Reporters Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein discuss the 50th anniversary of Watergate (Full Stream 6/17)

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They are responsible for what may be the most famous story in the history of investigative journalism. Join Washington Post Live on Friday, June 17 at 1:00 p.m. ET to hear from legendary reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein as they discuss the 50th anniversary of the Watergate break-in, how they got the story and its lasting impact.

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I adore watching this stuff so I'm lucky you don't have to be there in person. On another interview recorded 8 years ago I wrote, "This (topic) is not one day outdated. Still insightful and relevant. Like anything good ... it's endlessly fascinating. I also love seeing that those two serious reporters have a lovely sense of humor and while not mandatory a friendship. They respect one another." In 1982 as a Congressional Intern I toured the Washington Post, a good memory.


I'm so glad this ended with the story of Frank Wills. Frank Wills is the unsung hero of Watergate. He had the character to report "something out of place" to the police.


After digesting numerous YT videos regarding Watergate, Woodward and Bernstein are so relevant today, even after 50 years have passed. I'm so startled by the blatant subversion of the Rule of Law. I fear for our democracy and Freedom of the Press.


I had the chance to meet Carl Bernstein and Ben Bradley at Miami Dade College. Both memorable events.


thank you all for posting it here.


It was great reporting but I feel, even though Nixon was a crazy cook, we all were hurt by Watergate and it would have been best had they initially acknowledged and apologized for the break in and the administration had completed its 2nd term


W&B have amazing memories of events that occurred many decades ago


Journalism schools were tough to get into in the seventies and eighties because everyone wanted to be Woodward and Bernstein!


unlike trump, at least Nixon had the decency to resign. also, unlike trump, Nixon was intelligent.


2:42 intro. 7:50 panel... 41:10 role of John Dean... 49:19 what do you do when impeachments don't work?


This is so relevant i todays political climate.


Very informative will watch movie again


We have a different country today...says it all!


They represent the fine silk line that supports the structure you live in. I hope that added lines will appear in the fixture. You need it badly.


Ask Woodward & Bernstein: "If it is the people who are important in determining today how we will continue to be governed, while so much has changed in the way(s) in which the people of the country receive news and information, how and has it become necessary to update an educational system which has in the minds of many failed to keep pace, to fuel "the people's" will, desire, and ability to understand when and how our leaders may be failing us and our representative democracy (?). - Farley Andrews, CA


Carl still wears sneakers....very cool. 😊


Watergate was tittley winks compared to trump coup .


"If I may..., " "If I may..." POSSIBLY an adaptive mindset to Carl taking up most of the time, with all respect. Going back to their friggin Bill Buckley appearance back when. Yeesh.


Too bad that exposing Watergate did far less than people were led to believe, and did nothing as far as keeping either Democrats or republicans honest, accountable and from being above the law. How much did Nixon pay for his crimes, compared to the millions who were killed in Vietnam and Cambodia. And how all the young American who gave life and limb, who suffered for decades after the war with shame, guilt, nightmares, suicide, destroyed marriages and families. Do the Vietnamese who suffered from loss of life, mutilation, starvation, poverty, and decades of deformed babies, illness and torture of those abandoned by the very people they served, befriended and were lied to by. Nixon lost his job, suffered slightly more embarrassment than he would have if the story never broke, he did no jail time, no criminal record, still received all the benefits a former president gets, and didn't once have to beg for a few dollars on the street to eat or be able to buy the cure to stop the pain, guilt, and shame given to the vets who ended up being spit on and called baby killers. How many politicians since Watergate have been called baby killers, murders, rapists, drug addicts, left to sleep on the streets, had to watch their children being raped, beaten, blow apart or forced into the fields as human mine detectors by GI's threatening to beat them if they refused even though every single president since has been responsible for thousands if not millions of deaths, causing starvation, disease, suffering and living under extreme poverty, none!
Too bad this interview wasn't today, they might not be so jolly when laughing about Trump, considering they were peddling a pack of lies about Russia gate.


All the President's Men 2. The Deplorable Years. Lol
