Identity and Mental Health - Christa Holmans (Neurodivergent Rebel) - Autism Explained Online Summit
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Identity and Mental Health - Christa Holmans (Neurodivergent Rebel) - Autism Explained Online Summit REPLAY EVENT.
About Christa:
Christa is an autistic self-advocate, writer, speaker and artist. They run the internationally recognised neurodiversity lifestyle blog “Neurodivergent Rebel” and also manage “Neurodivergent Consulting”.
Full Interview Available Tuesday 22nd September 2020
Register here to get your FREE TICKET:
Note: All summit interviews are closed captioned and are free to watch during the live event. Lifetime Access including downloadable transcripts and audio MP3 files available for purchase.
---ABOUT US---
Hello! We are Paul and Shannan from Autism Explained!
We help parents understand their autistic children and create healthy supportive environments. By combining the experience of an adult on the Spectrum with a single mum who lives this stuff every day, we set you on the path to regain family harmony and actually enjoy time with your kids!
Paul discovered he was on the Autism Spectrum 4 years ago. Since then he has worked with countless autistic adults and children, as well as teaching parents teachers and students about Autism. He is also an ex-aerospace engineer with a passion for teaching and Emotional Intelligence.
Shannan is a single parent and carer of an amazing 9 year old boy on the Autism Spectrum. She is an ex-corporate trainer with a BA, currently studying a Masters in autism studies with Griffith University.
About Christa:
Christa is an autistic self-advocate, writer, speaker and artist. They run the internationally recognised neurodiversity lifestyle blog “Neurodivergent Rebel” and also manage “Neurodivergent Consulting”.
Full Interview Available Tuesday 22nd September 2020
Register here to get your FREE TICKET:
Note: All summit interviews are closed captioned and are free to watch during the live event. Lifetime Access including downloadable transcripts and audio MP3 files available for purchase.
---ABOUT US---
Hello! We are Paul and Shannan from Autism Explained!
We help parents understand their autistic children and create healthy supportive environments. By combining the experience of an adult on the Spectrum with a single mum who lives this stuff every day, we set you on the path to regain family harmony and actually enjoy time with your kids!
Paul discovered he was on the Autism Spectrum 4 years ago. Since then he has worked with countless autistic adults and children, as well as teaching parents teachers and students about Autism. He is also an ex-aerospace engineer with a passion for teaching and Emotional Intelligence.
Shannan is a single parent and carer of an amazing 9 year old boy on the Autism Spectrum. She is an ex-corporate trainer with a BA, currently studying a Masters in autism studies with Griffith University.