Family Man Retires at 39 – Extreme Early Retirement | FIRE

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Tim Stobbs is married with two children, and he retired from his career at 39 years old. How did he do it?! In this video we ask him about the lifestyle changes he and his family made in order to reduce their spending, increase their savings, and invest enough money so they could afford to quit their jobs and live off the interest from their investments.

Tim retired in 2017 and now spends more time with his family, and on hobbies like wine-making, Dungeons and Dragons, writing, and being creative. His wife has recently closed her home-based childcare business and is planning to work for a few more years.

Tim has also started working part time at the local library which naturally raises the question: is he really retired? And the answer we've heard from him and other early retirees is that working after you retire is now a choice, so you can choose work that you enjoy, and you can choose to work part time if you wish. So you enjoy your work more, and you have a better work life balance. Sounds like a win-win situation to us!

If you'd like to learn more about Tim's journey to retiring early, check out his blog and his book, linked below!

Tim's Blog:
Canadian Dream: Free at 45

Tim's Book:

For some additional reading about early retirement, reducing spending, and investing, check out these blogs:

Canadian Couch Potato:

Mr Money Moustache:

Incoming Assets:

Thanks for watching!

Mat & Danielle


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Music & Song Credits:
All music in this video was composed, performed, and recorded by Mat of Exploring Alternatives.

Editing Credits:
Mat and Danielle of Exploring Alternatives

Filming Credits:
Mat of Exploring Alternatives
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Thank you for watching! You can check out Tim's blog and book at the links below :)


We were on our way, until a work accident and multiple health issues that followed, cleaned out our savings. Starting over at 44 and it's not fun. I pray good health to everyone because without it, you have nothing.


The best payoff is the time he gets to spend with his loved ones. Really inspiring


I don't see how people making fun of him. He is speaking a lot of sense, it's just we're in a culture of social media and keeping up appearances a lot more


Everyone's cracking jokes a this dude, but he's definitely living it up in his own way. Power to him


I’m 51 years old and I retired at age 38. My key to retiring was want vs need. Saved and invested. I’m not rich, but I’m extremely happy, and debt free.


I think the retirement crisis will get even worse. A lot of people can’t save because of low paying jobs, inflation, and insane rental rates. And now that home ownership is out of reach for middle class Americans, they won’t have a house to retire with either.


I love this guy. He has so much joy and he’s not afraid to show it!


Cool thing about this guy is he found out what is the most valued....time. He can literally do whatever he wants and is not stressed out all the time and that’s amazing.


If having a working spouse is "retiring" then my wife retired at 19.


More and more people might face a tough time in retirement. Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save. Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire.


Great video. We all strive for financial independence and better life. It’s not difficult in achieving this through the right investment, living frugally, and budgeting. I’m glad I learned early in life to work hard for financial freedom


Awesome! I was aiming to retire at 30 and at this point in my life I know I can do it... but my goals changed now I wanna keep building wealth so I can give more to people in need. Sounds cheesy but I’m totally serious. Nothing brings more joy than giving to people who actually need it. That includes mom and dad. I owe them the world.


Rational - friendly - realistic - organised - prioritised. This man is my polar opposite. I salute him!


Shoot, the guy's right, just having reduced work hours would make so many people happy and enjoy life a little more without having to retire


Americans estimate they’ll need more than $1 million to retire comfortably — but most aren’t bullish about meeting that goal.
Millennial workers predicted they will need to accumulate $1.3 million, according to a new retirement survey from investment manager Schroders. Just 29% expect to reach that target. I’ve been sitting on over $745K equity from a home sale and I want to invest on the stock market, how do I achieve this?


I love this dude, he's so relatable and I honestly don't feel like his lifestyle is that extreme.


Awesome interview and he passed on great information. I had to laugh at him not wanting to tell people he is retired. I retired at 42 and that was one of the things i started to dread the most. Everybody seemed to get upset, jealous, or in disbelief that one could retire early. It was always an uncomfortable conversation. I was retired for about 19 months then got offered a job I just could not refuse and its been an outstanding second career. Maybe ill try again at 55.


Love it. I'm glad he talked about the emotions that first year after FIRE. We are on that path too and I retired early a few months ago (spouse will in a few years as well). I was surprised at the emotions I've felt. It's mostly good, but I have also felt a little lost without focusing on my business all the time. I didn't expect that! Maybe I should have, but after many years of working hard it's strange when you don't have to anymore.


Such a sweet video, one that folks really need to watch. I’m 50, retired a while at 45. I have 35% of my capital invstments in an IRA, 25% in index funds, and the balance spread across other investment accts, in cumulative of over $ 5M. I receive income from my rental properties too. Zero debt and all is going accordingly.
