How to Create a Mac OS Catalina USB Boot Up Drive

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In this video I will show you how to create a Catalina MacOS USB Boot Disk very easy using a free program called Disk Maker X for the Mac. You will need a USB Drive with 16GB or higher for this to work. See below for links to USB drives...

The Macbook that I use in this video is a 2019 Macbook Pro 13 inch, but you can do this with any Macbook Pro or iMac computer.

The other Macbook that I show in this video is a 2011 Macbook Pro 13 inch. The supported MacOS for the 2011 Macbook Pro is MacOS High Sierra.

I also have another video showing how to create a Mac OS USB Boot Drive using terminal and entering in commands to create it. Please see that video if you wish to try that method.

Please help me reach 20.02K Subs in 2020! Thanks! :]

Samsung 32GB Bar Plus USB 3.1 Drive

SanDisk 16GB Ultra Fit USB 3.1

Transcend 16GB JetFlash 710 USB 3.1/3.0

Baller? Get this 128GB USB 3.1 by Samsung

Ultra Baller? Ok then, how about this 256GB USB 3.1 by Samsung

Oh you VIP??? Get this 512GB Corsair Flash Voyager GTX USB 3.1!

USB-C to USB Adapter by Syntech (for 2016-2019 macbook pro)

USB-C to USB Adapter by Nonda (for 2016-2019 macbook pro)


#macOSCatalina #macOSBootDrive #macOSUSBDrive
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Very detailed. U did an excellent job. The best👏


Hi dude im new here First comment I hope you will be fine and you will see my comment and I’m a new subscriber and i have question when i Earse disk and Select format ApFs then They create disk container by default which take a lil bit space so how we will Reclaim it to main ssd drive or how we will remove it any method


Hey, Hard disk of my 2013 Macbook Air is not functional now. I want to make the external hard-disk bootable and install Catalina, as it does not support Bigsur. I have downloaded Catalina 10.15.7, file size is 4.7GB, could not find the one you were referring to in the video. And I am unable to locate the installer (Install macOs Catalina.dmg) under applications too. Here is the file that I have downloaded macOSUpdCombo10.15.7.dmg. Can you pls share the link of the installer that you have used for the demo in the video?


What happens if you installed it already on your mac?


i am using mid 2011 and recently i have updated Catalina using Patcher but i am not able to enable airdrop option even i have tried to use defaults write BrowseAllInterfaces 1 in terminal but still no shows. please help me if any one have ideas.


any difference between the light and dark option?


I sent you a PIC of my sticker bomb on Instagram and you left me on open :(


Liar. Catalina ain't popping up on my app store 😪
