How To Play Ierusalem Anno Domini - @DevirTV| Love 2 Hate & Hard 2 Master #boardgames Review

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DO NOTE! These are the rules for a 4 player game. The rules for a solo, 2 player, & 3 player game are different!

Lance of Love 2 Hate & Hard 2 Master shows you how to play Ierusalem Anno Domini - a new hand management game from Devir that centers around Jesus of Nazareth and the famous Last Supper.

Start 0:00
Intro 0:10
Theme & Goal 0:27
Setup 1:52
Turn Overview 7:06
Playing A Card 8:24
Location Actions 8:47
Follower Actions 12:43
Visiting An Apostle 24:44
Illumination Action 30:09
Buying A Mahane Card 32:10
Refill Hand/Discard 32:25
End Game 33:21
Final Scoring 34:51

Hard 2 Master focuses on more expert board games, or games that are "hard to master". Hard 2 Master is apart of Love 2 Hate, a board game review channel focusing on helping gamers find great games to play with their non-gamer friends.

The copy of Ierusalem Anno Domini seen in this video was provided by Devir. No other compensation was provided for this video.
Рекомендации по теме

Great how to play video, well done! 34:27 If all of the Apostles have been seated at the Table for the Last Supper, the following special rule takes effect: All of the Sanhedrin’s Judgment tiles that are still on the Sanhedrin Track are removed from the game. Only this little tiny detail is missed I think, you have my subscription!


Hi! Thats the greatest Ierusalim htp in English!! You`ve answered all my questions about components and game rules) Im bad in reading rulebooks so videos are my saviors) Very helpful! thanks a Im now your follower)


wow, this isn't a medium game, this is a medium-heavy game. there's a lot going on! a lot of different ways for scoring points. BGG weight is 3.1 and i think that's quite accurate. I've ordered this game. cant wait to play it. Love the theme. The video was very well explained. New subs here! watching from Ireland


This game looks really cool! Found your playthrough last week and saw your commented on a bgg thread which bought me here again. Great explanation, I'm definitely buying after watching this 👍


Great video !!! Thank you for a great explanation, we will play it when i finish with the stickers :)


Thank you! I appreciate the help in learning it!
To get it to the table I'll need to remove some of the non-essential board sections and treat them like future expansions since I need to help 3 groups at the same time.
It looks like the Last Supper, Apostles, Player Cards, and left-side resources are the core.
And it looks like the 33 A.D. cards / Favor track, Parable track, and Sanhedrin track could be treated like expansions?
It is not going to make it to the table unless I can simplify the first play. When I am sitting with them the whole game I can include more.
Any ideas?


Interesting. Will you be posting a playthrough at some time?


I ❤ the way you say the games name. Domeenee 🤣


Other than the silver Apostle Judas, does it matter what stickers go on the others? I must have missed it in the book. Great video !!!


HI. Is the game suitable for two players? Do you recommend it? Thank you 🤟🏻


I am missing the review part of this video in the timestamps...where are your thoughts on the game?
