What Is The Hardest Sport In The World

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Me attempting to definitely answer what the hardest sport in the world is.
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There’s a difference between being hard and hard to master


There's also a difference between how hard the sport is and how hard it is to become pro. Football/soccer isn't actually the hardest sport, in fact it's easier and more accessible, but it's the hardest to go pro in.


Why is wrestling so underrated in this video. Not just is it 6 strait minutes of literally fighting each other to the mat but also the mental toughness you need to have is insane. On top of that you’re constantly cutting weight.


Hockey is so difficult that the simple act of moving takes a large amount of skill.


Boxing and hockey are the toughest sports to play physically to the body when it comes to physical endurance and stamina. Been playing hockey for 20 years. Every time I play after 5 min I get sick and my heart and lungs hurt like you wouldn’t believe. People have died through having heart attacks right on the ice. Look at the amount of time per shift. Sometimes less than a min then they do a line change. With basketball and soccer players can stay on the pitch or hardwood for almost the entire game. When you talk skill then it’s different but hardest physically is hockey and boxing. Boxing. Try to stand there and throw punches as hard as you cam for as long as you can. You will exhaust yourself in 15 seconds. A title belt consists of 45 min Its unbelievable. Boxing number 1. Hockey number 2. Soccer/ football. You stay on the pitch the whole game. It’s a game of chess a patient waiting game most of the time woth a lot of time to recover while your in the game


Boxing, it’s available and popular everywhere as well as very inexpensive. The amount of dedication and training is beyond insane but still cheap, jumping rope, hitting the bag, running, push ups/sit ups. It requires little to no equipment but restless training. Every country is involved and there are weight classes from the biggest to the smallest can complete. It’s also all on you if you loose you can’t blame a teammate or coach it was you and another man in the ring no more no less. The strength, speed, resilience endurance hand eye coordination are unmatched anywhere. At the end of the day win or loose your going to need days to weeks of recovery from one match and take punishment like no other sport can dish out. Boxing is and has always been the most accessible and hardest sport to to master. Thats why when someone looks like they shouldn’t be walking because there so beaten and damaged behind belief people say he looks like he just went 12 rounds instead of 3 periods, 9 innings or 4 quarters. Let’s put it this way as a nobody given a chance to complete at highest level what’s the one sport you wouldn’t pick? I’m betting you’d be on the soccer field not in the boxing ring.


Love how you just picked the most popular sport so that the most people agree with you




idk but playing yet alone making the MLB thru all those minor leagues/farm systems is amazing. Not my favorite sport but hitting a 98-100mph fastball or 80mph slider with filthy movement with a millisecond to react is utterly insane


eating is the hardest sport in the world but its easy for caseoh


If caseoh was a soccer player he'd be like Adebayo Akinfenwa


I feel like polo is underrated. You're going fast like hockey but on the back of a 1, 000 animal while using sheer core strength to bend over while hanging on with your legs to push/bounce a ball with a stick while trying to keep the ball away from other people on the backs of other 1, 000 pound animals.


"There are only 3 sports. Bullfighting, Motor Racing and Mountaineering. All the rest are merely games." -Ernest Hemingway


I have done many sports jiu jitsu, hand to hand combat, gymnastics, soccer, and more in my opinion any type of gymnastics/ figure skating because of how mentally tough it is and how strong you have to be physically.
And ballet/ dance sorry I forgot but is also incredibly hard


Every eye exam I did in the military gave me 20/16 vision. I never knew there was better than 20/20 until my PA explained it to me.


Formula one - The reason I am saying this is because you have to be athletic to overcome 4, 5, or even 6 g’s is very hard and you have to he very strong to do that but you cant be to strong and big you will have to cut weight like wrestling. You also have to have very quick reactions for turning corners at 160 mph and reacting fast when overtaking and stuff. It is also a very dangerous sport and if you get hurt you have one of the highest rates of dying in sports. It is also very hard and takes lots of time and money to get into formula one about 20-30 million dollars without sponsors so you will probably need rich parents. There is a lot of traveling in f4 to f2 and even more traveling in f1. This isnt my favorite sport so Im not being biased. My favorite sport is baseball but is not nearly as hard as f1.


Soccer is NOT the hardest sport in the world, guaranteed. The hardest sport in the world is actually boxing because it tequires lots of coordination and stamina. If you think your an athlete, try boxing.


Gymnastics is a sport that combines so many athletic disciplines in one package, including, but not limited to flexibility, strength, balance, co-ordination, air-awareness, fitness and speed.
Most sports require one or the other. e.g. you don’t see footballers, athletes renowned for speed and strength doing a split-ring or a switch leap in the middle of a game. So gymnastics requires an all-round package that many athletes don’t have, simply due to specialisation and sport-specific strengths. It is very difficult to maintain strength and flexibility at the same time, due to the body’s nature of strengthening ligaments when muscles are strengthened (as to prevent injury). Gymnasts have to maintain their flexibility and conditioning for up to several hours a day, with their entire body, as it has been shown that they use every single muscle group in the body at different times. When I started gymnastics, I learnt to squeeze muscles that I didn't even know I had.
Gymnasts also have to be mentally, some of the toughest athletes. Mental blocks happen, and the sport is scary. From trusting your body to rotate on both axis, when you hurtling are up to 20ft in the air, to catching a thin bar after doing a release while flying. Gymnasts are also renowned for being tough on themselves, as the sport is all about precision, and doing the right thing at the right time. There is a certain place for every part of your body to be during every skill, from your toes, to you hands to your head, and simply put, if you aren't a perfectionist you won't score well, and in big competitions, failing to point your feet during a skill may well be the difference between winning gold and not even making podium.
Competing on several events is also a lot harder than you may think. Every single event is so different, and could even be classed a new sport in and of itself. Each one uses different skills and needs a different mentality approaching it, i.e. some events, such as rings or bars call for strength, while others, like beam and floor require grace and power. This means that in one competition, gymnasts challenge every aspect of their athleticism, while in other sports, your task is the same throughout the whole competition or game.


True fighting sports (MMA, Wrestling, Boxing ... ) are in my opinion, the hardest sports


Caseoh reacted to this making fun of you for not adding baseball
