, but people are stubborn; how to you convice them to quit animal meat and switch to animal-free meat ? I coundn't even convince my wife ...


Once plant based/cell based meat scales and hits the tipping point, its pretty much over for traditional meat. Animal agriculture will collapse dramatically because they will not be able to compete on cost and production.


For the vanity and self-centeredness of some, we will all pay the price of losing trees and biodiversity. Maybe we'll need to go through pain and despair in order to wake up everybody...


There's no point trying to tell people what they should eat. What you should do is have stringent regulation on the part of producers and only allow certain type of practice. For example, cows should not be penned in tight enclosure and given some space to walk around. This will naturally increase the cost for the producers and that transfer to the consumers thus they will eat less.

People have no problem not eating meat, but if they have money of course they will eat meat. Instead of telling them to eat fake meat just make the price of meat higher.


The reason why India is one of the biggest vegetarian countries in the world is because the Mogul king of the Mogul empire said: “The meat is to only be given to the King to eat.” So, Indians started using fruits, vegetables and dairy as their food sources. The king’s plan was to take all of the animals and weaken the Indians. Since they are so brainwashed today, they don’t eat meat and most of them are vegetarian. You know, in the Sikh religion, it doesn’t even SAY you can’t eat beef, it was when one day the Indians were losing food and in the state of famine. They had to protect the cattle. So, over the years they never ate beef. Brainwashed, brainwashed and more brainwashing.
Eating meat is healthy, if you look at most vegans they lack REAL protein and complex carbs in their diet. Most people say ‘they look so healthy and blah blah blah!.’ They really aren’t. I know many people go vegan because they need to lose weight, there are LITERALLY OTHER WAYS TO LOSE WEIGHT! For example: Ketosis, ketosis means to rely on fat and your body FEEDS off of that fat in order to lose weight. My mom has been trying out carnivore, keto and ketosis and she seems to be benefiting.

And if animals are raised sustainably and roaming free, when they die they decompose back into the earth. It’s how the eco-system is suppose to work. But, have your opinion I guess. Most people won’t read a long comment like this, but if you do…just think about it…


The economicist needs to talk about Ecosia they are a search engine that plants tress.


What about birds who are most abused in the largest quantity
