Glory of God • Image of God Ep. 4

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In this episode, Tim and Jon talk about the glory of God and what it means for humans to glorify him. Does glorifying God simply mean singing songs or acting a certain way? Why is God so interested in his glory? This all connects back to the image of God. The glory of God is one of those terms that is thrown around a lot in Christian culture, but what does it really mean?
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This whole episode has single handedly held my faith up, I’m with Jon, I don’t want to be just a glorified yes man, I wanna enjoy creation and the creator as me


I have an amazing story. One day I was driving home and I felt the presence of the Lord, come down to me from above. It was as real as anything and I felt so comfortable with Him.
I knew if I asked Him to play a song on the radio, He would.
So I said "Ok Lord, play Come as you are..."
I didn't know what station it was on or anything, but I turned the radio on and the song started playing right on the spot, perfectly...
I started getting flooded with chills inside, trembling, and crying tears of joy. When I got home, He stayed with me for 10 minutes till I got out of the car.

I've been getting amazing prayers answered for around 5 years since, because that experience made me stop doubting when I pray, and I follow Biblical instructions, best I can.


This discussion came at a time it was needed. Glory to God ✝️🧎


"There's that word again. 'Heavy.' Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?" - Doc Brown


My faith is being tested. I’m so weary. But I will continue to trust in God. I get put down and harassed by fellow christians for sharing my testimony. I only share for prayers and encouragement. Please pray for me. Since covid I fell on a terrible hardship, like many others. I lost my job for declining the vaccine. I declined due to my health conditions. I suffer from lupus, and heart disease. I’m now waitressing but not making nearly enough to get by. I’m a single mom, my husband is with God. My children are autistic and non verbal, I’m overwhelmed because they demand so much from me. I recently started homeschooling them because they were having so many issues in school. I’m tired of struggling every month. I’m striving to afford the tools I need to homeschool my children but I’m falling short. But I trust in you Jesus even as I struggle providing groceries for my family I’m ashamed. I feel like a failure. Jesus hear my prayers. Prayers are all I need. Thank you Lord! I know you will provide! Faith over fear!


His image, His name and His glory are all consistent. They are markers of who our Father is, which is our calling as followers, and reflections, of His Son. Reflecting His light through His Spirit is what this dark world and lost souls need.


"My Kavod is ruined"😂😂 Loved the humor behind this awesome Podcast. You guys bless me.


Glimpses of God's glory are a tremendous gift. I've never seen it unless I went through a trial or crisis. They're indescribable.


Been having trouble with the word glory, glorifying as well. It caused me to see God in a strange uncomfy light. Bless you, thank you for making this video. It has helped me, and I think its a beautiful message how you guys explained it. I'm overjoyed and thankful. God bless amen! ^^


Just lost a friend to an overdose, lost my job from a car wreck being the reason, I’m lost and god is the only thing I know for sure . And even then it’s so hard to hear gods messsge feeling this way. Like there is a block in my way or something . Lord please give me guidance. Show me the way back to you and keep me on the right track . In the name of the father saint and Holy Spirit .


We must worship God in spirit and in truth because God seeks such


we out here kickflipping to the glory of God


Hi John and Tim, Blessings from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! I really loved this episode!


Succh a timely video!! I had just asked this question in my Bible study group the past week


God is invisible but can be seen through his creation


Thank you for your content. I'm just down the road in Albany.


This was really good.. I was hoping that you would touch on Exodus 33. Thank you guys for the work you do!


I am your follower Mr. Mackie. And this episode asked me questions when the Holy Trinity became to began. Now I know Thanks to you. First I have the question where is the Trinity before Jesus? It come to my mind that Jesus was the Son of Man. But God existed before anything. Then He created Light from His Holy word. Then His Spirit created the stars moon and the Sun, then the Earth plants trees land and seas. His Spirit was glorious. Then He created man and woman in His own image which the Trinity became whole. The Father, The Man and The Holy Spirit to RULE Eden the World. but Man got tempted to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge and became sinful. God punished Man it was really tumultuous time. In the time of Noah, he made earth anew, He reset the world. His people scattered all over His Creation, from the Holy Land to Asia and every where else. His people oppressed each other and He chose Moses to separate them and favored the oppressed and establish Law to the Prophet Moses. They still did not follow the His Law with very lenient way so He sent other prophets, Angels and prophets predicting the coming of His Chosen one the Son of Man, a descendant of Adam, Abraham, and David which is God the Son, Son of Man, Jesus. Establishing the Holy Trinity again. No pun intended but St. Mary is virgin sinless and Holy. God knew about the Chosen Mary and sent His Angels to announce the Good News to her and she conceive God her fruit. Many trials and temptation, and miracles Jesus performed and the adversary tried and tempted Jesus in the desert and He resisted him and perform other miracles. Then man tried Lord Jesus and severely tortured and tormented Him Jesus is the word the chosen and saved us from original sin and all His people from sin and He will save us again. God the Father, Jesus God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, His Spirit, His Angels and His Saints especially St. Mary and St. Joseph, are All Glorious.. This is the Nicene Creed, Lux, which is Light, et Origo, origin and Credo, creed and beliefbecame. No pagan belief but it is old Catholic belief Bless God and God bless the Bible Project.


I really resonate with this understanding of how the word "Glory" in English carries with it a bad connotation.. in fact that was the main thing I had against the "eternal singalong" vision many people have of heaven, that it just seemed so petty and vain for God, to create an entire universe just to stroke His ego forever telling Him how great He is. Like is that what my entire life boils down to? Stroking a cosmic narcissist's ego? It makes me depressed to think about. But this is a better way of understanding it, even the words having different etymologies conveys so much. Because that's how it appeared to me "glory" is just.. praise and stroking ego and just.. you know, it's in the bible that God glorifies in people's infirmities right? So if the word "glory" as we know it in English is applied, then God is using our misery to puff up His esteem and that just seems so selfish and awful. But with the other word, that it meant how much they matter and importance it's got an entirely new connotation that makes that suffering and misery matter, in the "glory" sense it's just God can brag about people suffering for His sake. But in the Hebrew word etymology these people's suffering matters to God
