Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion

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Dr. Shim explains what Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion ( ACDF ) surgery is and the pros and cons of getting it.

0:00 What is ACDF?
2:21 Why get ACDF
3:14 What are the concerns?
3:36 Research


Bydon M, Mathios D, Macki M, de la Garza-Ramos R, Sciubba DM, Witham TF, Wolinsky JP, Gokaslan ZL, Bydon A. Long-term patient outcomes after posterior cervical foraminotomy: an analysis of 151 cases. J Neurosurg Spine. 2014 Nov;21(5):727-31. PubMed PMID: 25127430

Clarke MJ, Ecker RD, Krauss WE, McClelland RL, Dekutoski MB. Same-segment and adjacent-segment disease following posterior cervical foraminotomy. J Neurosurg Spine. 2007 Jan;6(1):5-9. PubMed PMID: 17233284

Platt A, Gerard CS, O'Toole JE. Comparison of outcomes following minimally invasive and open posterior cervical foraminotomy: description of minimally invasive technique and review of literature. J Spine Surg. 2020 Mar;6(1):243-251. PubMed PMID: 32309662

Leveque JC, Marong-Ceesay B, Cooper T, Howe CR. Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Radiculopathy and Myelopathy. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2015 Aug;26(3):491-511. PubMed PMID: 26231961

Woods BI, Hilibrand AS. Cervical radiculopathy: epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2015 Jun;28(5):E251-9. PubMed PMID: 25985461

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Hi. I had my 6/7 ACDF 20 days ago and so for so good. All pain I had prior the operation has gone, just left with healing pains. I’ve to have it done again in 5 years to fuse the c5/6 but I’m not worried anymore due to the care and treatment I’ve had this time. I’m in the UK and find myself very lucky to have such amazing surgeon and medical staff. I recommend it to anyone who having seriously back neck pains and numbness throughout your body.


Almost 10 years post op from this procedure, C4-C6. Praying that I will not need more intervention above this fusion.
In my case it was literally a life saver. Things got really bad leading up to my surgery in 2013. I have congenital defects in my C spine.


I was diagnosed with spondysis with myelopathy but never had any symptoms of numbness, but my surgeon said I need and so I had ACDF 2.5 years ago. Since then I have not been feeling better at all. As a matter of fact my neck has burning sensation and head tightening. I’ve been going to physical therapy and getting acupuncture treatments for pain. I wish I knew this video before I did the surgery.


Juat had my c6/c7 fused 5 days ago. Incisional pain and throat pain from where my esophagus and trachea were moved out of the way to access the spine. I still have some lingering nerve pain and numbness down my left arm but I am told that is normal and should subside as inflammation goes down. This recovery sucks, but it's so much better than the constant pain I was in for 48 days prior. Dont second guess this surgery. Although it looks harsh, you'll feel so much better afterwards.


Thanks for sharing the information. It helped me to understand more about the procedures for my surgery.


Thank You very much. FOR GOOD INFORMATION and perfect language


I had my c5/c6 fused in 2016, in a wk I'm going back to have my c4/c5 fused with possible adjustments to my c6. I honestly swear by this surgery. I had so much pain and my migraines went from at least 21 a month to maybe 3 or 4 and the ones I do have are mild compared to the ones I had before.


I go next month for a four level, C3-7.


Ty doctor. Now I have a better understanding of the type of surgery I had on my neck. The fusion didn't take and it messed up my vocal chords. Since then, I've had a hard time swallowing food and meds without choking. I was in a fender bender and hit from behind, it jarred my neck. Now it's stiff and hurts to turn my neck side to side.


I watch ur all videos and really appreciate ur work...nice channel


I had it done I April 10/04/24. The pain after was horrendous I could move my head shoulders arms ands I suer nerve ever again. They were giving me for pain was paracetamol and I do take for pain 😊opioids so the pain was horrendous I had it done is Spain I had to go to Spain to have done cause because I have had 2 major ops on the lower back 26 and 25years ago and I got worse and all those years but I never softer for my neck but after this procedure and right now my neck I have desconfot. This surgery was the most painful never again.


I will make surgery tomorrow on C6-C7 hope that going well with me 😢


. Please get help if you experience any of these symptoms, because if left untreated you can become completely paralyzed and become a vegetable the rest of your life. That was the scariest experience of my life and I’m still trying to cope with the trauma I experienced when I lost mobility and thought I’d never be the same again. I thought my family would have to send me away to a nursing home and I’d be trapped in this body in a hospital bed that I would never get up out of. I love to run, to play with my animals and be active. I was mourning the loss of my future that I had to accept would never be a reality. Sorry for the long comment but I just wanted to say how grateful I am and I hope now that I can get my mobility back fully since my scar tissue on the back of my neck is really bad. I started physical therapy and I pray it helps. But I’m so much better off than I was 5 months ago. Thank you to all the surgeons out there who are so skilled at fixing these things for us and sometimes doing the impossible. ❤🙏❤❤🙏❤


Thank you sir for your excellent explanation. What about the dentists who had ACDF surgery, when they can go back to their job and patient? What are the restrictions for them if there is any?


Hi Doctor!! I would like to know if Is possible have pain in my neck and my arms, had fusion c3, c4 in my neck 13 years ago, now in my new job recommend to use devices to put in the T-shirt at the neck for correct body position, every moment this device give to my neck little shots I m using since November 2021 now I felt my hands and arm like numbeness, feeling something pulling inside my arm


Looking at this video and others as well as all the comments, It's amazing how many people have messed up necks. I've had 9 whiplashes to mess mine up, do you all know what messed yours up?


I was diagnosed with moderate to severe cervical spinal stenosis at C3-5. I have seen 2 orthopedic spine surgeons, the 1st wanted to do a posterior laminectomy without fusion, the 2cd wants to do an ACDF with a cage device. My insurance will not cover a 3rd opinion. The 1st doctor believes I have myelopathy based on MRI. The 2cd doctor doesn't believe I have myelopathy based on the results of reflexology tests. My symptoms are intermittent mild neck stiffness, and arm weakness- I have no gait issues. I have had 1 bout of sciatica about a year ago that went away on its own in days. I walk daily and swim often. I am 57 and don't know what to do... both doctors believe that I need surgery, the 1st wants to do it right away, the second wants to see me in 6 months. Please advise.


I just had this procedure done 5/28/21, 5 levels & it’s still painful & uncomfortable to drive. Arms are still weak but I can move my left arm now and I don’t have to go to the bathroom every 20mins 😂. Uncomfortable, but BETTER!


Hello doc how many month can heal the wound?


How about if someone has multiple level stenosis
