Climate Change Debate | Prof. Bruce Pardy | Opposition

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The Motion: This House Believes The West Has No Right to Impose Environmental Standards on Developing Countries

Prof. Bruce Pardy closes the case for the opposition, as the final speaker of six in the debate.

Professor of Environmental Law at Queen’s University, Canada. A former litigation lawyer, he has frequently criticised the Kyoto Protocol in academic journals, and recently published a book entitled Ecolawgic: The Logic of Ecosystems and the Rule of Law.

The motion was defeated.

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When the western developed industrial development, they were improving the lives of the people.
But, today the same work is being done by the developing countries, so they are becoming the factors of climate change.


8 Years After this Debate, and there has been NO CHANGE in the Environment.


I think he thought this was a poetry convention


Very interestingly put, well done that man.


1) The proposition did not blame the west, but correctly pointed out that poor countries need time to catch up, because developed countries has already done their fair share of pollution during their developing stage. It's not fare to ask developing countries not to prioritize their development.

2) Even to this date, most developed countries have a higher carbon footprint per-capita than developing countries (per-capita is what matters). Therefore, they don't have a right to pressure developing countries. But instead they should help developing countries with knowledge and resources, such as, green technologies and strategies.

3) Colonial rule has done more harm to developing countries than good. Not only economically, but also socially. Today's generation in Britain, does not have to feel guilty for their sins of their ancestors, but acknowledgement can go a long way.


Speaking in motion of west and using russian Mark Antony's beginning, Nice!!


Well done summary and delivered clearly. Very hard to dispute his observation.


Share technology with developing countries


this is a hollow, pretentious waste of eight minutes. he said nothing.


What is this guy's argument? He's just trying to sound clever without actually putting his point across.


we do not accept the sins of our father as our own but we may inherit his wealth, we do not accept the sins of our father as our own but we may inherit the land he has killed for, we must not accept the sins of our father as our own but we may force others not to do the same as he, we may prevent them from gaining the same standards of living that we have or at the very best slow down that achievement costing the lives of innocent children. we may ignore the bad things of our past but we must never sacrifice those very thing that have been gained through those very i wonder could it be we are not thinking about the common good of humanity and just about ourselves or do we really think that somehow over the last few generations that we have completely grown beyond this if you believe so i envy the reality you are living


This priest wants to save the earth? Save the earth from what? This is how you talk in churches. There is always something to be saved so priests can get money.


Impressive but empty speech. I like poetry, but reasoning should be based on facts. It's obvius that a country where starvation is a common thing cannot be bothered with global warming, rich countries should lead by example and help poor countries out.


It is man born well-fed and well-dressed who proposes we do not dwell on how we got here. It is the citizen born in a society of privilege who proposes we judge the country, not its people. It is the father who does not fear for his children who finds it funny to jokingly defend the injustices of this world.


Awesome but the post modernists would call this hate speech cuz of his white privilege.


What is to blame is being led by cowards.


Despite a very amusing style this argument has been delivered in, the argument itself is weak. And I say this despite still being undecided on which side of the spectrum I would fall on should I have to vote on exactly this topic.


A brilliant homage to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar


I neither find his speech realistic nor relatable .
He on his own portrait that developing countries are victim and developed one are blamed and then he proved it wrong .
Although we all as a species, irrespective of our country, contribute in climate change !!


Again more honeyed words to sweeten the collective pot.
How bout "come out of her and be yee seperate, and touch not the unclean thing..."
Reject the climate change hystericists and plant some trees already.
I mean really folks.
I want to love this guy,
but he's so Jesuitical.
