Creating a Windows bootable USB on a Mac! (Windows 10 or Windows 11)

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Making a Windows bootable USB on a Mac can give you a lot of problems but here is a video giving you step by step instructions how to make it easy. If you have any questions just drop a comment and I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible.

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I rarely ever leave comments on YouTube. Like ever. not on my favorite bands, celebs or artists, or even the most hotly anticipated video games. Hell, I didn't even comment on my own videos when I was a techtuber. But that changes today. YOU SIR, are a gift to mankind. I can't thank you enough, and i hope reading this comment makes your day because this video certainly made mine. All the best!


Thanks to you, I was finally able to install Windows on a new computer, having only a MacBook.This is the only working tutorial on YouTube. And this is my first donation on Youtube.


This is literally the only method that actually works on the whole internet. I know becasue I'ven been everywhere. Thank you!


After hours of trying, yours was the only method that actually worked for me! (I'm on an M1 mac and created a Windows 11 bootable drive). Thank you!


You probably won’t see this but just know you’re an absolute life saver! Spent a week trying to figure this crap out and I finally went to YouTube and found this video and it worked perfectly


before this tutorial, i was working hours upon hours with thousands of errors with your tutorial i was able to install windows on my new pc and create many memories on my computer. I cant thank you enough.


Just a good "old fashioned" tutorial with zero sketchy free trial links. Thanks man, you saved my PC!


Bro thank you for taking out the time to do this tutorial. You seem like a really genuine guy who actually care for people. Keep being you bro! Thanks again my guy 🤝🏽


I know this takes a lot of time and time is precious so thank you for making this man. You are a lifesaver of sorts.


FINALLY a video that actually goes through all of the steps! This is the video I was looking for. Thanks!


Man, thank you so much!

I needed to install Win10 on my workstation and the only computer I had around was my wife's Mac. I've never used one for more than 5 minutes so I was kinda bummed out at the prospect of spending hours to simply get a bootable USB drive.

Turns out BootCamp doesn't work on newer Macs, which sucks because almost every video I've managed to stumble upon shows you how to make a USB with this app. I spent a good hour or two trying to find a way to do it.

It's no exaggeration that you were sent to me by the angels of the search algorithm. I followed along (not without screw ups, but who's perfect?) and it turned out great!

Thanks, man, it's a great video and it was super helpful!


bro I spent so long trying to do this. I had just built my dream PC after many damn years and I couldn't boot bc I have a MacBook. Thank you soooo much bro I was stuck for hours and bummed until I found this video praying it worked. Ur a g. Keep up the damn good work brother.


Dude, when I tell you I’ve been close to just giving up and buying a usb with windows installation media on until I found this, I’m actually so thankful 😭🙏


Thank you. I was concerned about not making (or even having an option to make) a bootable image. But it all worked when done just as described here. The one small surprise was the time it took to split the large file at the end of the process. It was maybe more than 15 minutes, on an M2 Pro Macbook. Thank you.


Blessings for people like you. Not everyone has cross compatible devices and when my desktop shit the bed I was so happy to find this at 12:21 am trying to get a bootable media off my macbook <3


be careful that you but the slash directly behind the direction (sources folder). I tried and tried but the I realised that there was a space. Great video, Thanks man


Simply AMAZING; this has helped me resolve what was seemingly an impossible issue to resolve "bad system config info" on windows.


Someone give my man a medal, a cup, and everything he needs in life. bro you just helped me a lot and I really wanna show my appreciation but im broke.


THIS WORKS!!! FINALLY! I tried so many YT tutorials, where they wanted me to download Virtual Machines of windows, and emulators, and my mac was just NOT having it. Error after error with them. Then, I came across this video and followed it step by step. I didn't understand anything that I was doing, but IT WORKED!!! You are a great teacher and explained everything super clearly. Thankyou!!


After hours of swapping wrong files onto my USB, this tutorial finally made it work.
Thanks for explaining why i dont use exFat (file is too large), and how to split one file into two ! Now it finally made sense and I can boot my PC :)
