Hydrogen Fuel Cell vs. Battery Electric Cars – Which is Better?

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I forsee batteries for small to large cars, but hydrogen for large industry in trucks trains & planes would be a more practical solution over all.


Let's look at the well-to-wheel efficiency of FCEVs and EVs:
FCEV: H2-Production
-30-40% / Conditioning - 25-50% / Transport -5% / Refueling -30% / Fuel Cell Conversion -50% / Electric motor -5-10% = 15% wtw efficiency
EV: Production
0% / Conditioning 0% / Transport -5% / Loading -10-15%% / Conversion 0% / Electric motor -5-10% = 70% wtw efficiency
EVs are apparently much more efficient.
I don't have the related costs, but someone might add them to have a cost comparison.
Also, it would be nice to compare the related emissions as well.


imagine using water from the ocean to fuel our cars, I hope to live to see this


End consumer doesn't care about efficiency of how the fuel is produced, only about cost


What is the future proof in both? Which one would have the highest optimization?


I don't think anyone is factoring the energy you spend to make a battery. You have to mine metals which is not environmentally friendly, so you spend energy mining, you spend energy processing, spend energy to transport these resources to make batteries which you also need energy, then batteries don't last forever so you also spend energy to recycle them and have to buy new ones every 5 years (more energy and pollution) and if you can't recycle them then you also damaging the environment, also you need to transport batteries or resources by sea which are ships that run on fuel and also contaminate the planet, and of course you need energy to create the infrastructure, and mining and so in for the electric grid and charging stations. If you factor the fact that hydrogen do not have batteries then you realize that the morons could be the guys that by lack of perspective defend electric cars. On top of that you could use hydrogen to fuel vehicle that moved hydrogen or a plane or boat, while it would be incredible expensive and in case of planes impossible to do it with batteries.


is it easy to get Hydrogen Fuel ? Is it cost effective? ?


There's a reason why Toyota and Honda are banking on Hydrogen Fuel Cell. People care about reliability and convenience.


Just like in present scenario where Some Vehicles are available in Petrol or Diesel, it seems that tje future of mobility is also going to be about Battery & Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

EV may even enjoy a kind of monopoly in Automobile sector but Hydrogen will enjoy a similar monopoly in Aviation & Naval sector for the obvious reasons of range & Fuel weight.

But all of these technologies demand insane amount of electricity which isn't possible from Renewables like Solar & Wind only.
Nuclear energy +Ocean energy needs to be considered & invested in asap and as much as possible.


Can anyone tell which of the two technology is less dangerous when it blows up?


I like hydrogen

I hope we can switch to this direction than battery vehicle


He barely started with this topic and then it ended.
I'd really like to hear someone explain how to make, or what the challenges are in making fuel cells or whatever power for supertankers, for example. Supposedly hydrogen is better in larger applications, he said, but gave exactly zero examples and no working models. Where is this actually working and in what use cases is it most viable. What are the limitations of that? Where do improvements need to be made?
One of the most reasonable speakers, maybe one of the most knowledgeable, but...
Very light weight coverage


So, how will you improve a hydrogen fuel cell? You do not have to. Oh.
Do you think that no progress on newer design batteries can be made? O.K. Hydrogen storage is safe. But not as a gas. Remember the Hindenburg? Batteries can charge overnight. It won't cost a thing if you put a system of photo cells on the roof of your garage. Then, you charge your car battery overnight with your energy stored during the day. Then, repeat. You're looking at using free energy. How much will your fuel cell cost? How long will it last? How many miles will you drive every day?

But what I REALLY want to know is why do the electric companies want to pass laws in Indiana that lets them store their raw material for making hydrogen fuel cells underground in abandoned coal mines underground, under where you live? Most of all WHY DO THEY WANT TO BE IMMUNE TO LAWSUITS FROM HOME OWNERS LIKE ME if something should go wrong and my property would become uninhabital or damaged? Do they expect trouble?

No thanks. Keep your fuel cells, and stay away from my house. Oh, and if your law passes, the ACLU says we will start a class action lawsuit to block it.


Your voice is low can't hear clearly


Hydrogen is the way forward it's plain too see, electricity is flawed. Hydrogen will triumph.... how ever much they try to keep it down


I think hydrogen is the better solution if we look at the man on the street math. A battery pack really only has a useful lifespan of 5-6 years. Ask anyone who has a laptop, cordless drill etc as those are only larger versions. They also take several hours to charge fully and have issues in Canadian winters. Hydrogen fuel cells work just fine in winter and I can tank up in a couple minutes just like my gas car. If we crack hydrogen with green electricity we have a zero emission road trip. So where is the hydrogen pump at the gas bar?


it's already here with Lucid Air 600+ Miles


Hydrogen fuel cell is just simply a far cleaner source of energy. Far less digging up of resources and more industrial waste during battery construction.


Eventually hydrogen fuel cells will be more efficient due to research. Batteries are heavy, take forever to recharge and end up as an environmental nightmare. The future belongs to hydrogen power.


lithium needs to be harvests, it wll end eventually. hydrogen is everywhere. every country has access to hydrogen.
