Albin Kurti: Can Kosovo bond with its ethnic Serbs? | Talk to Al Jazeera

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As 2022 was drawing to a close, the Balkans was once again on the verge of ethnic conflict.
Tensions had built up in July in northern Kosovo, and the situation escalated even further in December as ethnic Serb protesters blocked roads and cut off border crossings with Serbia.
After weeks of unrest, tensions have eased. But how fragile is this sense of calm? And how will Kosovo address its deep ethnic divisions?
The prime minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, talks to Al Jazeera.
Tensions had built up in July in northern Kosovo, and the situation escalated even further in December as ethnic Serb protesters blocked roads and cut off border crossings with Serbia.
After weeks of unrest, tensions have eased. But how fragile is this sense of calm? And how will Kosovo address its deep ethnic divisions?
The prime minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, talks to Al Jazeera.
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