NASM Open Book Exam Vs NASM Proctored Exam | Is A Non-Proctored NASM Test A BAD Thing For Trainers?!

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What are your thoughts on the new open book exam from NASM?
Is it a good, bad, or neutral thing for the training industry? Do you plan on taking it yourself?

Make sure to let me know in the video comments! I appreciate having your perspective as well!

In case you didn't know, NASM has recently released a new option for completing their personal training program. This new option is a 100 question, open book exam that will give you, what NASM calls a "certificate," vs what you get for completing their proctored exam, which is a CPT "certification." Does that sound a little shady? yeah, probably.

This "certificate" that you get from completing the open book exam, is not NCCA accredited. Personally, I could care less if a certification is NCCA accredited, but many gyms and insurance companies do not feel that way. A significant number of places will only hire you with an NCCA accredited certification, which has left some ISSA trainers in a tough spot upon completing their certification. (ISSA is also not NCCA accredited)

Speaking of ISSA, I think it's pretty clear that NASM's main reason for offering this certification is a direct response to ISSA. ISSA has grown in popularity significantly over the last 5 years, and in my opinion, a significant amount of that growth comes from the fact that their test is open book.

Anyways, in this video we discuss all of the previously mentioned stuff in more detail, and we break down the NASM non-proctored or open book exam vs the NASM proctored exam in more detail as well.

Thanks for the support everyone! It's very appreciated!

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My biggest issue is that there will undoubtedly be many trainers taking the open book path and not knowing that it isn’t accredited.


I don’t understand why they won’t give you multiple chances with the proctored exam. I got through the material in a couple months and passed the non-proctored exam for practice twice using notes and once not using them and did multiple practice tests. I passed the proctored exam the first time but I didn’t feel like a lot of the language was different (on the non-proctored and practice exams it would say “hamstrings” but on the proctored test it listed individual muscles. I generally knew what they were so I could answer the questions, but I get why that would cause issues). It seems like instead of offering a certificate for the non-proctored exam and giving you 3 tries for that, they could offer 3 for the proctored exam.. I’m sure people would put the same effort in.. but feel less nervous as they took the test. I made sure I could get over 90 multiple times on the practice exams before I went in for the proctored exam. That was the main thing that helped me I think.


I appreciate your delivery style. It’s perfect and highly informative. Thanks!


I was certified with NASM for years, but let it lapse since my career changed paths. My wife and I were going to take the open book exam just to quickly get it done with to get back into the fitness industry. But, you made such a great point about insurance coverage that I’m now pivoting to the proctored exam.


I'm glad you made a video on this and I just subscribed.

I tried to critique the PTC on the NASM/Axiom channels but they keep deleting my comment, which only fueled me to spread more awareness.

I don't necessarily agree with your entire video and would go as far as to say people who can't pass proctured exams shouldn't be training people. Anyone with AI can easily pass the non-proctured exam blindfolded, so that non-accredited certificate has no value but the market will become more saturated with PTCs (it's essentially pay-to-certify) and generally clients won't be able tell apart PTC and CPT qualifications, so it just brings down the standards and reputation for actual CPTs.


I feel for those who study hard and can't pass the exam. The open-book test makes a lot of sense for them. But I also fear we'll have people who will briefly skim the book over a weekend and take the exam and pass simply because they know how to look up information quick. And the fact that they have 3 opportunities to take that exam is a bit scary as well. We might have people working as trainers and touting their NASM credentials when their total study time is shorter than an Adam Sandler movie.


I have put a lot of time into studying and taken the NASM exam twice and have failed both times. I really feel I know the information I have a friend who ask questions and reviews with me and I have the correct answers so I have some kind of block that I can’t pass the exam. I took the un proctored exam and passed
with only checking the book for just a couple things. So it has given me confidence that I do know the information and moving forward working in a gym and getting some experience will go a long way with learning and scheduling to take the exam again and pass.


