The Competition Panels and the Florentine Renaissance

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Filippo Brunelleschi, The Sacrifice of Isaac, 1401–02, bronze, gilding, each 53.3 x 43.2 cm (Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence)

Lorenzo Ghiberti, The Sacrifice of Isaac, 1401–02, bronze, gilding, each 53.3 x 43.2 cm (Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence)

The Competition Panels for the doors of the Florence Baptistry, 1401–02, commissioned by the Arte del Calimala (Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence)

speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker
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How did the boy do? I guess it must have been difficult to trust authority figures later in life? A pretty traumatic experience I would imagine, it is strange how Abraham get all the attention, while the victim here gets overlooked, it is a hard life indeed


Just from an artistic point of view, I would choose Brunelleschi's panel. There is more drama which I think translates from Abraham's extreme faith in God. I love the touch of the angel actually grabbing his hand and stopping him right before tragedy struck. I also appreciate his treatment of Issac's body. It actually looks like a child rather than the greek god-like treatment of Ghiberti. Though, I do love the addition of a landscape by Ghiberti. It adds more cohesion to the piece.


There are elements I love in both panels, and also elements that bother me in both panels. It is however a joyful thing that both of these still exist!


Seeing these two pieces side by side is so illuminating! Love this!


Dang this was a good one. Heavy on the details to explain what was being said, the visual edits are better than ever. Love your work smarthistory!


Its very hard to choose between those two, each one is different and it makes it harder. But If I had to choose, I would propably vote for the Ghiberti one.


These videos just keep getting better and better in terms of information and presentation. Thanks, Smarthistory!


For me, its the Ghiberti, but the comparison is so enlightening. I love the deep dive into Florentine art that you've gone into on this channel. There's so much to be said about the impact of Italian art on everything that came afterwards. Outside of the Western tradition, are there other cities with a similar relationship to art patronage? If so I'd love to see you speak on that.


Always superb and admirable museum narratives.


My tastes tend to favor the Italian Baroque over Italian Renaissance arts; perhaps my preference for Brunelleschi reflects that. In style, his panel almost foreshadows the former.


Dr Beth & Dr Steven take you through art from all over the world in the comfort of your own home. They are my favorite team! They bounce so nicely off each other and their voices and intelligence are exquisite, i love the way they explain things! Thank you smarthistory & Drs!


What is the most important public art made last 5 years in your city ?


We're lucky indeed, as Brunellesci went and mopingly kicked off Renaissance architecture.


By pure chance, I have just completed the chapter about Ghiberti in Vasari's "Lives of the Saints". It was interesting to compare his glowing description of the panels of both sets of doors by Ghiberti with your more analytical descriptions. Both together make me anxious to return to Firenze to more closely study the (copy of) the 'Gates of Paradise'.


I’ve heard the interpretation before that the Brunelleschi is more violent and dramatic, with the angel actively intervening, but I really disagree. When I saw them I immediately felt much greater tension in the Ghiberti price because the angel has not yet managed to reach Abraham. He is at the moment of killing his son, and we don’t yet have the relief of knowing that he will be stopped. For me, Brunelleschi ‘s angel tells the story after the point of crisis has passed, and is therefore less dramatic. Ghiberti's composition is also just visually more striking, as the historians mentioned.


Thanks for telling me to go here it's def a more clear video


So what were these sculptures used for? Are they only for the competition or will the winner's panel's gonna be put on the door?


You weren't kidding about the improved photo quality here, but I loved the other edits in this updated version (e.g. the intrigue behind the artist's responses to the competition, the added biblical context, the 3 sets of doors at the end).
I'd still hate to choose between them, but I'm drawn to the beauty and continuity of Ghiberti's right now.


I am here today ! I could not miss thinking about the commentators /-and their soft voice —as I saw this in person

Amazing !!!


Superb! Brilliant exposition.
At first glance, the Brunelleschi captures one's attention with it's portrayal of violence and urgency, but the Ghiberti panel ultimately proves to be more moving in the way that it explores the solemnity and allegorical nature of the scene through it's depth (both literally and figuratively) and focus.
