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Baptism anniversary
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i love your puppies they have a great forever home with lots of love,


just be glad it happened like I did. when I was 15 I had a stepmother that was a Jehovah's Witness and that was the same year she pushed for me to quit school and become a pioneer and get baptized and she was actually looking for somebody to try to marry me off to period 6 months later her and my father got divorced and it wasn't much longer she threw me to the Wolves I was homeless and out of school. you can't begin to tell you how hard it was on me between the ages of 16 and 25. I actually didn't grow up and catch up with other people until I was about 27 I took a GED and went to college myself during my daughter first grade. I'm happy for you


Y’all are so beautiful 😍...those puppies made me smile too! Sounded like they needed to up the baptism number for that convention...the boss probably said “round up anyone you can...numbers are looking bad”. 😡

So glad you’re free and living it up! Sky is the limit for you and your entire family! Xoxoxo from Nashville!


Thanks for sharing your baptism story. And I love the puppies on the video you should make all your videos with them in it.


You're such a great family. Your congregation was a harsh one, I can't believe they treated you so badly. 😔 😢
Would you mind if I used part of your video to give a clear highlight of how people are treated if they go to college?
Anyway, so glad your family has left and you can now explore your lives and choices. 😊 🌻


Daayuum!! Baptized in 2015 and DF'd in 2016. While impressive that's still not a record.
I'm not sure who holds the record for quickest DF but some of the guys in my old congregation that got baptized were DF'd shortly thereafter (like within 3 or 4 months) for like fornication or smoking in the boys room. So glad your family got out with you for the extra support for each other. I was a slow learner evidently. I got baptized at 16 and didn't get DF'd until 21 and then to make life harder on me I went back and got reinstated and stayed for another 20 years.


I went thru all the questions with the elders and they never told me if it was OK to get bapitized, until the day of the convention. I brought my swimsuit and tshirt just in case and I had to ask them for the final answer! Days after I got baptized my mom tells me that the elders thought I shouldve stuided more! Im starting to wonder what kind of guidlines the elders have, if any, on making the decision, after listening to your story. Thanks for sharing


Angus-Stewart-Sydney! The perfect prosecutorial trifecta as represented by the California Handsome Pooch Judicial Committee!! Arnold Schwarzenegger just blushed!


all of my story is Very Old like me.I am 60. family hasn't talked to me in Forever. A lot of them are deceased now. yes I went to college yes I tried to piece my life together and if I had it all to do over again I would have still walked away after I saw they walked away from me first. and when that happened I just didn't want to go back I thought they were my friends I guess not


You girls are sweet. I’m glad you got out of that cult 🌻😁🙏


Holy shitty shit you guys really really look like your parents...im sure you lil ladies get that a lot.

And college at 17? Thats impressive!

(lol "he just wants to help you...") Im about a year and a half out now, always grinding with my research to be ready to help my pimi family.

Thanks for the encouragment LITT Family!


So do u go to any church or believe in Jesus ?
It’s sad how JWs are so crZy wrong about Jesus
and can cause some to lose all faith in Him.
I’m Catholic and have NEVER heard that going to
College means u aren’t eligible for baptism?
Baptism is joining Gods family.
God wants all in his family.
Catholics baptize prisoners too.


I fell asleep during my baptism propagandist speech. Something about for the rest of my life, yada yada, until death do us part...praise He-Ho!!!


Explain? Logic? Elders? Three words that should never be used in the same sentence hehehe 😁😁😁 They may have actually left Gabby out so they’d always have an “in” with her. They may still try to influence her any way they can. I’m just glad you didn’t spend your entire life in their grips.


Why were you disfellowshipped? Has that affected your home-life? Have you been shunned in any way?
I can't stand that about the JW's, that they have no regard for anybody not in their religion and that they actively dissociate from those who find their way clear of the religion. I've heard cases of it destroying families, that sucks.
Congratulations on finding your way clear.


I’m an inactive brother, but from listening to your story, and despite you being labeled as a “disfellowshipped” person in the Organization, I can tell you have a good heart, and you seem to be a good older sister too for your siblings. I saw your other videos and the experience you went through when your former friends and others shunned you, and I felt bad, because for me, if I personally knew someone who got disfellowshipped, and I knew what kind of genuine kind person they were before, I would still say hi and check up on u lol. Idk, maybe this is because that’s the kind of person I am.
