Types of Fiber optic internet explained

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Internet Service providers use a lot of lingo and abbreviations when trying to sell you their high speed fibre optic internet packages. In this video we're going to have a look at the most common ones and what they mean, including ftth, fttc, fttn and fttb.

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Lets start with
FTTH which stands for Fiber-to-the-Home also known as Full fibre: This type of fibre internet provides a direct fibre-optic connection from the internet service provider (ISP) to the customer's home or business. FTTH delivers the fastest and most reliable internet speeds, as data travels over fiber optic cables all the way to the customer's premises without any copper wires in between. If you have the option to get Fiber to the home and speed is important to you then this is the option for you.

Lets move on to FTTC or Fiber-to-the-Cabinet: With FTTC, fiber optic cables are used to connect to a cabinet located on the street or sidewalk, which is then connected to individual homes or businesses using traditional copper wiring. This type of fiber internet can provide faster and more reliable speeds compared to traditional DSL or cable internet, as the fiber optic cables can transmit data at much higher speeds. However as it uses the slower copper cable from the cabinet into the home it is not as fast as FTTH.

Lets move on to FTTN Fiber-to-the-Node: FTTN uses fiber optic cables to connect to a node or junction box located in the neighbourhood or building, and then uses traditional copper wiring to connect to individual homes or businesses. This type of fiber internet can be faster than traditional DSL or cable internet, but may be less reliable due to the limitations of copper wiring over long distances. This sounds similar to Fibre to the cabinet but the only real difference is that the node in fttn is further away from your home than the cabinet is in fttc. This makes FTTN slower than FTTC as the signal has to travel further using the copper cable.

Finally lets look at FTTB (Fiber-to-the-Building): FTTB uses fibre optic cables to connect to a building, and then uses traditional copper wiring to connect to individual units within the building. This type of fiber internet is used in multi-unit buildings such as apartments or office buildings. It is typically faster than FTTN and provides a similar speed to FTTC.

I hope this video has helped you understand what these abbreviations mean, please do subscribe if you've enjoyed this video and thanks for watching!

#fullfiber #fiberoptics #fibreoptic #ftth #fttc #fttn #fttb
Рекомендации по теме

Currently at home I have FTTC with a 80/20mbps connection (hopefully soon to have FTTH with a 500mbps download). At work I have a FTTP (FTTH) with a 500mbps down and 80mbps up 😁


A question, when you want to get one of these packages, does FTTH cost extra money ??


Which type of fiber do you use and what speed do you get?
