So GameGuru Max Is A Terrible Choice For Quick Game Development.. What Do I Recommend Instead?

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"Game Creator" is a complete tool suite to kickstart your game development and available on the Unity Asset Store. You can find it and several videos explaining how it works HERE:

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I dont think the advice give here is bad but you should always invest some time looking into things yourself before spending any money. There are people still using gameguru who like it and it meets their needs. The review of Max was a bit unfair because it was done months ago and Max does not begin alpha officially until March. Its better to watch the weekly development updates to see how things are progressing. Also remember you are not limited to using 1 game engine, you can use Max and Unity and enjoy the benefits of both.


Why would you make a video recommending something that you admit in the video you never used?


Do you understand what an ALPHA release is? Obviously not or you wouldn't be trashing a software that isn't even released to the public as beta yet. Wow. All I can say.


So you are discouraging people from using game guru max without actually telling people that you reviewed software that is technically still in beta and early access. They say very clearly that this is not the finished product on the game guru website. That's absolutely not a fair review. The product is not even finished yet. Then you turn around and encourage people to use a product you admittedly do not have and have never used. You've never even used it. And yet you are claiming that it will be better. This is a horrible review.


Shit, how many finished games do you have so far anyway? XD in Unity?


This sadly did not age well.
Both in terms of Unity and the GM addon...


I feel like Game Guru Max isn't just for teens or kids. There are a lot of adults who don't have the time to invest in learning a whole game engine and have an interest in making quick games to fuel their interest. GGM or Core are ideal options for those people because a lot of the hard work is already done, and they just have to build the spaces and set up conditions. I would give GGM a chance once it receives the proper updates it needs.

At the time you dropped this review and started rambling on about Unity and how it's the "best" choice for quick game development, GGM was young. It still is but it's getting better with each update. The fact that you called Unity the "best" choice immediately after you said you didn't have it, did research on it, and then recommended it with no hands on experience of your own at the time made little sense. Unity is not "quick" for prototyping right out of the gate as it requires people to learn C# which may be a turn off too many people and those who don't have a lot of time on their hands. More on that below.

As for the "best" choice for quick game development, Unity is NOT the only choice, and no single game engine is the "best" at anything. It all comes down to what users want to learn if they have time to. Of course, Unity is at the forefront of that debate because of community bias or "quick research". Said community is too afraid to try something else because they fear bastardization of what they know. When realistically knowing multiple game engines will look good for a job seeker. Sure, Unity is popular among indies, I respect that. But if someone wants to get a job in the AAA industry, Unity doesn't have a good standing there. Teams either build their own engine, source from libraries, or they use Unreal Engine or CryEngine.

Those are my counter points.


GameGuru MAX is NOT finished -it's still in ALPHA! Wait until it's complete before comparing it please!


This Video is Great advice ive download Game Creator 1 and all its modules far easier than regular C# programming. and delivers all far more customization than gameguru giving muitple genre not just first person.


Wow, Sorry to say, this shows how MUCH you DON'T know about the General Public when it comes to Game Development!
Let's just quickly pick 4 levels of Game Development Ability...
Unreal Engine = Highly Advanced User
Unity Engine = Medium/Highly Advanced User
Unity Engine + Game Creator = Skilled/Medium User
GameGuru MAX = Novice/Skilled/Medium User

GameGuru Max isn't even a finished product, still in Alpha release, and for you to trash it, is both unfair to the developer, and just a sad effort for click bait, shame on you.

If GameGuru Max isn't for you that's fine, but that's no excuse to trash it, kinda sad really.
I looked at your web site, you like to be a lot more hands-on in game development, assets, coding, etc.
I get it, that's what I like as well.
I think that's great!
That's just what you like better.
But not MOST of the general public.
Most of them, want to have their first game completed probably in an hour or less, SUPER EASY.
Then they can build more complex worlds and games from there taking a bit longer.
If at some point the Game Developing bug hits them and they want to graduate to a MUCH more complex Game development system they can go for it.
GameGuru Max has smart objects, physics, and many clever things built it already, and it will be expanding as well.

Time to be the better man and be a little more supportive this time of a work in progress!
Good luck with your web site, just be fair.


I took a look into Game Creator on Unity and was shocked at just how expensive the whole thing was...not only do you purchase the core engine but you will need 3 - 5 extra addons which all cost you extra for each one so you will end up paying like $150 - $200 in the end and even then might need extra I find that a total rippoff unless you only want to make a game exactly as they allow (same like Game Guru Max) and just so happen not to run into any bugs that the reviews on the asset store show do happen and sometimes never get fixed....They have 2 versions - GC1 the original which is no longer supported yet still at full price and GC2 which is still under construction...
Those addons ought to have been for free and then I might have bought it and but as is seems like a money grab, not much more than that.


I signed up 2 years ago and have tried all the versions so far, the all crash continually on my 4K monitor set up, the latest version is quite deferent it feels like it has be totally rebuilt, lots of things are now not there, lots of new things but it is I think a long long way of from completion, and it still crashes. I had big hopes for this but 2 years on it looks, well not good. I don't think this is ever going to be completed.


So why not just use Unity natively? There are a lot of really straightforward entry level tutorials now.
The main issue with GameGuru is that most users don't use the LUA to customise anything, just using drag-and-drop assets. So what would immediately improve with using the Game Creator package for someone who just wants the GameGure level of interaction? Does this force them to program/write code?

I do think people should learn to program first, at least a little, before starting to make games using any 3D maker tool, or they will quickly hit a wall.
I'd recommend using something like PICO-8 first, this will learn you to program in LUA, and make simple 2D graphics and maps. Once you have done something like this, attaching LUA code to objects in something like GameGure should come much easier and vastly open up what you can do. Even with a beginner package like this. If you master that, I'd say look at Unity next.

PS, Didn't this team make Dark Basic? I kind of liked that. I remade the Atari 2600 Smurfs game using Dark Basic back in the day... Just because I could ;)


Zaxtor, I hope you do a new review with the ‘official’ March release.  I think a comparison between what was originally promised by TGC and what they did could be fun and save people from wasting their time.  For example, ‘Text to speech’ is still advertised as a feature even though TGC dropped it ages ago.


what do you think about coppercube 6 it has 3d and 2d games fps and tps and is free


I'm kind of surprised you didn't mention using Roblox for beginning game developers.


Does unity free still lack water shaders etc? I hated spending hours following scripting tutorials only to realise the tutor has the pro version and the script was absolutely useless


can unity run in both video card setups? Nvidia and Amd


Unity engine may be much better at developing games, but it left over 100+ gigabytes of ghost space on my 4TB Seagate hard drive when the power went out. There is no way for me to restore that space without reformatting it. Yet again, it'll take forever to transfer 3.0TB of files first.


"But my engine is better than yours..."
The result matters, who gives a f how something(games, music etc..) was made when its a good product?
Like saying "uhhhh bruuh you re not a real boxer without using XYZ 3000 gloves..."

We re game devs, we re sharing the same passion and still we re here acting like little children in the playgrounds..

Wanna show me how cool "your" engine is? Make something with it and release instead of just talking stuff ppl will have forgotten 5 mins after the video.