The Purpose For Your Trials – Dr. Charles Stanley

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Reasons God allows suffering
1. He is trying to get your attention
2. He trying to get rid of some sin in your life.
3. He wants you to surrender
4. He wants to conform you to His image.
5. He is equipping you for service.


One thing I have learnt in the Bible is to rejoice when I'm in the face of trials for the sake of Christ because I know that there is a reward waiting for me. Matthew 5:10 says, "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
So, whenever opportunities present themselves, I just remember that there's a promise awaiting me and a cloud of witnesses are watching me, as well as the eyes of the Lord.


Sent to my 35 year old son who’s suffered a heroin addiction for 17 years. “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding and He WILL make your path straight.” 🙏🏼


I need 2 calm down. He showed me in my dreams 😣.keep my mouth shut and
BE nice! I am trying daily😁!


I caused a "END OF TIMES" MEGA STORM IN MY LIFE BECAUSE OF MY PORN ADDICTION😞. But Glory to God he is chastening me because I was a Christian years ago and backslid into Sin. I have rededicated my life to the Lord Jesus Christ knowing god loves me and is faithful to restore my soul, I don't know the outcome yet but like Shadrach, Meschach and Abed-dego I will walk out of the fiery furnace with Jesus Christ guiding me.✝️✡🙏🙌
Glory to EL SHADDAI!
I pray this testimony brings others to Christ and to walk by FAITH🙏
I heard Pastor John Hagee say " The thing you think will destroy you God can use it as a sidewalk to save you and bring you through it."


It is good for me to be afflicted, for before I was afflicted I was astray - David


GOD I surrender my life to you. Here’s my life Lord it’s yours. 🙏🏽


God has changed me with illness and near death to change my life.My son found me near dead...I will praise Jesus from now on because he has shown me that He is ever present and loves.


God is great even in the bad and tough times!! 🙏🏽 He is excellent in all His ways!! ❤❤❤


“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, ”“so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭6-7


Timely message. Thank You Jesus for these messages. You talk to us through them. Thank you Dr. Stanley for teaching us. God bless you!!!


I need God, s peace to rest on me and give me life and joy and not to worry


Praise the living Christ! Please pray for my husband salvation and my marriage for resurrection and reconciliation emergency prayers please thank you


Amen! Let me not push my will Lord. Let your will be done. Lead me and help me to let go of what I need to let go of. Help me to trust in you and be free from fear, frustrations, and depression. You want to give me a hope and a future. I repent of my sins. Have your way in me. I surrender all to you. Amen


0:00-0:57 AMEN those storms

Dr. Charles Staley⚘️


God please help me. I am a cork in the wave. Please hear my prayer and deliver me out of this storm. I am not brave enough to do it alone. Please merciful father you have never failed me. I need your help. I am terrified. Please God help me. I didn’t know things could get so out of hand. I had no idea Satan would come to me like he has. Give me courage to fight this. Please forgive me for not waiting on you. I only thought it was from you but now I see. Lord I pray for your deliverance from this. I know you are in control. Please grant me your protection and lead me away from all of this calamity. I’m putting my trust in you knowing you are in control. In Jesus name Amen.


The purpose of your trials is your salvation.


Surrender. Jesus Christ is our example. Amen. Thank you heavenly Father for everything 🙏❤


58, every Storm I've gone through and There's been some Doozy's!I've Always felt the Presence of GOD!TRUTH?Without GOD I wouldn't have Survived them!Got Stripes have WISDOM and Faith in GOD!


Asking for all your prayer I'm worried and my heart is heavy but i keep trying to be strong for my children. My husband passed away 2 years ago and a lots going on since then
