Brain Damage | Pink Floyd Dark Side of The Moon Animation

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This animation is the result of an 11 month solo project to create a music video for Pink Floyd’s Brain Damage to submit into The Dark Side of The Moon 50th Anniversary Animated Music Video Competition (2023).

Watch my other entries here:

A large amount of the animation has been drawn frame-by-frame in Photoshop and then edited in Adobe After Effects. In character scenes, I've manually rotoscoped frames from live-action footage, nearly all of which I recorded personally. Certain background environments and elements in the animation are 3D rendered, with drawings layered over the top. The majority of the 3D modelling created by myself using Blender, while a few assets were purchased.

Software used:
○ Adobe After Effects
○ Adobe Photoshop
○ Blender

Artist Statement
My interest in animation can be traced back to my early exposure to Gerald Scarfe's animated creations for Pink Floyd's "The Wall" (thanks to my dad's enthusiastic fandom). As I've matured, I've come to realise the profound impact that "The Wall" animations have had on my art practice. It has been a pleasure to work on this animation and feel like I am giving a little back to something that has had such an impact on my life. Participating in this competition has reignited my passion for animating and has equipped me with new valuable skills and knowledge. The connection with my initial inspiration has made this creative endeavour all the more meaningful.

Artist Bio
Lauren Edmonds (b. 1993) is a multimedia artist living and working in Queensland Australia. They completed a Bachelor of Fine Art with Class I Honours at the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University in 2015. Edmonds’ work often deals with socio-political subjects with the intent to incite a critical engagement with viewers or participants. They work in a variety of media including: drawing, animation, installation and object making. As their art practice has developed, Edmonds fosters a growing interest in creating interactive artworks and mixing technology with the handmade.

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This is such an amazing interpretation of the song. I wish you would've won


Sorry but I’m posting the same comment in both of these Pink Floyd videos… : These are FUCKING BRILLIANT not only in how they look and flow as a form of visual art but they really… I mean REALLY elicit emotions. I wish they were part of just one video so I can lose myself a little longer. I’m a 60 year old hippie/ punk hybrid… This hit on every level I’ve ever existed on. While that sounds complex… It’s utterly simple. As an empath… everything comes down to feelings and emotions. Thank you for making and posting these. I hope they last on here without legal bullshit. You took art and you made art with it. ✌🏽❤️🍄🌬️🍃🎸


This is really good, one of the best videos I’ve seen so far in this competition. You really have a grasp of your style, your characters, and you’ve stayed true to that throughout the video. I hope you do well in the competition!


I don't know if anybody has said this or not but you might want to show this to the remaining band members of Pink Floyd because I think they would genuinely be impressed by this interpretation of their work and the lyrics


Amazing work and im sorry this lost to AI generated garbage.


This was phenomenal and so moving, you are so talented. I hope you continue to create. 😊


ive watched a couple different of these and yours is by far my favorite, great narrative, great, art, works wonderfully with Roger's The Wall themes


Да... до 1973 Пинк Флойд был мало кому известен у нас, в СССР. Но The Dark Side Of The Moon моментально стал суперхитом, даже несмотря на то, что у нас пластинок с западным роком не производилось и не продавалось. Это говорит о том, что Настоящее Искусство пробьёт себе дорогу всегда и везде.


This is incredible bro holy crap. The animation and story telling is truly cinematic and so creative. This is one of my absolute favorite songs of all time you did an amazing job visualizing it.


WOW !! Amazing work and as an animator myself I appreciate the amount of work that goes into a piece of art. And the amount of art that goes into a piece of work 😊. Well done Lauren !!


The best video I've seen in this competition, really liked the creative way you interpreted Brain Damage's lyrics to create the animation. You clearly love doing what you do and, at the end of the day, that's what matters. Fingers crossed for your victory, loved your work!

Edit: I wrote this comment last night and Pink Floyd has just posted your video in their Instagram, congratulations!


I'm sorry this lost to a bunch of AI slop. It's a fucking disappointment


bro this is fantastic I wish you the best with this project, whether you win or not this is very appealing to watch. you NAILED IT!


this one. wow. i've watched lots of incredible entries now but this is one of the only ones that is actually about what the album is about.
thank you for making this, cried lots.


The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day, the paperboy brings more
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You rearrange me 'til I'm sane
You lock the door and throw away the key
And there's someone in my head, but it's not me
And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon


This is beautiful and creative! Well done! 🙌🙌🙌


Phenomenal original powerful story telling art, melding across generations.


Amazing animation! Thank you for your beautiful art!❤


absolutely incredible. i got chills so many times throughout this. love it so much!!


Wow, this was truly beautiful, especially with that quote at the end. I've always heard the fish one, but never this about imagination. Thank you.
