How To Escape The 9-5 Trap

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How to never work a 9 to 5 job again. Finally quit your 9-5 and escape the rat race. Most people don't enjoy their job. Let's go over the 9-5 trap and how to get out.

First let’s address the 9-5 bs trap and how to escape. Then we will address how to find your passion.

1- Mindset
Example: Investing is the endgame for everyone, whether it is with stocks, real estate, etc. that is up to you.
Having enough money invested to cover your living expenses will liberate you.
We will go into the exact numbers later in the video.

Action: How do we get there? We need to make more money than we spend.
Your job is just a funnel to help you invest more. Most people do not enjoy their jobs.
But that is okay as long as you know the end game.

2- Two important questions to ask yourself.
Is this job helping me invest? Yes, money helps.
Am I learning any new skills? If no, switch jobs to become more valuable.

Example: In the past I worked as an auto technician, I learned how to do the basic car maintenance like oil changes, tire installations & battery replacements.

But after a year, there was nothing new for me to learn, so I quit the job but carried those valuable skills into the future when I got into the car business.
(Whole video on that linked up)

Action: Keep your 9-5 job until you find your passion and make money from it.

3- How to find your passion and monetize it?

Question: What do you do after work? In your leisure time?
Maybe you go workout, or make paintings.

If you still don’t know, that means you need to try new things.
You never know what you are passionate about until you go out and try it.

Example: When I was a kid, I enjoyed sports like soccer and dodgeball.
But I never knew that I would be passionate about combat sports until one day my mom put me in a Karate gym.

At first, I dreaded going to the classes after school, but shortly after I began to love it and I looked forward to it everyday until I got my blackbelt.
I loved stepping into a ring and fighting, it was something I was really good at naturally.

Action: I would have never found my passion if I never tried it. You can have multiple passions, the key is too monetize one of them.

We are almost in 2021, the monetization of any passion is possible. Anything is possible.
I happen to be passionate about personal finance and investing, so I sit here and talk to this camera, upload these videos, and get paid from youtube Ads, affiliate links, etc.

You can do the same exact thing as me, maybe you love drawing. You can display your art on instagram and set up a store where you sell custom drawings to people.

The possibilities are endless and the start up costs are minimal compared to 20 years ago.

Simply go to legal zoom, start up your llc, and open up your website.
Leverage social platforms like YouTube, instagram, tik Tok, twitter, etc…

4- There will come a time where it no longer makes sense for you to work a 9-5.

Options: You can either buy your freedom by investing a lot of money, or you can turn one of your passions into a business.

Option 1) Multiply your current income by 25, that is the amount of money it will cost to buy your freedom using the 4% rule from the Trinity study.

Example: If you make $50,000 per year, you need $1,250,000 invested in order to be paid $50,000 from your investments indefinitely without ever running out of money.

Option 2) I’ll use myself as an example, I love investing so I make these videos talking about it on YouTube and am able to get paid for it.
I also love fitness, I am able to offer personal training online and be paid for it.

Action: Realistically, you will need a combination of both unless you are a trust fund baby.

I still do things I am not necessarily passionate about, but that is because I have the endgame in mind, which is investing.

Conclusion- Think of the “experts” at the top of the field you want to enter.
Why can’t you be up there?
Anything is possible, you never know how far you can go until you try.

Here are a few book suggestions:

Camera, Mic, Lighting:

Disclaimer: It should not be considered legal or financial advice. You should consult with an attorney or other professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. This video is intended for entertainment purposes only. Do your own due diligence, and take 100% responsibility for your financial decisions. Affiliate links are present on my channel.
Рекомендации по теме

This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 6 months ago about self development. Now I have 366 subs and > 100 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place.


His passion is fitness and stocks. Real fun guy I bet


Great advice. Unfortunately the majority of us living pay check to paycheck don't have extra money to invest in anything.


This guy is genuinely telling u what he did to get where he’s at and I love it I hope u blow up for honesty and don’t get corrupted into lying by the money stay true help the people appreciate the hey


My goal is to keep building my skills as a data analyst in the rat race, then use those skills to start my own business in data analytics.


This channel is awesome! Thanks for all the work you put into your content. It really shows.. This isn't the typical repeated advice you'd find in a Google search. Really appreciate and looking forward to your videos!


I've been following my passion but there's hardly any money in it.


Here it is, it's Sunday and now my whole week 5 days straight will be spent at work.
I personally don't mind it gets you out, I get plenty of sunlight and exercise but I'll be there for 9 and half hours, one hour break but work for 8 and half hours. Its not bad but that's a lot of time spent its most of your day and being I'm up at 5:30 am leave work at 5:30 pm I don't feel like doing much after. that's 5 days of the week come Sat I just want to recoup and Sun here we are last day off and back to work it is, seems so forced and trap like. I need find my niche and get a business or something the owner doesn't show up till 9:30 looks like he'd just woke up at 8:30 and leaves around 4pm that's not as bad but still seems kinda like most of our lives is spent working, logically this doesn't seem right or ethically, we weren't made to work for this many hours a day just seems like a waste of life, wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat. Vacations comes and goes so idk seems like a distraction if anything keep us moving and beehive like, all on the same mission, survival. I like my job just not so much time spent at work. $20+ an hour with over time and half $30


One of your post inspirational videos by far👌🏽


I keep my promises dude, keep doing what you doing man, even if you don’t respond to my comment


This guy is speaking facts but mad funny


Fantastic advice. But what are you doing that you don’t like to make money? You make it sound like things you’re not proud of 🤣


Working at a call center is NOT a passion #fml