Thank you for this detailed video. I was trying to understand the two paths. Going for proctored.


Hi I'm not the best test taker in the world, so the open book just opening the door is a God send.

I do think for quality control purposes, the open book test should be proctored, I think taking away your phone and just being able to bring your notes is a fair trade off imo

Also being able to get experience in field will really help people like me pass the accredited exam, almost done with Issa and I'm going back to finish ACE next 😁


I think this is a great idea for people like me who are scared to take the exam in front of a proctor.... perhaps providing this option would help more people gain the confidence to take the open book first then the proctored after.


Many thanks for the in depth analysis of NASM training programs versus other training companies. (Huh, did not know about ISSA…) I am one of those who have a hard time testing. I have other certified accreditations, but I want my PT one back. Yes, employers require it, as they should. Worked hard to pass the test years ago, life got busy and I allowed my accreditation to expire. Huge mistake, of course. Getting my life together wanting to get my - certified - accreditation back. Was considering the open book test. After listening to this analysis, will go for the proctored test, for sure. Thanks for breaking it down. When the “salesperson/representative” breaks it down, they are - selling - the product, as is their job. But I need to hear it from an objective viewpoint. I need to process the information and not be rushed into a decision. Have “liked” the video and subscribed to your channel. Look forward to more content from you. Many thanks.


I love the video man and you make a great point! Couple thoughts on my end, I totally agree with the point about some people are "bad" test takers but would make great trainers. As I for one have been competing and coaching for powerlifting for quite sometime but didn't take the test for NASM for the longest time because I knew I was awful at test taking. But personally I think its important to have proctored exams because it shows the "standard" the each company upholds and what to expect from each trainer. I likened the analogy to getting into a top college, if there were no SAT's, gpa requirements anymore it lowers the barrier to entry(making it not a top college anymore) thus making it easier to obtain. From a short term and financial perspective its a win but the long term repercussions can be severe. Lastly from a morale perspective if one achieves something through hardship the victory is so much sweeter and one will feel more fulfilled! Those are just my thoughts but great video, appreciate the insights!


I feel like the accreditated part is fair due to the points you've made about cheating. But also I believe its still fine for others to take this if they are not confident without open book due to the trend in online training being way easier for both the trainer and clients


I mean I would imagine there are many people who sign up for the course because it sounds like a cool job to have. But are very good at school and taking tests and pass no problem but also have never worked out in a gym or even know how to perform any resistance training exercises.


It honestly comes down to NASM saw the money and students leave for ISSA; students with testing anxiety or medical/cognitive issues move to ISSA. It will always be about that dollar dollar bill. Others will follow, just give it time.


I just took the non-proctored exam. I made a 93. I didn't use the book. I confirmed with Google about 6 questions before I submitted the answer since I was actually taking it as a learning tool. I'm curious how much less difficult it is than the proctored version. I scared 84 and 85 on two practice tests without looking up any answers or confirming anything before submission. If the proctored exam is the same content, I would test tonight if I could, haha. If it's more difficult, maybe I should re-evaluate. The names of actual exercises were my biggest struggle on this test. I have licenses and board certifications in a medical specialty so I'm accustomed to testing.


Hey Jeff
Amazing content Even better timing lol.
I only studied with ur videos & did my exam last week, failed by 4marks(Needed 70 got 66😅) & that was Proctored.
Next attempt wat shud i do?
Home or Proctored?


Becoming a personal trainer should follow the same process as someone who is training to be a hair stylist


Thank you for this video.
It’s very helpful to see the difference of both exams since it doesn’t really specify on the website.
Does this mean that with the open book receiving the certificate doesn’t officially make a personal trainer?


That’s kind of frustrating I’ve failed the NASM three time and just passed it my last go around I had some many different panic anxiety attacks trying to get this done and did contemplate taking the Issa dam I guess me going thru that feels less rewarding but fuck it. It’s done on to the next certificate
Ps thank you for all your study materials it help
