An HOUR of Strange and Unexplained Disappearances

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► An HOUR of Strange and Unexplained Disappearances

► A look back over the last year at some of the strange disappearances that we've covered across the channel.

00:00 Strangeness in British Columbia
21:35 The Missing Hunter
45:02 Manchester Canal
55:53 In a Shallow Pond?
01:09:50 Shoes Found Near The River...
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Hey all, unfortunately I've been sick since boxing day and my voice isn't fully back yet so I've put this compilation together. I'm hopefully going to be able to make new content in the next two weeks. I hope the new year has started better for you than it did for me!


All hunters know or should know. That 3 consecutive shots mean that you are in distress, and need help.


Undressing during hypothermia is a shedding of clothes as they walk. They don't fold the clothes and leave them stacked under something.


I love it when it says "an hour of strange disappearances", yet the video says its runs for an hour and 14 mins. Extra bonus! 😆👌


Don't ever underestimate the nonsensical uselessness of the RCMP! Just look at what they did (or rather didn't do) in the hunt for Bart Schleyer. And that's just one example! It doesn't surprise me one bit that they had skilled SAR folks cleaning up trash.


Overconfidence is the outdoorsman's Achilles heel.


The first story you cover in this episode is at least the third time i've heard of someone going missing in Canada and where the RCMP have either not bothered to look for the person very much, or they've done weird things, and been secretive while looking for that person. There was another story I heard where a guy was hunting and went missing, and when his friends reported him missing, the RCMP looked a little bit but then decided he wasn't there and that he had left. Even though the guy had been flown in in a float plane. So his friends went looking for him and found parts of his body I believe. Or they found some of his equipment proving that he hadn't just left. Then the RCMP came back and found his body, or the rest of it, or something along those lines. I can't remember the whole story exactly, but I do remember how badly the RCMP acted at the beginning of when the guy went missing. It seriously sounds like the RCMP is lazy, incompetent, and just completely unprofessional. Except for when they are in parades or do funerals for fallen comrades. Then their outfits are spick and span, and they act like they're professionals. Maybe they should spend less time making sure their uniforms are spotless, and spend more time doing their jobs, like they're supposed to. Complete jokes.


3 shots in a row indicates an emergency of some sort. He was am older guy, perhaps he felt chest pain, or had injured himself and the 3 shots were a plea for help?

In my time as a firefighter that searched for people, something as simple as a twisted ankle could be enough to get a person killed in the forest. Older people have more medical issues, and if you camp alone, there is no one to help you.

Dying over a sprained ankle is a sad way to go...never camp alone. A second person can go get help while you relax. Thats not even to mention what kind of dangerous stuff is out there just waiting for you to be alone, or fall asleep in your own camp.


This might be my favorite channel right now


Thanks for all you do! Your narration and channel are both top notch. Have a great week.


Maybe Ray got out of the camper to relieve himself and locking the door to ensure the dogs not getting out, and then heard and saw something that led to his disappearance.
Scary to say the least.


Harrison lake is not in the middle of no where. It’s a very popular swimming and camping spot. Very close to civilization. South is Harrison Hot springs a village connected directly to the lake, and 45m by vehicle is several major cities.

Harrison lake although, is a very popular place for the loud party type campers and a popular shooting location. There is a lot of bear activity in that area. I don’t know how to explain it but in that area there is also a lot of locals that don’t want out of Towners to be camping there due to being loud and destructive.

Source: I live near by.


Some of these disappearances remind me of all the wendigo stories I've heard they are so strange.


Hello Adam, I hope for your speedy recovery with your voice. 🤗 It's terrible when you get sick and your voice goes, which is important for your content. Thank you for the eerie disappearances, they're so strange.


He didn't hear someone ejecting three shells. He heard someone firing three shots. The shell is ejected after a shot is fired.


Tom Messick case that man is underground, they needed to check out all those cave systems underground. Back in the 80's and early 90's we used to go caving and seen a lot of strange things in those caves and they go on for miles some go on to near by states. When Tom friend said he heard a strange noise in the woods that very day, they should have checked for trapdoors around his area he was last seen.


Missing Void I pray that you have a speedy recovery. I also would like to take this moment to let you know how much I enjoy ur channel. You are extremely talented and thorough, even adding updates when they are found. Thank you for the time spent and your obvious dedication to tell the stories of those missing…


Hope you feel better soon, Adam! Sending up a prayer for you. ❤


I look forward to every new episode now that I've gone through all of them 😊. Your presentation of the information is easy to follow but also leads to new questions not yet answered. Can't wait!


Get well soon Adam. Always good content from you and good to hear more of the missing in UK. Thank you.
