Build 5 Dapps on the Ethereum Blockchain - Beginner Tutorial

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Learn Ethereum Dapp in this full tutorial for beginners. This course teaches how to build decentralized applications on the Ethereum Blockchain. We are going to build 5 Ethereum Dapps. For each of them, we will:
- Develop smart contracts
- Test smart contracts
- Build a web frontend to interact with the smart contract

The course covers:
- The architecture of Dapps
- Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum smart contract
- Remix, the online IDE for Solidity
- Truffle, the framework for Solidity smart contracts
- Ganache, the local development Blockchain
- Web3, the JS library to integrate a Dapp frontend
- Metamask, the Ethereum wallet used by most Dapps (browser extension)
- Deployment to public testnet (Ropsten) and mainnet, using Infura API

- NodeJS v10
- Works on both Windows, Linux and Mac

While this is a stand-alone course, it is part of Dapp 30, a course where we build 30 Ethereum Dapps so that you can learn Ethereum Dapps / Solidity AND build your portfolio to get a job as Blockchain developer:

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
Dapp 1 - Simple smart contract
⌨️ 8:22: Smart contract: Intro to Solidity, Remix, Deploying contract on Remix
⌨️ 21:09: Tests - Introduction to Truffle and tests
⌨️ 32:03: Frontend - Architecture of Ethereum Dapp / integration with smart contract, ABI, intro to Web3

Dapp 2 - Helloworld
⌨️ 57:18: Smart contract - Solidity read-only functions, Interacting with functions in Remix
⌨️ 1:07:28: Tests - Testing a smart contract function with Truffle
⌨️ 1:12:33: Frontend - Interacting with a smart contract function from frontend, with Web3

Dapp 3 - Simple storage
⌨️ 1:24:00: Smart contract - Solidity functions that can modify smart contract data (in transaction)
⌨️ 1:41:53: Tests - Test (transaction) smart contract functions with Truffle
⌨️ 1:45:27: Frontend - Sending transactions from frontend, with Web3

Dapp 4 - Complex storage
⌨️ 2:04:05: Smart contract - Solidity Arrays (adding element, read single element, read all elements and get length)
⌨️ 2:14:37: Tests - Testing Solidity arrays with Truffle, introduction to the BN.js library to deal with Solidity numbers
⌨️ 2:26:54: Frontend - Using Webpack / ES6 for Dapp frontend, Intro to (new) Metamask and integration with frontend

Dapp 5 - Crud
⌨️ 3:06:51: Smart contract - create, read update and delete data in Solidity
⌨️ 3:31:33: Tests - How to tests Solidity errors with Truffle (require, revert...)
⌨️ 3:47:25: Frontend - Deployment on public testnet (Ropsten) and Mainnet with Infura


Рекомендации по теме

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
Dapp 1 - Simple smart contract
⌨️ 8:22: Smart contract: Intro to Solidity, Remix, Deploying contract on Remix
⌨️ 21:09: Tests - Introduction to Truffle and tests
⌨️ 32:03: Frontend - Architecture of Ethereum Dapp / integration with smart contract, ABI, intro to Web3

Dapp 2 - Helloworld
⌨️ 57:18: Smart contract - Solidity read-only functions, Interacting with functions in Remix
⌨️ 1:07:28: Tests - Testing a smart contract function with Truffle
⌨️ 1:12:33: Frontend - Interacting with a smart contract function from frontend, with Web3

Dapp 3 - Simple storage
⌨️ 1:24:00: Smart contract - Solidity functions that can modify smart contract data (in transaction)
⌨️ 1:41:53: Tests - Test (transaction) smart contract functions with Truffle
⌨️ 1:45:27: Frontend - Sending transactions from frontend, with Web3

Dapp 4 - Complex storage
⌨️ 2:04:05: Smart contract - Solidity Arrays (adding element, read single element, read all elements and get length)
⌨️ 2:14:37: Tests - Testing Solidity arrays with Truffle, introduction to the BN.js library to deal with Solidity numbers
⌨️ 2:26:54: Frontend - Using Webpack / ES6 for Dapp frontend, Intro to (new) Metamask and integration with frontend

Dapp 5 - Crud
⌨️ 3:06:51: Smart contract - create, read update and delete data in Solidity
⌨️ 3:31:33: Tests - How to tests Solidity errors with Truffle (require, revert...)
⌨️ 3:47:25: Frontend - Deployment on public testnet (Ropsten) and Mainnet with Infura

Hope, It will help someone! ;-)


44 seconds in an almost five hour video: this is the best blockchain tutorial


I just don't know how to say thanks to all these free programming resources. You guys are amazing.


I like this guys energy, I already feel that I can go through this with him! Thanks man


One of the best tutorials out there that thoroughly explains all the steps, and progresses very methodically! Thanks for this!


This is the best dAPP course and you have a great sense of humour my friend.


For those who run (truffle test) and see nothing in output, check your node.js version with (node - - version). It should be v12 not v14. So use v12 and the problem will be resolved.


One of the best Dapp Tutorial for beginners I have ever seen, you teach each and every basic concept of programming and ethereum, your knowledge is outstanding and your way of delivering and teaching is I like the most I have learned most of the things from your channel and videos.
Thanks for Sharing and yes Keep sharing these kind of tutorials
Much love from Pakistan!
Your big Fan


After struggling for few months I stumped upon this tutorial just before starting a project!! Thanks a lot :D you are the best!


Thumbs up for the mastering Bitcoin book at the back


I just started watching but trust me he is great!


For those who run truffle test and nothing happened, try the following:
-Re-mirgrate all the migration: truffle migrate --rest
-Complie the contracts: truffle compile
-If you are using Ganache, make sure to copy the network ID, the url, port inside truffle.config.json, inside networks object.
Then, you are ready to type: truffle test(or sometimes it asks for sudo: sudo truffle test)


thank you very much, I have resolved tons of doubts with your course


can someone please describe me the tools he used its really confusing for me.


Dapps are being used by many firms but some firms only have dsaas also, firm like Trias are having one of the best blockchain services with dsaas and dapps which makes it unique from others, their services can be used in any blockchain and so is been used, they are great at it!!


Please, add English subtitles to this tutorial! It will helps a lot of people including me.


Great stuff. Invaluable information. Cheers!


Thank you so much for the video ❤️👍🏼🎉⭐🙏


This looks interesting! Saved it for later.


36:06 environment explanations
4:14:49 ropsten
