CHEATERS! And 3 Tips on How to Deal with Them | An FDS Chat

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While this shouldn't be a common occurence, sometimes we run into cheating. How do we handle it? Here are some tips that might help you if you do find yourself in the unfortunate position of dealing with a cheater.

Link to Nikachu MTG Video on "Two Explores":

Link to video of "Two Explores":

NOTE: After uploading the video I realized I took the perspective of someone who wanted to avoid conflict at all costs. That isn't necessarily true for all players of the game. I still think these tips are still relevant for all players to take a more level headed approach when confronted with a cheater. In any case I hope this helps!

We Got Merch!


#MTG #Cheating #TCG
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Thank you so much for these tips and for making it, this is very helpful for me. Side note, I appreciate you actually taking my video suggestion idea and making it, thank you so much.


Playing dumb is always the best option. They will fail to explain something along the way.
Fortunately never had to deal with such situation.


If there is a judge around and you are not confident enough in what's happening - call them. They're there to deal with any unclear situations. You don't understand certain rule, you are supposing that you're playing with a cheater, you don't like jokes your opponent is making? Call the judge. And I say it as a girl who's going to be judge herself)


I gotta say, this channel has great production value and awesome tips, definitely deserves more subscribers!


I think a big piece in addition to this is how to not unknowingly cheat. I apparently used to cheat because my shuffling wasn't great. It was random to me, but I would split the lands beforehand. Which is a form of pile shuffling.


I recently lost a play friend who I slightly suspected of cheating. Previous time we played he won 6 games in a row, a curb stomp, but when we played again the next time I cut his deck a little bit more intricately and he joked saying ‘I hope you don’t think I’m cheating’. I ended up massively winning those next few rounds but he didn’t take that very well and told me he was done playing the game for a while. Felt a bit petty, but all I did was cut his deck differently. He would casually ‘forget’ to let me cut his deck fairly often to, so I feel a little justified


I love it when people cheat against me, I’m a very perceptive player and I always call it out when I believe my opponent is cheating, gets them disqualified and I move to the next match, one great advantage that I don’t have but imagine some players do, is basically knowing what almost every card does, so you know what the player is going to do and what is expected, what I do instead is read every single card that gets played that I don’t remember .


Keep some stink bombs handy to break when someone's cheating


I've called out plenty of people for trying to get down an extra land while playing ramp. I point it out and turn count to show the real numbers


I often approach games at my local shop by introducing myself as a casual player and I'm not familiar with a lot of cards. Anytime a card is played I ask for a quick explanation.


If I look away while listing to your vids I forget I'm not watching LGR lol


I too try to play the dummy when i see my opponent doing something wrong but one time in my lgs my opponent started the game and drew a card of his deck. I didnt just want to say: you dont draw a card if you start the game so i sad: are you sure youre allowed to draw a card if you start? And in my head it didnt sound as disrespectful as it was


Is there a lot of cheating going on?
I haven't played in a long while.


This happened at my lgs at the most recent pre release agents me. I was was playing orzohv and the other dude was playing dimier. I had 2 flyers on board and like a life lead of 18 to 9. He played that 3 mana Rare that gave all his zombies flying. On my turn I killed it and swung for 4 damage. Then on his turn he played a card that allowed him to put 4 cards from his graveyard into his library and look at the top 4 and draw 1. I noticed he put those 4 cards on top and didn't shuffle the top just the middle and immediately drew the top 4 and amazingly he had the 3 mana Rare that granted all his zombies flying. I should have told him to reshuffle and draw again but I was so surprised that he blatantly cheated that I just kept playing.
