Jordan Peterson PROFOUND Argument For God

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Jordan Peterson and Bishop Robert Barron are two of the most prominent defenders of God and religion against modern atheists. This clip is from their most recent discussion along with Father Mike Schmidt.

Peterson's powerful description of this independent and autonomous spirit at work within us offers conscience as evidence of God convincingly.
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Put more succinctly: “the conscience is evidence of God’s moral law written upon the human heart.”


So, basically screwed up big time last night, i woke up at 3 am, convicted of what i did, feeling helpless and started praying to God for forgiveness then i woke up at 7 with an inexplicable peace over me. And then this clip appears on my feed so yeah. God is good! Thank you Jesus!🙏


I woke up one morning after battling with alcoholism for years to a voice in my head saying “Joel, you will never drink again”. It was like someone else was saying it. So strange. After that day, it has never been difficult to say no to a drink. I simply never want to drink again. Am I proud of myself? No. Because I’ve done nothing to deserve to be proud. Lol. It’s so strange the conversations we have with ourselves constantly. Who are we talking to? We ask ourselves questions in our head. Who is asking and who is answering? I don’t know but it seems like the one that answers is the same guy that told me I don’t drink anymore and what he says goes. 😂


Amen Jordan Peterson. May GOD BLESS YOU & your FAMILY!


God does speak to us through our conscience, and we can also feel him through our hearts.... Jordan is so able to verbalize what some of us can only feel . 🙌🏿 🙏


I woke up and a voice said "you cannot be friends with cigarettes anymore". I haven't smoked since.


This is when we feel guilty- the Holy Spirit wants us to reconcile


I’ve found that most men like to act like they don’t, and never have had this 3am problem. But counseling many men over the years has informed me otherwise.
Glad Jordan is sharing this.


I respect this man, He is very wise and has a good heart, he truly tries to help people .I have listened to many of his speeches.


Jordan, you say in clear words something that only our souls knew before we heard you. ❤


The conviction of the Holy Spirit will be insistent and when he points out what you have to be convicted will hurt you and you will repent if you love the Lord your God. Conviction is no joke. Plus, mine was at 8 pm .

***Info. I am a 67 year old woman. The Lord came into my life at 8 years old. Having no religious background or backup I stumbled in the dark for awhile. At about 36 he really got my attention. Now, I know the difference between conscience and conviction. Conscience is when I tell a lie to protect myself but I feel guilty later knowing I did wrong, so I will repent.
The Holy Spirit slowly put the conviction of being too lax in my honoring God. My carelessness with respecting his holiness. My mind try to play it off due to ignorence but the Holy Spirit applied more pressure. My conscience never hurt like that. Once I repented and learn to respect God's holiness in all areas of my life the hurt stopped. I even watch what I write in responses so who God is isn't disrespected by what I write. Childish? Perhaps, but I will stick with it.🌼


This is why I am so conflicted not really conflicted but aware took 51 years to figure out that it’s OK to listen to that person inside you. I finally let go of everything and I’m going through life wide-open because that voice hasn’t ever steered me wrong look how far I’ve come been clean off drugs for 32 years manage to get married to a beautiful woman have a home raised two children that have graduated high school already. I was the black sheep when I was a teenager in the family, I was a mess but now I just listen to the voice and I don’t have to hold on anymore to give Vince myself to listen to it. You’re right, Peterson you just have to become at peace with yourself to let him in and accept it and it will be OK you are loved and just thinking like that. It makes me feel inside. Also, I try to think of things that I want or need and for the longest time I don’t want anything I don’t have any need for anything but my family that’s all I need is my family, it’s an awesome life come and join us


God is the highest form of Being. Those that hear his voice are Blessed beyond measure.


I did this today, woke up at 4am.. and thought about all the people I have hurt that I truly love and how i wouldn’t feel as guilty if it was my enemies as they are the reason why I act like a monster to the ones I loved…

he’s right, that conscienceness is god speaking to u, telling u to turn back now before it’s too late as our action and how we made people feel will be taken into consideration when we die.. doesn’t matter if it’s the brain or the spirit that perceives it, as we will all be accountable one day”


The Spirit of God whispers to me at times and says to apologize when I spoke wrong or did something like ~ I was unkind.
We are to love and to be kind to others, and animals, too! ❤


That stuff can also be explained by the brain. There's no reason to posit the existence of god, when the evidence can be interpreted without a god.


Funny how he says it's up to Atheists to explain this. Buddy, we're not the one making the claims. You are


People who fail to see the argument aren’t disproving his point, but rather exposing themselves for their lack of understanding. Its a complex point condensed into a few sentences and only a YouTube short, but all the required context is there if you’re willing to think about it deeply.


I have really enjoyed watching Jordan grow over the last year or so. Clearly, God is working on him, in him and through him. Praying God will continue his good work in Jordan so he can reach the lost.


Listening to this at 2.56 am. After just waking up
