The Forgotten My Little Pony Special

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My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip is a 2019 one-hour television special based on the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Unlike Friendship Is Magic, it was not produced by DHX Studios Vancouver, instead by Boulder Media Limited and featured the same redesigned art style that was used in the 2017 movie.

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Did any of you watch this sepical, what did ya think?


As someone with a disability that has limited the use of my legs, I appreciate that they didn't call much attention to Kerfuffle's leg. That doesn't happen to much in kids' media, because it's usually in service of a broad message. In my opinion, if people want kids to learn how to embrace people with disabilities, I'm my opinion, you should just show them living life and keep the message subtle, but profound. I actually got an autograph from Kerfuffle's actress last year.


glad to see this finally getting talked about. Me and a good friend of mine hyped this special up like our lives depended on it. There's a certain charm to it that i really enjoyed. :3


I remember 2 things from this special :
1. The part of that song where he was trying to fix the rainbow machine


I love this special. The animation is great, the music is fine & the characters were enjoyable. Overall a very solid special for me personally.

Kerfuffle, Petunia petals & Torque wrench were my favorites of the new characters.


I found the special to be awesome! Hell since it was in the same animation style as the 2017 movie, it felt like the closest thing to a sequel to the mlp movie as we were ever going to get, sure the special had it's ups and downs but it was still fun to watch!


Kerfuffle is my favorite Rainbow Road-trip character. She’s just so fun and bubbly!


Based on my speculation, this was a "test" of sorts that Hasbro gave Boulder Media to see whether they are capable to take the reins of the My Little Pony brand for Generation 5. Based on Boulder's involvement in G5, I'd say they had passed, with FLYING COLORS.


I remember watching this when it premiered, and at the time, I thought it was just okay. Looking back at it now, I've started to realize that there's a lot of great character interaction and the moral about how a community needs to uplift each other is actually really good. Frankly, I think it did the "bring ponies together" story better than A New Generation, which seemed a lot clunkier and forced from a story perspective.


I looked at the title as was like "Forgotten? Who forgot it?" lol. When I was first getting back into the fandom around September 2020 when I reached Rainbow Roadtrip it was supremely adorable and I loved all the side characters it introduced; Petunia Petals with her cute design and humble startup hotel and Kerfuffle in particular. That and everyone in the yearly FiM anniversary stream party I watch seems to love it too, so it's interesting to see that most people don't really give it any thought according to you. Granted, I rejoined the fandom after the main show had finished airing, so my perspective is limited, but it's weird to think that it would just fly under the radar. I've always loved quaint environment design so I guess it stuck out to me a little more lol.


This special caught me by complete surprise back in 2020 when I was going through the series with someone I was talking to then. I don’t recall there ever being any news surrounding this and it was a welcome surprise


I watched this like 3 months ago, after dropping the show at season 5 episode 7 I finally returned in October last year and wanted to catch up completely before G5 season 1 arrived expecting it to be sooner, then I ended up binge watching like 100 or so episodes every special, shorts and movie in a month and now I return to the pain that I felt many years ago of waiting for a new season of ponies lmao

also the love for kerFuFFle is understandable, she's adorable as heck.


For those of you that own a Roku TV you can actually watch it on the Roku TV app for free. :)


I saw it when it first aired, abd came away saying I liked it It wasn't any "Best Gift Ever", but I'm glad I took the time to watch it

Music - I liked "Rainbow Road Tripping" and "End of the Rainbow", but "Living un Color" stuck with me and I found I was humming it whenever my mind was idling.

Art - I'm going to put art and animation together here. I liked the designs of all the characters and backgrounds, though black and white for most of it, we're fitting and well done. Being a black and white photographer, I appreciate how they did this to frame the scenes.

The only real problem I had was the apricots- there wasn't anything visually to differentiate between the Hoofington's and Moldyroot's trees. But, I liked the characters pretty well. I swear Michael Daingerfield was channeling Jim Backus and expected him to mention a three hour tour ( yes, I'm that old).

The sayings and accents brought me to my Minnesotan family, as my aunts, especially my dad's middle sister, were always saying things like that and in that accent. Kerfuffle had me at the "thf" when telling how to pronounce he name.

The animation was smooth, but I'm sure Littleshy will find (or has found) animation errors to poke fun at.

Last point is the story. I was going into this with a bit of suspicion, especially when Rainbow got an invitation out of the blue to a place none of them had heard of. I mean didn't Twilight learn anything from what Iron Wll did to her parents in "Once upon a Zepplin "? Having a story of man vs self (orr pony vs. self) was interesting, and I'm glad they did 40 minute special rather than try to stretch it out to feature length, like I heard it was orinally supposed to be the next movie.

Overall, it was a nice one off adventure, but you're right in that as far as the Mane 6, nothing happened.


The art style of the movie is sooo good i wish we had gotted more special or another movie.


I love how simple this special is mlp is at it's best when it tells simple stories.


I didn't find out about it until a few months ago. I liked it. Was deffinately worth a watch.


This is my favorite of the mlp specials


Much better than the 2017 movie and G5.
Nothing too extravagant, just an entertaining tale with a town required to get the color back and learn a lesson that doesn't feel shoehorned (I mean, still sappy, but it's MLP and rather than the town being jerks is just that they lost the way and enjoyment and needed a bost back.)


At least this special didn't rape Twilight's character like the movie did.
