Beginners Crash course: Create an online E-Learning course in an LMS or SCORM - Process and Terms

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This video will prepare you to create your own E-Learning course and offers a step-by-step guide for hiring an instructional designer and creating media in order to build a course.

After hundreds of consultations, I've realized that some people think they are ready to build an eLearning course and as they realize all the stuff they've overlooked- they become overwhelmed! There are so many options- so much to think about. So I'm going to save you the headache of hours and hours of meetings or wasted time so you're on the right track BEFORE you decide to hire an instructional designer or eLearning developer.

SME - Subject Matter Expert - this is the expert who knows whats up

ID - Instructional Designer - the person who organizes what the expert knows into something that makes sense. They usually write the voice-over, design slides, activities and quizzes.

Interactions - something that makes the student of the course do something like click, drag or get this - think

Storyboard or shot sheet - the outline of the course or video before it’s built out

VO - Voice over - this is that invisible narrator who explains whats going on and presents the content

Scorm - Sharable Content Object Reference Model - This is a file type which allows all sorts of interactions and data collection. It’s important to know that a SCORM file is only useable if you have an LMS that can read it
eLearning software - The big players are Articulate and Captivate. Both of them can build interactive presentations with reporting sent to an LMS. Both of them and others can be exported as a SCORM or other types of eLearning files.

LMS - Learning management system, This is where a course is built or stored and allows students to be enrolled. They do all sorts of other stuff too.

Gamification - Using avatars, points, badges, leaderboards and other elements of gaming to motivate the players or students
In terms of videos you might hear a few of these terms:

Intro - happens at the beginning

Outro - happens at the end

Captions - text of what is being said in the VO/

Callout - any text or image that pops up which shows important information

B-roll - any stock video footage that isn’t unique to you, like someone mowing a lawn, or a fish jumping out of water or a hand using a sponge.
B-roll film footage is used to match a topic. Like right now I could have a video of someone with a camera to show you the meaning of what I’m saying - but the person with the camera has nothing to do with me or my business - he’s a complete stranger. I just want to express an idea.

Lights-Camera-Action - this is actually the order these items should be in when taking film. LIghts behind you as you film what is in front of you.
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