DBT Distress Tolerance STOP Skill

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Stop is a DBT distress tolerance skill we can use whenever we're feeling overwhelmed to  help us take a step back, observe and get some perspective, and then proceed mindfully and more effectively. To support my channel 👇
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The difficulty with this dbt skill is that a recognition of emotional disregulation occurring is first off all required, as well as the necessary pause required to even allow the thought ‘stop’ to enter our thinking.


I wanted to tell you that I watched this and your "cooling emotions" video when I was on the verge of lashing out on my partner and others. You taught me something powerful today that I've heard in therapy but never quite understood until now. A lot of times lashing out is so much easier than dealing with the uncomfortable emotion that I am currently pushing back which in my case is insecurity and hurt. When those words sunk in, I let myself deal with those emotions and it was so helpful to me. Letting the tears ago and just feeling that briefly made the rage completely disappear. I have been using mostly distress de-escalaters until now by distracting myself and pushing the emotions completely away so this was huge progress for me. I thought the only answer was to just leave that emotion for the time being and come back to it but I just repeat the cycle anytime I do instead of coping that way. I appreciate you very much and will be joining your membership. I can't tell you how much I needed that good cry :)


This contet is highly realistic and practical. It needs great effors and much time to apply. But it's gonna be so productive and saving.


Sent to my mother thank you. She just signed up for therapy I’m proud of her just for that first step even though she portrays toxic behavior constantly I have faith she will try and rewire her brain to be happier and healthier


Perfectly described and explained! Thanx a lot! I am a BPD-person and a great "fan" of DBT and Marsha Linehan. This video helped me once more to stay on my ground in a present crisis. Thank you!


I really like this video and find it particularly useful as a DBT therapist myself as it has proven an effective tool to show to my groups.


It's really the best content. It's the most effective and helpful. Thank you deeply ❤


This is so helpful thank you! I always wanted to do DBT I find your videos extremely helpful and easy to understand thank you so much. If anyone can recommend other good resources please tell me. I have thought of online group sessions maybe or lessons. Also I did get a work book but it was just too hard to use, while your videos are just wonderfully easy to understand. I am taking notes of them while I watch. The videos are excellent, they are just perfect and so helpful.


‘Stop is an acronym that stands for… stop’.


I love these videos. I use them to explain skills to patients. I would appreciate it if this ability were in Spanish.


This made me think of Phoebe on friends
S for stop
T for top
O for op
And p for Phoebe


Your videos are very helpful better than my therapist


How do you use these skills when the people you are dealing refuse to be rational or even see anything other than their perspective.
The idea of this stuff is nice
But reality is most people are not rational


I'm finding your videos to be really helpful. They are short, which is what I need when I am feeling vulnerable, and they are full of excellent information. Thank you so much for your efforts.


I use to go counselling. My counsellor said to use this technique. It definitely helps but I have to reuse it again.
