Nvidia has 'zero competition' in the chip space, says Jim Cramer

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I'd advise investing in shares of trustworthy companies and holding them for as long as such companies are still trustworthy. Merely follow this; disregard market predictions and views, which are only somewhat amusing.


You're spot on, but it's essential to note that time in the market is better than timing the markets. This has been one of the reason people don't make it in financial markets, the basic of investing is buy low and sell high. For newbies willing to invest in stocks or create passive income for themselves, look for projects with potential that will change your financial destiny.


We all know what this means, Nvidia is about to face major competition.


Everybody is concerned about the market going down but refusing to take advantage of it. The best decision I ever made in my life was investing regardless of the market condition. I made over 118k.usd with a start up of 39k.usd in the last three months. Trust me guy's it really pays a lot!!


Totally wrong
Plenty of competition
AMD especially


I was lost for a long time myself. I couldn't understand what was happening around me. My heart was telling me to love but the world was telling me to hate. The world will always try to keep you down and tell you what you're capable of.

If you're "successful" the adults you grew up, will tell you. " I knew you could achieve great things, this is why I've said you couldn't". "To give you more determination".

If you stumble and make "mistakes" it'll go like this. "I always knew you'd achieve nothing and become another useless member of society".

Nobody in this world seeks your best interests, it's all business. How to keep people from understanding themselves. Telling you psychiatrist, psycho therapist and so forth are there to "help". Surely not all can be bunched up in that group, although it wouldnt take much for professionals to bend some rules. Some exist to keep us in an endless cycle of confusion to further their business and interests. Certain situations are created to undermine our efforts in the struggle to better understand ourselves.

Depending on your state of mind at the time of the council. These "professionals" will tell you a certain dose is required in order to improve your daily life. These prescriptions only create more issues that will continue to get worse the longer you allow them to exist without seeking true help. You will find yourself going back to the psycho therapist or psychiatrist to feed you more lies depending on their end goal.

Profesional =Job=Business

The True Words of The Creater are the only real medicine that can answer and remedy anything life will throw at you. All the wisdom is coming from The Creater directly, he knows us more than people will tell you.

The steps to the kingdom are displayed once you've passed enough tests and The Creater sees your heart is true. Seeking answers as to who gains the most from this chaos of a matrix we call life.

My purpose here is to help those in need, to better explain to people that might be completely lost as I once was. The Creater lifts us up and cradles us. Curing the deepest most darkest sorrow we might face in this increasingly divided world.

I'm here to help and I'll be an open book for anyone willing to learn. I will take my time to write down and share things that have helped me and might help you better understand.

I've been seeking answers with God's help for over 20 years. I know it's a tough road ahead. I'm here to do the will of The Creater, helping those that seek a change in life.

I will make it as simple as you want and keep seeking The Creater to help me understand what I still don't. If it's something you would like for me to ask, I'll be happy to understand for you and explain. Throughout life, I've asked The Creater to allow me to see with open eyes and listen for his truth, in everything I do.

Everything I see and understand is from The Creater, I'm just a vessel. Wanting to help others is what I've been seeking for as long as I recall. I could never want to keep all The Creater has allowed me understand because it's so beautiful, it's impossible to hold in.

I'll be happy to share how to live life according to the True Words.This is why everyday I dedicate my life to study and see what's happening around the world.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my comment. Looking forward to helping anyone that is willing to listen.


Nvidia GPUs make training large Neural Networks possible in a timely manner because they allow certain math processes (Matrix math) to run in parallel in the GPU. But most people will never train a Neural Network (large or small). How most people will interact with Neural Networks embedded in the everyday software they use (think photoshop & excel...). They won't be training but rather doing inference (AI speak for making the computer "think") and inference is not a CPU intensive operation unlike training. So most people will have little need Nvidia CUDA-enabled GPUs. Because of this, Nvidia is wildly overpriced.


Dude, you don't even understand what you are talking about 😂


Jim has no clue on this one. Based on current roadmap, AMD's upcoming MI300 is likely to outperform Nvidia's H100 by ~50% in FP16/BF16 performance which is primarily used in deep learning


Artificial Rally generated by Artificial Intelligence.


The camera cut too fast. The anchor actually went on to commend Nvidia's CEO on his nice member that reached the parts of his wife that the anchor, according to CNBC sources, never could.


Just an oversize graphic card company.


I'm going for credit score of 800+ in the recession this year, drip method at ten percent across four cards.


Lmao time to mix Nvidia with other semi conductor stocks, if Cramer says there's no competition then there will be competition. AMD is a pretty good bet


Always do the opposite of what this guy says :)


It's not untill you see how The Creater works, that you start to realize, he's been with us all our lives. The secrets to life are inside the words he's left behind for us, it's not encoded, just needs thorough examination.

Starting our lives in the wrong path, increases our chance to fall into a cycle that'll feel like prison. The possibility to quickly correct our ways down the road will sharply decrease. We don't build houses without a proper plan of how the end result will be.

The sooner we look for ways to properly correct them, the faster it'll be to transition into a proper life. Life isn't as complicated as the world makes us believe. We're given false solutions to serious problems that increasing get worse instead of better. Understanding that a broken life is how the world wants to keep us is a good start.

Relying on professionals is foolish, greed bends rules, silencing deception. Allowing anyone to deceive us, while we fund them to provide accurate information, should be seen as scams. We wouldn't break our back to go into debt if we knew how badly they want to distract us from having happy families.

All that is written is a good start, it should be seen as a tool to help better understand our existence. This will ensure that our actions are appropriate with great thought to the numerous possible outcomes. Using history to learn from our past, to use as lectures, to create a sustainable and happy life.


Pretty sure video cards will not be powering future AI. Specialized ASICs like Google's TPU make more sense. Not sure when, but Nvidia stock will be returning back to Earth sooner or later lol
