Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial - Grill! (Part 2)
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Welcome to MrCrayfish's Command Block Tutorials!. In this tutorial today, MrCrayfish will show you how to build a Grill! This will surely impress your friends! If you enjoyed this tutorial, please leave a thumbs up, comment and subscribe!
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● Commands (Make sure you update coordinates):
# Tests for fire, if so, set powered activator rail #
/testforblock -213 68 302 minecraft:fire
/setblock -213 70 302 minecraft:activator_rail powered=true,shape=east_west
# Tests for fire, if not, set unpowered activator rail #
/testforblock -209 60 304 minecraft:repeating_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}
/setblock -213 70 302 minecraft:activator_rail shape=east_west
# Tests for anything cooking, if so, spawn smoke particle #
/testfor @e[x=-213,y=70,z=302,r=1,type=minecraft:armor_stand]
/particle smoke -213 70.2 302 0 0 0 1
# Tests for anything cooking, if not, check for beef item. If found, kill beef item and spawn armour stand holding beef #
/testforblock -209 60 302 minecraft:repeating_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}
/testforblock -213 70 302 minecraft:activator_rail powered=true
/testfor @e[x=-213,y=70,z=302,r=1,type=Item] {Item:{id:minecraft:beef,Count:1b}}
/kill @e[x=-213,y=70,z=302,r=1,type=Item] {Item:{id:minecraft:beef,Count:1b}}
/summon minecraft:armor_stand -212.1 69.3 302.25 {Invisible:1b,Invulnerabler:1b,NoGravity:1b,ShowArms:1b,HandItems:[{id:minecraft:beef,Count:1b},{}],DisabledSlots:2039583,Pose:{RightArm:[0f,0f,0f]}}
/setblock -209 59 300 minecraft:chest 0 replace
Welcome to MrCrayfish's Command Block Tutorials!. In this tutorial today, MrCrayfish will show you how to build a Grill! This will surely impress your friends! If you enjoyed this tutorial, please leave a thumbs up, comment and subscribe!
★ Cray's Network ★
★ Cray's Social Media Links ★
● Snapchat: mrcrayfish
● Commands (Make sure you update coordinates):
# Tests for fire, if so, set powered activator rail #
/testforblock -213 68 302 minecraft:fire
/setblock -213 70 302 minecraft:activator_rail powered=true,shape=east_west
# Tests for fire, if not, set unpowered activator rail #
/testforblock -209 60 304 minecraft:repeating_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}
/setblock -213 70 302 minecraft:activator_rail shape=east_west
# Tests for anything cooking, if so, spawn smoke particle #
/testfor @e[x=-213,y=70,z=302,r=1,type=minecraft:armor_stand]
/particle smoke -213 70.2 302 0 0 0 1
# Tests for anything cooking, if not, check for beef item. If found, kill beef item and spawn armour stand holding beef #
/testforblock -209 60 302 minecraft:repeating_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}
/testforblock -213 70 302 minecraft:activator_rail powered=true
/testfor @e[x=-213,y=70,z=302,r=1,type=Item] {Item:{id:minecraft:beef,Count:1b}}
/kill @e[x=-213,y=70,z=302,r=1,type=Item] {Item:{id:minecraft:beef,Count:1b}}
/summon minecraft:armor_stand -212.1 69.3 302.25 {Invisible:1b,Invulnerabler:1b,NoGravity:1b,ShowArms:1b,HandItems:[{id:minecraft:beef,Count:1b},{}],DisabledSlots:2039583,Pose:{RightArm:[0f,0f,0f]}}
/setblock -209 59 300 minecraft:chest 0 replace