15 Signs Your Dog is Unhappy (NEVER IGNORE)

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Dogs, like humans, can experience feelings of sadness and even suffer from depression.
In this video, we will talk about 15 signs that indicate your dog is unhappy.

Their tail is often in lowered position
Dogs use their tail to tell you how they are feeling.
If your dog’s tail is carried downward, closer to their hind legs, it can mean they are feeling unwell or unhappy. It could also mean they feel insecure or scared, which is especially true of many dogs when they are in an unknown or new setting or situation.
On the contrary, when a dog is happy, their tail and whole body will look relaxed, and they often wag their tail vigorously!
They are aggressive
If your dog frequently displays aggressive behavior towards people, animals, or anything that crosses their path, it could be a sign that they are unhappy or experiencing anxiety.
Aggressive behaviors can stem from fear, pain, anxiety, or territorial instincts.
They are destructive
Dogs who exhibit destructive or aggressive behaviors—such as tearing up furniture or carpet, snarling or biting —are generally under stress, anxiety, or perhaps even bored.
They are withdrawn and distant
Dogs are social animals and they tend to stay together and close to the individuals—people, dogs, or other animals—that they’re bonded to. A happy dog will want to spend time with their family and will come to you for attention.
If your dog becomes withdrawn or shows distant behavior from you, they could be feeling stressed or sad.
They lick their own fur more regularly
According to one new study, lonely dogs may lick or bite at their own fur more often, resulting in patches of lost fur. Lick granulomas are a common manifestation of boredom or anxiety in dogs, and present as small circular sores that are often on the dog's carpus or wrist.
They don’t make eye contact with you
Soft eye contact is a major sign of trust in canines. So those loving looks the two of you share while hanging out together on the couch are sure signs of a happy dog.
On the contrary, if a dog feels stressed, they will pointedly look away and avoid eye contact.
A dog displaying this behavior is usually trying to avoid any kind of interaction, good or bad. You often notice this in dogs recently rescued from negative or traumatic situations.
They have a low sense of excitement
Dogs are known for their remarkable sense of excitement. They display great enthusiasm for various activities like dinner, playtime, and walks. Some dogs even express their excitement by hopping or bouncing around.
On the other hand, when a dog is feeling sad or unwell, their level of excitement and happiness tends to decrease. This can be observed through their lack of interest in activities like walks or mealtime.
Inability to Settle and Relax
If your pooch can’t relax and constantly appears on edge, they might be experiencing stress or anxiety. Dogs that can't settle may flinch at every sound or wake up frequently from sleep. Even while lying down, a stressed dog may have wide, alert eyes and a tense body posture.
On the contrary, being calm and relaxed are signs that your canine companion is content.
In fact, healthy and happy adult dogs typically sleep for up to 16 hours a day.
Coat appearance
A dog's coat reflects their health and mental state. A shiny, clean coat is a sign of good health and an indicator that a dog isn’t experiencing any emotional or environmental stress. An unhappy dog will have uneven fur and a disheveled look. They may even start to neglect their grooming routine. Sometimes, their skin might also appear to flake.
An unhealthy appetite
Happy dogs tend to have healthy appetites.
If your canine companion refuses to eat or has a diminished appetite, it could be a sign that they’re not feeling well, or that they’re experiencing anxiety or stress.
They Ignore Your Commands
Some people think training a dog is all about the dog, but it’s also about a dog’s emotional state. If a dog is sad or unhappy in their environment, they are less likely to respond well to training.

Common causes of depression in dogs
While there are a variety of triggers for depression, it is frequently caused by a major change in a dog’s life. This includes the death of a loved one, change of residence, a new pet or baby in the household, hormonal changes, punishment and abuse, or a health issue.
Interestingly enough, dogs also pick up on our emotions. Research has shown that when we get stressed, our dogs get stressed out, too.
So don’t be surprised if your pup acts differently when you’ve had a bad day at work. Your faithful, furry friend is responding to your mood.
Another common cause of depression in dogs is loneliness or boredom. Dogs need space to run around and might become sad if they haven’t been given the chance to explore and interact with humans or other dogs. Staying indoors all the time or not getting enough attention from their humans, can take a serious toll on canine mental health.
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I love these dog videos. Thankfully my dogs do not exhibit any of these signs. However, these types of videos remind me how important it is to keep checking up on my dogs. I would not want to miss any important signs.


1. Destructiveness / chewing
2. Low sense of excitement
3. Staying in place instead of greeting you
4. Inability to settle and relax
5. Coat appearance - lackluster & disheveled
6. Withdrawn & distant hiding
7. Lack of eye contact
8. Licking their own fur more regularly / may also be allergies
9. Carrying tail low
10. Unhealthy appetite
11. Ignoring your commands
12. Disinterested in toys
13. They are aggressive
14. Triigers: changes in their lives, punishment, abuse, owner moods, lonliness, lack of space to run, lack of attention.


Thanks for the advice it was really really helpful :⁠-⁠)


You've actually helped my dog a lot, thanks!


Thank you for the tips/ knowledge! I will keep them in mind! This video was very helpful! Thanks again!


He (<- who sadly passed away aged just 9 from diabetes in January this year 😢) was a total man’s dog so most contends I gave him would sometimes get ignored! My border collie (who I lost from old age in 2021) was a total woman’s dog and therefore was obsessed with protecting me! He was ace! Ferrel, I miss u honey… every day.. 🥺💔🐾 our lab/collie cross, Lenny (who again passed away from old age in 2018 😭) was the funniest! For a part Labrador he had some funny eating habits! I tried him on dry food; the look of disgust was apparent! It was like he was saying “it’s poison” I was like “it’s not poison Lenny!” And his response was “it’s rancid!” Me: “it’s not rancid! Eat your food!” Needless to say, we swapped him back to wet food that very day!!! Guys, I miss you all so much… 😭💔🐾


Thank you for sharing my dog is a happy dog 👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️👍🏽


We rescued a puppy shes been with us 6 weeks and we were all doing great. I have MDD and our previous dog who pasted understood me and my moods and needing to be alone quit often...our new puppy who's a year doesn't she was fine but now having poop accidents. Thinking my depression is cause this. I feel so back. I do love her but afraid I'm not enough for our fur baby. Any advice we are all feeling it. 😢


thanks a LOT for the USEFUL information SERIOUSLY


Thank you so much for the vide. According to this video, my dog is a HAPPY dog :)


Great 👍 video. I missed the signs my beloved dog 🐶 was sick with cancer ❤😢


My baby love chewing everything even my hands 😂


Hey I would I like to know if the voice in this video is made by AI or is someone’s real voice . At Jaw-Dropping Facts let me know thanks


I seem to live with two very happy frenchies😁🤘🤞


Good video, but that was only 12 signs, not 15 lol. You guys are super bad at counting


Apparently my dogs are very happy. That is good to know.


Please stop showing these poor dogs who are homeless or in a depressing shelter…you can get your point across without filming these poor creatures. You are simply adding to their discomfort! Wish more people would adopt these poor animals


If my dog
Is not taking interest in his food and also in
Toys so this is also the reason of unhappy dog ??


Gotta say, if you provide, food, water, exercise, mental stimulation and love the dog should be fine. If it's not, SOMETHING IS WRONG. Take it to a professional, a vet, a trainer etc. I don't think this video was a good idea. There was a lot of "the dog could be unhappy OR, , , , " The video should be opposite, start with the owner and what they SHOULD be doing, if it doesn't yield a vibrant alert dog, it's time to seek professional help. No need for "it could be unhappy OR, , , , " sorry


According to the video, my dog is a happy one!😄
