Surviving The Storm -Transforming Pain Into Purpose

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☕Today our friend Dr. Erica Walls joins us on T-Talk to tell us how she transformed the pain that came with a diagnosis, into purpose.

☕Erica is an educator and connector at George Washington University. Her practical approach to teaching helps students bridge classroom learning with meaningful opportunities to positively impact society. Since 2018, she has taught over 500 students in the fields of Human Services, Social Justice, and Public Policy.

☕In addition to teaching, she owns and leads Inspire to Excel, a career coaching firm that serves U.S. women. Inspire to Excel's coaching programs empower women to gain and retain good jobs by clarifying professional goals, creating and executing a plan, building confidence, sharpening job-seeking skills, and achieving their hearts’ desires.

☕Above all else, she is a thriver in constant pursuit of her dreams: to empower women to achieve THEIR dreams. She credits God and the support of many, for overcoming teenage domestic violence, defeating breast cancer to advocate for women's health, progressing from GED recipient to earning a doctorate degree, and so many other challenges that she will share with us today.

☕Grab your cup of tea or coffee and join us at 2:00 PM EDT for Erica's inspiring story.

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